23 SEP 2017


Place: Carmel American Legion, 852 West Main Street, Carmel, IN

Date: Saturday, 23 SEP 2017

Time: 1000 Hours

Those present: Lt Col Joe Swaim, Lt Col Jim Schluckbier, COL Clarence Scott, COL John Topper, COL Bill Willis, CWO-3 Jay Morgan, CAPT Chuck Jindrich, l, COL Dan Oates, BG Jim Bauerle, and CDR Fred Hendricks.

Elected Board Members absent were: RADM Tom Hill, SMSgt James Frier, Col Scott Russell, and Col Larry Alexander.

Call to Order – Lt Col Joe Swaim

Opening - Pledge to the Flag of the United States: Lt Col Swaim, President

Opening - Prayer: Lt Col Swaim

Introduction of Guests: None.

Secretary Report on Minutes: Lt Col Schluckbier – Approved and sent via e-mail.

Treasurers Report: COL Scott

·  The FY 2017-18 Budget is over Budget by $807.74.

o  Reasons: 2017 Convention and 2016 Global Affairs Seminar expenses reimbursement request not received until 23 JUN 2017.

·  Income was $134.80 from Kroger.

·  Expense was administration expense of $6.82.

·  Financial Report was presented. Balance = $11,495.99.

·  Extensive discussion about 2018 Convention costs and funding methods.

·  Dues Rebates – Recent financial report submissions make the Dept of Indiana eligible for rebates. Term dues rebates of $3,893.18 should be received by 1 NOV. Life dues rebates need ExCom finalization on 27 SEP before they are issued. Per the Dept Bylaws, dues rebates will be split 50/50 with Chapters.

·  Motion by Col Oates and 2nd by CDR Hendricks to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Voice vote approved motion.

Section Reports:

·  Army VP: COL Oates – Plans to increase Army runs into demographic issue that 70% of potential recruits can’t qualify (testing, weight, drugs, criminal record, etc.). Meeting manpower with all volunteer force will be difficult to attain. Budget uncertainty has left military unable to prepare for future fight, according to SECDEF Mattis.

·  Naval VP: CWO-3 Morgan – Ship stand down after two wrecks to get safety defined and fixed. South China Sea issue with militarization of small manmade islands.

·  Air Force VP: BG Bauerle – Reported that C-5 aircraft are being retired, as reported at the recent Chap 7 meeting.

·  Chaplain: LTC Moore – No report.

·  Legislative Report / Military Coalition: BG Jim Bauerle – Two documents passed out. Geographic distribution of Veterans Affairs expenditures and current issues. Second item showed the 14 items on the Military coalitions Legislative goals for the next session at the state capital.

·  Congressional Affairs: COL Willis – Passed out a document that summarized key points of the SASC mark-up of the FY 2018 NDAA.

o  Bottom Line is $700 Billion

o  Authority to order retired members to active duty in high-demand, low density assignments.

o  Nationwide shortage of 500,000 cyber security professionals. Need cyber security education and training.

·  Membership Report: COL Runyon – Membership data from National ROA. Dept = 774, a net loss of 167. Discussed membership actions and list of losses by name that we need to get to extend their membership.

·  Drum & Bugle Report: BG. Bauerle – Plan to publish it in OCT. Need inputs from the Dept and Chapters.

·  ROTC Report: LTC Jim Turley – Nothing new to report.

Chapter Activities Reports:

·  Chapter Fiscal Year End – Chapters 1 and 63 need to revise their end dates to 31 MAR of each year per National ROA guidance.

·  Chapter 1 – Met on 20 SEP with good turn out (23 attendees). Speaker was an author who told about WW II activities in Evansville

·  Chapter 7 – Met on 13 SEP. Speaker talked about C-5 aircraft. Next meeting is 6 DEC.

·  Chapter 15 – Holding joint meetings with MOAA.

·  Chapter 63 – No report.

Old Business:

Certificate of Appreciation: Lt Col Swaim presented a framed Certificate of Appreciation to American Legion Post 155 Commander Carson for their allowing the Dept of Indiana ROA to conduct Board Meetings there.

ROA Strategic Moment Campaign / Fund Raisers: CDR Hendricks – Discussed several ideas as follows:

·  Kroger’s Community Rewards Program for non-profit organizations provides funds when members make purchases at their local stores.

·  Sustaining Members – Request to have ROA Members donate to help the Department. Lt Col Swaim to create a letter requesting participation.

Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame – Opening of Indiana Military Veterans Hall of Fame building at Ft. Harrison has been delayed.

2018 Dept of Indiana ROA Convention: COL Topper – In addition to funding discussed during the Treasurers Report, we learned:

·  Double Tree Evansville is the location with room rates of $91/night.

·  Speakers planned are Sen. Donnelly and MGEN Snow.

·  Raffling a 9mm pistol to raise funds to support the Convention.

2017 National Convention: COL Willis – Passed out the National Legislative Agenda. All proposed amendments to the National Bylaws failed except one about the Legislative Committee. Some talk about the 2018 Convention.

ROA National Convention: CAPT Jindrich –

·  2018 Convention location is still being determined between 3 cities (Memphis, Kansas City, and Indianapolis). We are working on a proposal to host it in Indianapolis. If Indianapolis is approved, there will be a lot of work for the Dept of Indiana ROA.

Global Affairs Seminar 2017: COL Willis has locked up two speakers – Peggy Mayfield a State Representative, and BG Joseph Edwards – Deputy Commanding General of Ft. Knox. Plan to invite James Carafano – Author.

·  Flyer is ready to publish once the speakers are confirmed.

·  Announcement in Drum& Bugle waiting for same info.

New Business:

Ask for New Business: Lt Col Swaim –

Veterans Appreciation Day: BG Bauerle – At Indiana State Capital on 9 JAN.

Red White and Brew Fest: BG Bauerle – Will occur on 14 OCT at 2-6:00 PM.

Indianapolis Veterans Day: BG Bauerle – Banquet on 11 NOV cost is $25. It starts at a 5:00 PM Social Hr. Motion by COL Willis and 2nd by BG Bauerle was made to sponsor a table for $100 above the $25/person cost, which was approved by voice vote.

Meeting Dates:

Meeting Location: Carmel American Legion, Carmel, IN for most meetings.

Meeting Dates:

Military Appreciation Day/GAS//Fall ROA Mtg. 18 NOV 17 Firm

Dept. Board Meeting 27 JAN 18 Firm

Dept Board Meeting 24 MAR 18 Firm

Dept Annual Meeting (Convention) 21 APR 18 Firm

Proposed Meeting Dates

Dept. Board Meeting 23 JUN 18 Tentative

National Convention TBD Tentative

Dept. Board Meeting 22 SEP 18 Tentative

Military Appreciation Day/GAS//Fall ROA Mtg. 17 NOV 18 Tentative

Dept. Board Meeting 26 JAN 19 Tentative

Dept Board Meeting 23 MAR 19 Tentative

Dept Annual Meeting (Convention) 27 APR 19 Tentative

For the good of the organization:

Next Board Meeting: 18 NOV 2017 at approximately 1400 at the Lawrence Readiness Training Center in Lawrence, IN (old Ft Harrison).

Motion to Adjourn was made by Col Oates with 2nd by BG Bauerle, which was approved by voice vote.

Meeting Adjourned –1230 hrs


James C. Schluckbier, Lt Col, USAF (Ret)

Secretary, Dept of Indiana ROA