The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ
September 10-15, 2017
Table of Contents:
Deadline Summary -- Important Dates for all Authors page 1
Instructions for Completing the Copyright Transfer Form page 2
Copyright Transfer Form page 3
Paper Format Requirements pages 4-5
IEEE PDF Requirements pages 6-8
Paper Format Template pages 9-10
Electronic Presentation Guide:
Guidelines and electronic template for Power Point Presentation as well as guidelines for Poster Display in the Author’s Corner will be distributed to authors by June 6, 2017.
Deadline Summary -- Important Dates for All Authors:
Submit Paper Draft to Mentor (CC: Subcommittee Chair) May 1, 2017
n Electronically Submit Author Biographies to EOS/ESD Association, Inc. May 1, 2017
n Electronically Submit Copyright Transfer to EOS/ESD Association, Inc. May 1, 2017
n Send revised paper draft to Mentor (CC: Subcommittee Chair) May 19, 2017
Submit Final Paper
n Send electronic - Microsoft Word file AND IEEE compliant PDF file to EOS/ESD Association, Inc. (CC: Mentor, Subcommittee Chair, TPC chair) June 5, 2017
Submit Power Point Slide Presentation Draft
n To Moderator (CC: Subcommittee Chair, TPC chair, A/V Chairs) July 10, 2017
Submit Final Version of Power Point Slide Presentation
n To EOS/ESD Association, Inc. (CC: Moderator, A/V Chairs, Subcommittee Chair,
TPC Chair) Aug. 4, 2017
Your paper must follow the format guidelines contained in this document. An electronic Microsoft Word AND IEEE PDF eXpress compliant Adobe Acrobat® PDF file of your paper must be submitted to EOS/ESD Association, Inc. by the deadlines shown above.
Please read the attached pages as there are critical instructions and guidelines for you to follow.
EOS/ESD Association, Inc.
7900 Turin Rd., Bldg. 3; Rome, NY 13440
Phone: +1 (315) 339-6937 E-mail:
Subcommittee Chair: chair of the session in which your paper is placed, typically the chair of the sub-committee that reviewed your abstract
Mentor: committee member that was assigned to your paper
Moderator: person that will moderate the session of your presentation (in many cases same as Subcommittee chair)
TPC: chair of the Technical Program Committee
A/V Chair(s): Person(s) responsible for coordinating all details related to audio and visual requirements
InstructIons for CompletIng the CopyrIght Transfer Form
All first authors MUST complete a copyright transfer form and return it to EOS/ESD Association, Inc. by May 1, 2017. Completed copyright transfer forms must be sent (emailed preferred) to the address given on the forms below.
The United States copyright law requires that the transfer of copyrights in each contribution from the author be confirmed in writing. It is therefore necessary that you execute the form and return it as promptly as possible.
If you are employed and you prepared your paper as a part of your job, the rights to your paper rest with your employer. When you sign the appropriate copyright transfer form, it is assumed that you are authorized to do so by your employer. If not, it should be signed by someone so authorized.
For jointly authored papers, only one signature is required; it is assumed that all authors have been advised.
It is planned to make the presentations available, in pdf format, for attendees that fill out the on-line symposium enquiry. If you agree to make your presentation available, please check the box of the signed copyright transfer form.
Thank you for your prompt cooperation.
7900 TURIN RD; BLDG. 3
ROME, NY 13440-2069
The undersigned transferee or transferees (the “Transferee”), desiring to present the above paper at the EOS/ESD Symposium sponsored by EOS/ESD Association, Inc. (the “Sponsor”) hereby transfers its copyrights in the above paper (the “Paper”) to the sponsor for reproduction and publication and for distribution and/or sale to include but not limited to, distribution and sale in electronic format and through the Sponsor’s web site.
In return for these rights, the Sponsor hereby grants the Transferee, and the employers for whom the work was performed, permission to:
1. Reuse portions of the paper in other works.
2. Reproduce the above paper for personal or internal use, provided that:
a. the source [EOS/ESD Symposium] is indicated
b. the copies are not used in a way that implies Sponsor endorsement of a product or service of an employer.
c. the copies are not offered for sale.
In exercising its rights under copyright, the Sponsor will make all reasonable efforts to act in the interest of the Transferee and employers as well as in its own interest. In particular, the Sponsor will require that:
1. The consent of the first-named Transferee is sought as a condition for granting republication permission to others.
2. The consent of the Transferee, or its employers, is obtained as a condition in granting permission to others to reuse a portion or all of the Paper for promotion or marketing purposes.
In the event the Paper is not accepted and published by the Symposium, or is withdrawn by the author before acceptance by the Symposium, this agreement becomes null and void.
The Transferee allows the Sponsor to make the final presentation, in secure pdf format, available for download through the Sponsor’s web site.
Signature Date form signed ______
Title (if not author)
The electronic template for the manuscript formatting can be found at the end of the document. Your cooperation is needed in order to produce high quality Symposium Proceedings. Everyone – you as the author and the Symposium event as a whole will benefit.
• The text font to be used is Times New Roman. Fonts used for illustrations may be different.
• All text and illustrations must fit within a sheet of standard 8.5” x 11” paper (“Letter”) with the following page margins:
Top Margin = 0.56” (or 1.42cm) Bottom Margin = 1.00” (or 2.54cm)
Left Margin = 0.81” (or 2.06cm) Right Margin = 0.81” (or 2.06cm)
• Authors from Asia and Europe: please note that the 8.5” x 11” (“Letter”) format is different from the usual A4 paper. Please change the settings in your page setup.
• The Title Page of your paper must begin with the paper title. Under the paper title, list all authors and their affiliations. The complete mailing address, phone, and e-mail information of the first author is required. For co-authors, this information is optional.
• Below the author information, your paper abstract must be printed. The abstract should be approximately 50 words up to an absolute maximum of 100 words. Paragraph should start with “Abstract” in bold. DO NOT TYPE “50 WORD” before the word Abstract.
• All main text must be printed in 2 columns with the following format:
Column Width = 3.34” (or 8.5cm) Column Spacing = 0.2” (or 0.5cm)
• Consider to add acknowledgements at the end of the paper for additional contributors to the paper who are not co-authors, for research grants received to perform the work, for mentors etc.
• References are indicated by square brackets [1] and are to be listed at the end of the paper. We recommend using automatic numbering and the “Cross-reference” function in the “Insert” tab as illustrated in the example paper below. Example: Technique Alpha was introduced by Smith [1]. This method insures correct numbering automatically. It is also possible to employ the “Insert Endnote” function of Word under the References tab, but formatting and placement can become more difficult. Please double check, whether all of your references have been addressed in the text.
• Figures and Tables may spread over either one or both text columns. Minimum font size in Figures should not drop below 9 pt for readability. Reducing number of labels of the axis may help. Avoid screen shots (hard copies) of graphs e.g. from the oscilloscope. Export them into a spreadsheet program. Use white background and dark thick lines for figures and drawings. Please verify that they print out well in grayscales on a black/white printer.
• Figures and tables should be labeled and numbered. Use the “Insert Caption” function under the References tab to create figures with automatic numbering. The “Cross-reference” function inserts a numbered reference to the figure.
*** Please use the current style sheet and use the spell checker before submitting.
The template on the last two pages shows exactly the formatting to be followed. All formatting is provided by Microsoft Word Styles.
The following formats are needed for the paper and are provided as “Styles” which are contained in this template (i.e. this MS Word document). By copying the template, you can import the styles to your paper document and begin using the styles. The styles will appear in MS-Word under Format/Styles and in your Formatting Toolbox or Quick Styles Toolbox. The styles to be uses are as follows:
ESD_Heading 1
ESD_Heading 2
ESD_Heading 3
Please be aware during writing: Failure to follow any of the guidelines above may result in the paper being rejected up until time of publication or presentation.
All submitted PDF files have to be compliant with IEEE PDF requirements described at
This document defines the PDF requirements for creating PDF files for IEEE Xplore®. The goal of this specification is creating PDF files that are viewable on a broad range of computers and download reasonably quickly regardless of connection speed.
To ensure compliance with IEEE PDF requirements use IEEE PDF eXpress at To use PDF eXpress you have to register at IEEE site with Conference ID: 40966X.
Please make sure that once the PDF file is created using PDF eXpress you e-mail the copy of the generated PDF file to EOS/ESD Association, Inc. (cc: TPC Chair and mentor) (by June 2, 2017).
Below, please find detailed instructions on how to use PDF eXpress
PDF eXpress Process Overview
Go to IEEE PDF eXpress website (, and:
1. Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account, entering basic contact information; gets confirmation of account creation email.
2. Upload a PDF for Checking or source file(s) for Conversion; get email confirmation of file receipt.
3. Submitted PDFs are checked for IEEE Xplore®-compatibility; source file(s) are converted to IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs. If a PDF is submitted: you will receive an email stating that PDF Passed or Failed the Check. If the PDF fails, a PDF Check report is attached to the email. Author goes to account and clicks "Understanding the PDF Check Report" for solutions. If source is submitted: you will receive the IEEE PDF eXpress-generated PDF as an attachment, and through your IEEE PDF eXpress account. Review PDF to ensure that it views on screen and prints as you intended.
4. If necessary, revisions may be submitted (PDF or source); return to Step 2. Make sure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or content errors in articles prior to submitting to PDF eXpress.
5. When you have an acceptable, IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF, submit this final PDF to the conference. PDF eXpress is NOT a file collection site.
Supported Browsers
The following browsers are recommended to use IEEE PDF eXpress:
• Netscape 6 and higher
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Creating your IEEE PDF eXpress Account (possible after April 1, 2017)
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Once you have created your account, you can login anytime to submit PDFs for checking, or source files for conversion to PDF.
Uploading Files
Login to your account, and click on the "Create New Title" button, located beneath the Title Status Table. Enter the title of your submission in the field provided, and then click either "Submit PDF for Checking" or "Submit Source File(s) for Conversion". The next screen will allow you to upload your file.
At any time, you may alternate between submitting PDFs and source files for one title, up to the maximum number of Checks and Conversions allotted per title. Never submit a revision to an existing title by clicking Create New Title. If you use up all of your Checks and Conversions for a title, contact .
Revising your Submission
Click on the "Try Again" link for the paper you want to change. Remember that you may submit either a PDF or source file(s), until you reach the maximum PDF Checks/Source File Conversions, for that title. If you reach both maximums for a title, contact .
Never Create a New Title for a submission already in the IEEE PDF eXpress database!
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IEEE PDF eXpress checks only PDFs for compatibility with the latest IEEE Xplore PDF Specification. No other file types will be accepted.
After submitting a PDF to IEEE PDF eXpress, it will be reviewed, and a report will be generated and sent via email to the address provided for your account. The email either will confirm that the PDF is compatible, or that the PDF is not compatible, and the PDF Check Report will be attached.
If your PDF contains errors, go to your IEEE PDF eXpress account and click Understanding the PDF Check Report, for information on what the report means, and how to fix the problem(s) found.
If you are able to fix the problem(s) yourself, go to your account, click Try Again, and submit your new PDF (that you've fixed or recreated) for Checking.
If you are having trouble, you may submit source file(s) for Conversion. You may also contact IEEE PDF Support at for additional help in making IEEE Xplore-compatible PDFs, and to answer questions about the IEEE Xplore PDF Specification.