AP Human Geography

There are 2 components to your summer assignment:

1)  World Map. This assignment will take a good amount of time to do well, but it will also familiarize you with the world’s physical geography. I think you will be pleased with the finished product. Please see the attached detailed assignment sheet.

2)  Read and take notes on chapters 1-5 of The Power of Place by Harm de Blij. You don’t have to read the entire book during the summer, just the first 5 chapters (which amounts to about half the book). We will have an essay test over the first 5 chapters during the first week of school. You will be allowed to use any handwritten notes you take on the book for the test, so take good notes. See the attached assignment sheet for more details on what topics you should focus on.

Please feel free to email me with any questions you have about the assignments. My email address is: . I look forward to meeting you in the fall!

1. AP Human Geography Map Project

Name ______Period: ______

Mapping the World - Cartographic Skills

Project Objective: To familarize the student in geographical locations around the world and better prepare them for the AP Examination.


grid: series of lines which intersect ones another at right angles; the entire

concept of latitude and longitude is based upon a ‘global grid”

latitude: lines or circles drawn on a map or a globe which are designed to

measure distance from 0° to 90° north or south of the equator.

< all lines of latitude are known as parallels

< parallel lines are lines which remain equidistant apart from one another at all times, never intersecting

< the distance between each line of latitude averages about 69 miles but in reality varies from 68.7 miles at the equator to 69.4 miles at the poles due to the flattening of the Earth at the poles

< the equator has no directional designation; it is simply 0° latitude

< the poles have no longitudinal designation because all the meridians intersect there

longitude: lines or semi-circles drawn on a map or globe which are designed to

measure distance from 0° to 180° east and west of the prime meridian

< all lines of longitude are known as meridians

< all meridians intersect at the poles

< the distance between each lines of longitude at the equator is 69.17 miles

< the prime meridian and the international dateline have no longitudinal designation (east or west)

< the prime meridian is 0° longitude, the international dateline is 180° longitude

legend: (also known as the “key”); lines, circles, dots, colors, or symbols

drawn on a map or globe which interpret the meaning of the map

compass rose: a pictorial representation of direction found on a map or globe

Activity Directions: Use pencil only for this part of the activity. Mark

lightly so you can erase easily.

1. Using table and floor space, measure a rectangle that measures 36" x 18"

on your paper/poster. Measure 9” from the top and bottom of the rectangle. Draw a horizontal line that divides the rectangle in half. This line will be the equator. Then measure 6 3/4" from the top and bottom of the rectangle and draw two horizontal lines across the rectangle. These lines will be the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn. Then bisect the rectangle vertically 18" from each side. This will be the prime meridian. Lines must be perpendicular and parallel.

worth 2.5 points ______

2. Along the top and bottom of the rectangle make marks that are 1 inch apart.

Connect the marks to form longitude lines 10° apart.

worth 2.5 points ______

3. Along the sides of the rectangle make marks that are 1 inch apart.

Beginning at the outside edge of the rectangle connect the marks to form

longitude lines 10° apart.

worth 2.5 points ______

The scale of the final grid will be 1 inch = 10° of either latitude or


worth 2.5 points ______

5. You may now start drawing your world map. The easiest way is to pick a

continental point on your grid and on the world map. For example, Africa

contains the 15°N, 15W° coordinates. Locate these coordinates on a world map, or a map of Africa. Transfer your reference points using LIGHT pencil dots. After you are satisfied with how it looks, connect the dots to create the outline.

This does not have to be perfect. Your map should be geographically realistic.

Each continent should be labeled.

This is the recommended sequence of drawing and labeling the continents -

Africa worth 3 points ______

Australia worth 3 points ______

S. America worth 3 points ______

N. America worth 3 points ______

Europe worth 3 points ______

Asia worth 3 points ______

Antarctic worth 3 points ______


New Zealand, Madagascar, New Guinea, Borneo, Greenland, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Sicily, Victoria, Hawaii, Tasmania, Sri Lanka, Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku, Formosa (Taiwan), Java, Philippine Islands, Sakhalin Island, Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Newfoundland, Falkland Islands, and Galapagos

worth 1 point each ______

Mountain Ranges:

Appalachian, Alps, Andes, Apennines, Balkan, Carpathian, Caucasus, Drakensberge, Himalayas, Mitumba, Pyrenees, Rockies, Scandinavian, Urals, and Hindu Kush

worth 1 point each ______


Strait of Hormuz, Strait of Malacca, Mozambique Channel, Panama Canal, Suez Canal, Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, Strait of Gibraltar

worth 1 point each______


Sahara, Australian, Arabian, Gobi, Kalahari, Turkestan, Takla Makan, Namib, Sonoran, Somali, Thar

worth 1 point each______

Bodies of Water

Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Arabian Sea, Aegean Sea

worth 1 point each ______

Lake Chad, Lake Titicaca, Hudson Bay, Great Lakes (Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Superior), Bering Sea & Strait, English Channel, Lake Torrens, Coral Sea, Lake Nyasa, Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan (East Sea), Celebes Sea, South China Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Lake Victoria, Aral Sea

worth 1/2 point each ______


Amazon, Congo, Zambezi, Niger, Nile, Ganges, Euphrates, Tigris, Huang He (Yellow), Yangtze, Mekong, Yenisey, Mississippi, Danube, Volga, Indus

worth 1/2 point each ______


Tokyo, Seoul, Cairo, Mexico City, New York, Jerusalem, Baghdad, Mumbai, Rome, Athens, Istanbul (Constantinople), Beijing, Jakarta, Sao Paolo, Delhi, Venice, Osaka, Moscow, Shanghai, Manila, Mecca, Los Angeles, Calcutta, Mogadishu, Lagos, Buenos Aires, Beijing, Karachi, Rio de Janeiro, Tehran, Dhaka, London, Paris

worth 1/2 point each ______


Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn worth 2.5 points each ______

Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle worth 1 point each ______

International Date Line worth 2 points ______

Legend Box worth 5 points ______

Equator worth 2 points ______

Special Instructions:

1.  NEATNESS counts!!!! SPELLING counts!!!!

2.  PRINT all names in small but easily readable letters.

3.  Use different colors for landforms: seas, rivers and lakes, and mountains.

4.  These colors should be included and explained in your legend (key).

5.  Remember that your map is unique and may not look like other maps. As long as the beginning latitude and longitude grid are correct, you will be okay.

6.  Use whatever references and resources necessary.

Due: Friday, August 23, 2013

2. Reading Assignment

Directions: Read chapters 1-5 of The Power of Place: Geography, Destiny, and Globalization’s Rough Landscape by Harm de Blij. The first 5 chapters that you will be reading over the summer is approximately half of the book. While reading the book, take hand-written notes about the material. We will be discussing the book during the first week of school, and you will need to bring a completed copy of the pre-organizer questions with you to that discussion. The pre-organizer can be found on the next page – I recommend filling it out as you read the book. The questions and topics below should help guide and focus your note-taking.


·  The impact of physical geography on development

·  What does the author mean by “globals, locals, and mobals” and what is the significance of breaking down the population into those categories?

·  The Core-Periphery Model (World Systems Theory) – this is most likely the biggest concept you need to understand for this course.

·  Medical Geography: Diseases and medical treatments, what regions are most affected

·  Cultural Aspects: How does religion play a role in economic development? What are some examples of gender inequalities and ethnic inequalities? How is language such an important and powerful factor in development and economic opportunity?

·  What are the major natural disasters to which the earth is subject, and which areas are especially susceptible to each? What kinds of consequences do these natural disasters cause to the development of the affected people and societies?

Students will complete an assessment consisting of short essay questions during the first week of school. Students will be allowed to use their handwritten notes during the test. Typed notes will not be allowed. In other words, take good notes and make sure they are handwritten, not typed.

Socratic Seminar Ticket

Directions: To prepare for our discussion on Thursday, make sure you have thought about and have notes covering the following questions. You will bring these answers with you to class that day. If you took good notes while you were reading the book, you have probably already answered many of these questions. If that is the case, there is no need to rewrite the answers – just mark in your notes the places where you have already answered those questions. If you did not talk about some of these issues in your reading notes, add them to your notes before Thursday.

Define and be able to explain/discuss the following terms and ideas:

·  globals

·  locals

·  mobals

·  flatness

·  globalization

·  global core vs. periphery

·  “boundaries” (between core and peripheral areas)

·  lingua franca

Make sure your notes include information about the spatial distributions of the world’s languages, religions, diseases, and natural disasters. Additionally, you should be ready to talk about each of these topics’ differing impact on globals, locals, and mobals. [In other words: How do diseases affect locals? How is that different from how diseases affect globals? Why does it affect them differently? etc.]

With regards to the chapter on religion, make sure you include information about why certain religions come to be concentrated in certain areas. What is de Blij’s opinion about religion’s power and overall effect on human society? How does de Blij argue for his viewpoint? Be ready to discuss specific examples that he cites.

Prepare 2 discussion questions related to topics in the book that you could ask your classmates on Thursday. These questions should require your classmates to analyze, wrestle with, and evaluate broader topics and ideas, not just remember specific facts. [For example, a good question might be something like, “What factors encourage and/or discourage people from migrating to different countries?” A not-so-good question would be something like, “How many people migrated last year?” – the second question just asks for a number and would not by itself lead to any discussion of deeper issues.] Write the two discussion questions you want to ask below: