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Long Walk Tuesday 22nd August

Seven U3A members ventured on a 6 mile circular route around Beeley and Chatsworth on what proved to be a beautiful sunny day. We headed north-east from Beeley, ascending steadily towards and through Beeley Plantation. Having gained height, the walk continued along the hillside above Chatsworth before heading down for lunch in the café at Chatsworth House. After lunch, the route continued along the river through the valley to return to Beeley village.

Thanks to Liz for leading the walk and Kath for the photos.

Local History Group visit to St May’s Church in the Lavce Market

A very interesting and informative visit led by Michael Clark. Details such as glimpses of the pre-Reformation church floor, fragments of Medieval glass, the magnificent stained glass windows, the story of the Lions and Unicorn figures, the memorials to Nottingham Worthies, a visit to the Chapter House, the wooden angels (due to be gilded above the nave), were among the many things described enthusiastically by Michael – a visit appreciated by all.

Joan Bailey

Photography – Knobs + Knockers

In July, the group took advantage of glorious sunshine and toured The Park photographing interesting signs and old hydrants. It proved a fascinating hunt, with hitherto overlooked details being discovered. More photos on the website!

Mike Newbold

Monthly Coffee Morning and Talk

Monthly Meeting 19th September 2017

Emeritus Professor Philip Gammage (PhD D Phil)

“A light hearted look at education over the last 50 years”

Philip is an emeritus professor at the University of Nottingham and has had a highly esteemed career in education. He is willing to share some of his funny, and even hilarious insights and perceptions from his personal experience in education. We have all had an educational experience. Remember your own schooling? Has education come full circle? What is really going on?

Philip is drawing on his experience as a student in Oxford, Bristol and London, as well as his early teaching and academic careers, life as Dean of Education at Nottingham University, and his OECD and UNICEF work in 21 countries around the world. Philip was “head hunted” to work in South Australia in 1996 to advise the Minister of Education and spent the next 20 years there for 6 months each year. During this time he also maintained work in the northern hemisphere, notably Finland, where he received an honorary doctorate in 2006 for his loyal services to education.

6th September / Practical Art / 2pm @ Julia Seroff house
4th September / Photography / 2pm @ NSRC
6th September / NEW GROUP Cycling 4-6 miles / 10am @ NSRC
12th September / Short Walk – Andrew Martin
Dunkirk and Old Lenton / 10am @ NSRC
12th September / Mah Jongg / 2pm @ ActiveAce Tearoom
13th September / Table Tennis / 10am @ NSRC
9th September / Learning German / 2.30pm @NSRC
11th September / Local History – St Mary’s Church
Michael Clark (Church Tour Guide)
‘The Stained Glass’ / 11am @ West Door Church Porch
18th September / Photography / 2pm @ NSRC
19th September / Monthly Meeting
Talk by Emeritus Professor Philip Gammage (PhD D Phil) / 10am @ NSRC
21st September / Newsletter / 2pm @ NSRC
26th September / Long Walk – Andrew Martin
Rutland Water / 10am @ NSRC
22nd September / Mah Jong / 2pm @ ActiveAce Tearoom
27th September / Table Tennis / 10am @ NSRC
25th September / Bridge / 2pm @ NSRC