Organization Name
Exhibit B: Letters and Notifications (SCORED)
Letters of Support and Collaboration (Scored)
Current ECEAP Contractor, submitting letters is optional.
Scoring will be based on most recent data collected by DEL on parent engagement and community partnershipsand/or any letters submitted.
Applicant not a current ECEAP Contractor:
- Submit at least four letters of support and collaboration to the Application.
- One must be from a parent who has received your services.
- One must be from one of your local school districts.
- Two must be from community partners that you would work with to provide ECEAP services.
Coordination with Neighboring Head Start/ECEAP Organizations(Scored)
The Applicant must identify and notify each of Head Start grantees/ECEAP Contractors that may recruit children within the same school district boundaries as the Applicant is applying to serve. For current subcontractors, this must include notification to their current Contractor. Applicant must enter into conversations to ensure that their request will not negatively impact the ability for existing ECEAP or Head Start organizations to enroll to capacity.
- You may contact the RFA Coordinator for a list of potentially impacted organizations.
- You must contact all potentially impacted organizations and discuss whether or not there are available eligible and unserved children in your proposed service area and how you will coordinate.
For each neighboring Head Start grantee or ECEAP Contractor, submit a copy of a letter
oremail sent to summarize your discussion. Include:
- Number and models of slots you are applying for.
- Physical locations of your proposed ECEAP sites.
- Name and contact information of the person at the potentially impacted organization.
If there are no Head Start grantees or ECEAP contractors that may currently be recruiting children within the same school district boundaries as your request, submit a brief letter of explanation.
DEL reserves the right to communicate with organizations about the potential impact of your application and consider those communications during the scoring process.
2017-18 ECEAP Expansion Exhibit B: Letters and Notifications