NATUR-PACK, a.s., Ružová dolina 6, 821 08 Bratislava,

Company ID: 35979798, Tax ID: 2022130374, VAT ID: SK2022130374

registered in the Business Register kept by Bratislava I District Court, Section: Sa, File No. 3815/B

(hereinafter only the “NATUR-PACK, a.s.”)

Electronic Invoicing Consent Form

in accordance with Article 71(1) of the Act No. 222/2004 Coll. onValue Added Tax, as amended

(hereinafter only the“Consent Form”)

Trade name
Registered office
Company ID (IČO)
Tax ID (DIČ)
Incorporated in
Represented by
Contact e-mail
Contact phone
Contacte-mail for sending electronic invoices

By signing this Consent Form, the client confirms its consent to receiving electronic invoices from NATUR-PACK, a.s. in accordance with Article 71 (1) of the Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax, as amended (hereinafter only the “VAT Act”) and at the same time confirms its agreement with terms and conditions of electronic invoicing.

Terms and conditions for sending electronic invoices:

  1. In accordance with Article 71(1) of the VAT Act, an electronic invoice is atax document.
  2. The authenticity of origin and the integrity of the content of an electronicallysent invoice are guaranteed by the electronic signature in accordance with the Act No. 215/2002 Coll. on Electronic Signature, as amended.
  3. NATUR-PACK, a.s. undertakes to deliver electronic invoices to the contact e-mail for sending electronic invoices.
  4. An electronic invoiceis regarded as delivered on the sending date.
  5. The client undertakes to inform NATUR-PACK, a.s. of any changes having impact on electronic invoicing, mainly changes in the contact e-mail for sending electronic invoices.
  6. The client confirms having an exclusive access to the contact e-mail for sending electronic invoices; NATUR-PACK, a.s. bears no responsibility for any leakage of information from the client’s e-mail.
  7. NATUR-PACK, a.s.bears no responsibility for corruption or incompleteness of data owing to any failures when sending through internet. NATUR-PACK, a.s. bears no responsibility for losses caused by low quality of the client’s connection to internet, or resulting from the client’s failure to log in (gain access) to internet.
  8. If an electronic invoice is not delivered, the client is committed to immediately notify NATUR-PACK, a.s. at the following e-mail address: . If the client fails to meet its reporting duty under the preceding sentence, the electronic invoice is regarded as being properly delivered and NATUR-PACK, a.s. is not liable to prove sending of the invoice.
  9. The client is authorised to withdraw its consent by a written notice delivered to NATUR-PACK, a.s. The withdrawal becomes effective on expiration of the calendar quarter following after the calendar quarter in which the withdrawalwas received.

The person in charge signs this document to confirm its authorisation to act on behalf of the client in this matter.

Place and date: / Signature/stamp: