ROMAN MISSAL 3rd Edition (2011) SURVEY

As we move into a new phase of liturgical translations, it is important to find out how things are going. Both positive and negative reactions are useful, and can be helpful for future translation projects. The Diocesan Missal Survey aims to assist in giving our bishops an accurate picture of the situation across the country, and the results of the survey will be submitted to them via our national Liturgy Office.

The survey can be completed by both clergy and laity. You can write on the survey form and return it by post, or type into the Word document and return it as an email attachment. Please feel free to pass on copies of the survey form to anyone you think may be interested. Responses can be sent now or as soon as you are ready, and the closing date for receiving them is 30 April 2012, enabling those who wish to comment on Holy Week to do so.


1.Roughly how many Masses using the new translation of the Roman Missal have you participated in? Please tick or type an X in the appropriate box

0 / 1-5 / 6-10 / 10-20 / 21+

2a.Your experience of the responses and prayers for the congregation has been:(please tick or type an X in the appropriate box)

Very positive / Positive / Neutral / Negative / Very negative

Can you say why?

2b.Your experience of the prayers the priest says by himself has been:(please tick or type an X in the appropriate box)

Very positive / Positive / Neutral / Negative / Very negative

Can you say why?

3.In the parish, the general experience seems to be:(please tick or type an X in the appropriate box)

Very positive / Positive / Neutral / Negative / Very negative

Can you say why?

4.How well prepared would you say you were for the new translation? Please tick or type an X in the appropriate box

Very well / Well / Somewhat / Poorly / Very poorly

5.How did you receive catechesis on the new translation of the Missal? Please tick or type an X against all that apply

At Mass (before, after, during the homily)
Parish evenings
Small groups
Diocesan / regional workshops
From a priest or deacon
From one or more lay persons
Articles or inserts in the parish newsletter
Diocesan website / printed material
National website / printed material
Other (please specify)

6.With hindsight, what other formation would you have appreciated on the new translation? Please indicate below

7.What people’s aids were made available in your parish at Mass?Please tick or type an X against all that apply

Pew card / Parish-printed leaflet / Screen / projection / Other

8.Do you know what music setting(s) of the revised Mass texts you have been using?Please write their name(s)and/or composers below

9.If your parish has been using a hymnal Mass supplement book, please indicate if you know which one it is.Please tick or type an X in the appropriate box

Celebration Hymnal for Everyone Mass Settings Supplement (McCrimmon)
Laudate Mass Settings Supplement (Decani Music)
“Glory to God” Mass Settings Supplement (Decani Music)

10.Do you have any reactions to the new Mass music you have been using? Please indicate below

11.Please feel free to share any other thoughts you may have on your experience of the new translation of the Missal.

12.Do you have any thoughts about the importance of Mass, or are there things you wish you understood better about the Mass?

Thank you so much for taking part in this survey!

Optional: Please indicate your parish or Pastoral Area

Please return the completed survey to

Diocesan Missal Survey, Diocesan Office, Park Place Pastoral Centre, Winchester Road, Wickham, Hants PO17 5HA

or email it as an attachment to