Evaluate the following conferences separately:

San Jose – June 7, 2004 ______OR Oakland – June 14, 2005 ______

Please assist the organizing committee by completing the brief evaluation below. Your feedback will be used in planning future IPM field days, workshops, conferences, resource & training material and in providing professional development activities to meet your needs.

It will take less than 5 minutes to respond. We appreciate your time and effort! Please read all questions & all possible answers first and then carefully complete all questions that apply to you and submit at the drop box or if sending electronically then click the submit button or fax to Naresh Duggal, Santa Clara County IPM Manager at 408-295-1613

How did you hear about this conference?

  • Other Website
  • County Agriculture Department
  • E Mail
  • Colleague
  • Newsletter or Brochure
  • Other


Professional responsibilities

Please read all first and then carefully check all the areas below for which you have responsibility in your current position with reference to pest management.

  • Administrator
  • Audio Visual development specialist
  • Continuing Education Unit
  • Do It yourself Pest Control at Home & Home gardener
  • Editor/Script Writer
  • Educator
  • Environmentalist/ Coalition/ Association
  • Field Staff (Maintenance, Janitor, Gardener)
  • Grant or Fund Provider/ Foundation
  • Graphic Designer
  • High Definition quality photographer
  • Know about least toxic alternatives to pest management
  • Location
  • Manager
  • Media/Press Reporter/ Writer/ Journalist
  • Networking
  • Pest Control Advisor/Consultant
  • Pest Control Product Supply Company
  • Pest Control Service Company
  • Pest Control Service Supervisor/Manager/Facility or Ground Maintenance Person
  • Pest Control Service Technician/Facility or Ground Maintenance Person
  • Policy or Law Maker
  • Pollution Prevention Related Activity Person (Example: Clean Air, Clean Water, Watershed maintenance, Storm Water, Non Point Source Pollution, Waste Management, Hazardous waste reduction, Toxic reduction, Environmental Health, Green Business, Green Building, Environmental Services, Environmental Preferable Purchasing, Organic Gardener, Master Gardener, Alternative to Pesticide product supplier…)
  • Presenting a session or booth display
  • Primary reasons for attending this conference.
  • Public Outreach & Communication Professional
  • Recommended by a colleague
  • Research
  • Sessions and information
  • Supervisor
  • Technical Writer
  • Usually attend
  • Web Designer
  • Other – Please specify

Pest Control Topics of Interest

  • Establishing IPM Programs in Public Agencies & Providing Services
  • Home Gardening & Do It your self Pest Control
  • Indoor Plant Management
  • Integrated Vegetation Management on Rights of Way
  • IPM for Aquatic Pests other than Weeds
  • IPM for Aquatic Weeds
  • IPM for Invasive Plants
  • IPM for Invasive Species other than Plants
  • IPM for Public Health Pests
  • Pesticide & Air Quality
  • Pesticide & Endangered Species
  • Pesticide & Human Health
  • Pesticide & Pest Management Laws & Regulations
  • Pesticide & Riparian Corridors
  • Pesticide & the Environment
  • Pesticide & Water Quality
  • Problems with Pesticides
  • Structural IPM
  • Urban Landscape IPM
  • Urban Turf IPM
  • Wildlife Pest Management
  • Other – Please Specify

Conference & Material Evaluation

Please rate each ite.m below.

Content / Excellent / Very Good / Good / Fair / Poor / No Opinion
Coffee Breaks
Conference Length
Conference Rate
Continental Breakfast
Day/Month of Conference
Facilities/Conf. Sessions
Hotel Accommodation
Hotel Rate
Keynote Speakers
Organizing Committee Help
Overall Quality of Conf.
Parking Rate
Plenary Session/Information
Pre-Conference Mailing
Educational Material
Lecture Selections
Quality of CD
Registration Process
Technical Session
Volunteers Help

What topics or issues interested you most this year?

Sessions or Workshop topics you would like to have in the future.

Did the concurrent sessions cover all the topics of interest to you?


To make the conference sustainable and serve your needs for the years to come and less dependent on fund raising, how much should be the charge for this kind of event?


Comments and suggestions

Suggestions for possible future conference, workshop, field days sites within the Northern California Region

Would you like us to contact you?

E Mail Address

If you are a manager at public agency, industry or institution or an individual who would like to participate in this collaborative approach next year, please contact or Call 408-299-5105 or fax your information at 408-295-1613.