Slinfold Parish Council Minutes of the Industrial Liaison Group Meeting

Monday 11th November 2013

Minutes of the Meeting between
Slinfold Parish Council Industrial Liaison Group,
Slinfold LLP, AJW Aviation, DHUK, G+N Medical and Southern Cranes
at the offices of AJW Aviation in Maydwell Avenue on 11th November 2013 at 10.00am

208/13 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Present: Jeremy Aitchinson (JA) Slinfold LLP, (Chairman),

Andrew Smith (AS), AJW Aviation,

Steve Harris (SH) G+N Medical,

Mike Sadler (MS) Southern Cranes,

Steve Hyde DHUK (SH-DH),

Cllr. Monica Edmonds (ME)

Cllr. G Stenton-Chandler (GSC)

Cllr. M Wellesley-Wood (MWW)

Notes; Julie McKane AJW

Apologies: Clerk Mary Burroughs (MB) - Slinfold Parish Council

209/13 Appoint a Chairman for the next meeting

M Wellesley-Wood (MWW) to chair the next meeting.

210/13 Approval of the minutes from the meeting on 13th May 2013 and matters arising

The minutes had previously been agreed as a true record following distribution after the meeting. Those present at the last meeting agreed that the minutes were an accurate record. Matters arising from this meeting are noted below.

211/13 Update on the changing situation on site

·  Office block car park – drainage is still presenting an issue. A survey is being undertaken by AJW to determine cause and a proposal for resolution will follow.

·  G&N – planning not yet submitted. Potential light pollution concern raised by GSC with request for consideration to be given to using down lighters in any proposed plan.

·  Land behind Hayes Lane – application now submitted. JA requested letters of support in respect to the HDC Application. Notification now issued to residents.

·  Mead Farm – Ongoing, planning received for new driveway.

·  Solar panels – project abandoned due to financial feasibility and limited site size.

·  Flint Building – Finally completed Friday 8th November. Sold to Touchdown Aviation. Await further developments on expected commercial refurbishment plans.

·  AJW security gate now installed and working.

·  SH-DH raised concerns at lack of proper security at rear entrance into Hayes Lane. Vehicle and pedestrian access is possible defeating the purpose of the main gate. All agreed JA/SH-DH/SH/MS to view the issue and proposals to be considered to reduce access to pedestrian only.

·  GSC raised issue of site road signs. AS confirmed this is in hand following discussions and site visits with WSCC.

212/13 Health, Safety and the Environment

·  Downs Link – two trees are down following recent strong winds. ME raised concerns over 12 seeded ash saplings that need to be removed. AS agreed to deal with these.

·  Drainage – GSC raised concerns over contractors on the Mead Farm/builders yard site pushing soil into the existing stream and impacting on potential flooding further upstream. If an enlarged holding area above the bridge could be created whilst contractors are on site this would help alleviate potential flash floods. JA agreed to monitor the status but noted that any future owners of the property may implement their own changes which will further impact on the existing stream and drainage system.

·  Noise Complaint – Against Southern Cranes for excessive noise on a Sunday from a resident in Hayes Lane. MS advised that under restrictions Southern Cranes are allowed access in and out of the yard 24/7 with 15 minutes allowed for crane start up and warm up. MS visited the residents to discuss the issue and test the sound. The AJW noise meter did not register during the test. The resident was left happy. Thanks given to MS for taking the time to visit the residents and resolve the complaint amicably.

·  Temporary speed limit (50mph) – Agreed road sign is not in best position to have an impact. ME advised proposal has been made to keep limit as permanent. Liaison Group raised no objection to this.

·  GSC highlighted that travelers had been seen on several occasions in the location potentially indicating their intention to occupy local open land.

213/13 Any Other Business

MWW advised that the Parish Council is holding public consultation meetings with the final meeting tonight. Intention is to ascertain local feeling and majority for formalizing a Neighbourhood Plan.

MWW to email all with synopsis of these consultations (to be attached to the minutes)

214/13 Date of Next Meeting – Monday 12th May 2014 at 10.00am (G+N Offices, Maydwell Avenue)


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