Discussion Paper Title: The Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing in Nova Scotia- A Public Participatory Risk Assesment

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It seemed as though the article was skewed in favour of finding ways to placate the public’s very real concerns associated with fracking. I felt like I was reading something that had taken people’s heartfelt, valid issues that they had researched themselves (the majority of the public does not have the reading level of first year law school with a bachelor in environmental science required to meet the minimum rigamarole requirement to make a comment to this panel discussion – which is likely the reason you only have a select handful of the population responding- not because they don’t care or don’t have an opinion) –and had taken those opinions and tried to present them to industry not as valid points of argument but as here are the areas that a big corporation will have to concentrate their regulation, or their spin doctors to get their way and be able to do what they want in this province. I’ve become discouraged by the panel review.

I would like to address people’s valid concerns about wastewater and environmental risks with more scientific study to see if they are correct and less here is where the panel could regulate to shut the small amount of farmers in this specific area up so that we can let the corporation do what they would like.

I think its pretty clear the general public is pretty much against fracking.

I think this paper took people’s input to be areas where corporations need to do more work or more press to overtake the public’s concern and I feel the paper was skewed towards that favour.

5)Are there any questions that you would like to see addressed? Please list. Could we have a referendum in this province on this issue before we remove the moratorium on fracking?

I would also like to see expert reports on environmental impact to Nova Scotia. If this was the environmental impact report it was lacking. Did the Nova Scotia government actual do their own independent study on environmental impact? Or were you just going to take a corporations word for it that everything will probably be ok-and not that many people will get sick considering how many people there are….

Environmental Impact should be a separate issue from public participatory statements. The Environmental impact should be the primary decision maker in this debate. It stands above regulation and all other decisions should stem from what experts conclude in environmental impact.

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Name:Sheila FoleyEmail:

Thank you!