

English IText: Literature and the Language Arts

Ms. Burke Writers, Inc.

General Expectations:

  • Arrive to class on time, with text, three-ring binder, paper, and writing utensils.
  • Show respect for everyone in the classroom, all the time.
  • Refrain from making unproductive negative comments.
  • If you have a comment or question, raise your hand and wait to be called on.
  • Give every task your best effort. Do your homework. Reading is homework.

Academic Policies:

  • Expect a quiz after every reading assignment. Most quizzes will not be announced.
  • Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Assignments submitted at the end of class will be considered late. If I neglect to collect an assignment on the day it is due, hang onto it. It is due at the time I collect it, so don’t lose it.
  • Please submit all written assignments in blue or black ink, on loose leaf paper
  • If you are absent, assignments are due the day after you return to school. If you are absent for more than three days in a row, please meet with me to discuss a plan for making up missed work. It is your responsibility to find out what work you missed, and also to meet with me. If you neglect to do this, you will receive a zero for any assignments not submitted within one week of the day you return to school.
  • A penalty of fifty (50) percent per day will be deducted from late work. For example, if you don’t have your definitions on Tuesday at class time, you have to get them to me before 2:50 p.m. the next day (Wednesday) to get half credit, even though the class doesn’t meet on Wednesday.
  • Any instance of cheating, which includes using somebody else’s work and passing it off as your own, and allowing someone else to use your work and pass it off as his or her own, will be referred to the authorities. Any assignment completed dishonestly will receive a grade of zero. All work should be completed independently unless otherwise indicated.
  • All work will be graded on a total points system. Each assignment is worth a certain number of points, based on how much time the assignment will take to complete. Grades are determined by dividing the number of points earned by the total possible points.

For example, two test grades of 80/100 and 90/100, and three homework assignments scoring 8/10, 40/50, and 15/25 will give you a total of 233 points. The total possible points = 285.

Your average is 233/285, or 82.


  • Textbooks are the property of the district. Texts must be covered (no contact paper please), and lost texts must be replaced at the expense of the student.
  • All students are asked to keep a loose-leaf, three-ring notebook for English ONLY. Please do not put work for other subjects in your English notebook. If you try to cram more than one subject into a single notebook, in a couple of months you will find yourself with a disorganized mess.

This course is challenging but not difficult. If you have concerns, please come to English Help to discuss them.

English Help meets Monday through Friday during period 5 in room 600.

Your signature below indicates that you have read and understood the guidelines and expectations for English I.

______your signature

______parent/guardian signature

(_____)______parent/guardian phone


The Academy for Information Technology is a small, four-year career academy that fosters critical thinking skills in its culturally diverse student population. By stressing intellectual curiosity, hard work, ethical behavior and technological expertise with business integration, the school community guides its students to achieve their greatest potential. The AIT graduate is prepared academically, technologically, and interpersonally for the challenges of the future.