SAAF Meeting Minutes – Friday 4th December 2015

11 am – 3 pm, The Duke of Edinburgh Offices, Edinburgh

John Hamilton (JH)
Nick Cole (NC)
Colin Matheson (CM)
Iain Ross (IR)
Gavin Howat (observer)(GH)
Jane Campbell Morrison (observer)(JCM)
Barry Fisher (observer) (BF)
Debbie Williams (DW)
Bill Stephen (observer) (BS)
Dave Horrocks (DH)
Barry Edmondson (BE)
RonaTatler - Scottish Government


Megan Griffiths (observer) (MG)
Bob Telfer
Mike Masino
Tony Shepherd
Iain Peter
Mike Strang
Shaun Roberts
Anna Dawson (observer)

2. Approval of agenda & AOB


3. Minutes:

Minutes accepted by those attending, approval required from further members by email. Proposed NC, 2nd CM

Actions to be complete

Active schools presentation

CPD workshops from Mike Strang

Engagement with other organisations - JCM has work underway in this area

4. Scottish Government Update

Introduction from Rona Tatler. She has a background in the justice department and health policy. Sport and physical activity divisionof Scottish Government now called Active Scotland, encompassing a range of department within it (health, education)

Focus on more people more active

She will be the contact for outdoor activity in Scottish Government she also works with other sports e.g paths of all

Transition of powers – does seem to be momentum of getting thing moving. There is an indicative timetable, powers transferred end of 2016. Will keep us informed as and when things are moving on. Looking at report and discussed informally on it.

DH, JH Proposal for a change in documents presented to government which may help speed the process up report. The process for Policy development would be a public consultation and then discussions with ministers changes at that time

CM – outdoor activity up the agenda? Looking to us the opportunities that the sector can provide.

JH – outdoor crossing portfolio – depends on the driver, if there is ministerial engagement then depend on department. But there is does appear now to be cross department integration within Active Scotland department

Contact Details:

5. Introduction to Wild Scotland with Gillian Brymer, Communications (STA) & Co-ordinatorfor Wild Scotland– not able to attend

6. Updates

a.SkillsActive – no update

b. Skills Development Scotland– see email from Anna Dawson.

c. sportscotland

Women in Outdoor Sports Seminar 11th December 2015. Glenmore Lodge event for staff and NGBS

Internal “outdoor and adventure sport” meeting in January

MWIS continuing

SAFOS hosted seminar in October and promoted the ‘Be Avalanche’ aware leaflet.

Feedback –IR – Avalanche ski touring at night and potential hazards for non trained individuals. Increase in sales of ski touring equipment, increased cost of lift passes.

JCM - snowsport Scotland looing at available/ski touring qualifications.

d. SAAF presentation Working group

text all changed in presentation. NC going to make it look pretty.

SAPOE given presentation at their conference in June 2016. Date TBC

e. ‘Getting Active Outdoor’ Update

sportEngland were the producers of the report, we have been in touch with then.

JCM proposed to have an open meeting in the AM in March and we can invite people to view the presentation. Action.

NC – this could also be used as a recruitment drive for SAAF members

DW – Give the SAAF Presentation also. Deadline for completed presentation.

f. Membership recruitment

There was a limited number of physicalapplications received, some people were interested but did not have an understanding about SAAF and other did not complete the application process. Two names John Armstrong & Paul McGreal (Durty Events).

Looking at those with range of networks.

Max 16 members

Currently have 12 full members

DH – confirmed that only 2 applications were received.

JH – recruitment is normally inautumn historically. JCM interested in hearing from anyone at any time.


Licensing business as usual.

Waiting in respect from government whether staying with HSE or elsewhere.

Rona given update to Scotland.

Inspector for Wales is now Owen Hayworth

Application closed from Bob Telfor post last week, interview after Christmas in post from March 2016.


Email from Mike Strang – full report will be emailed to members.

BF – reports coming out EOCD, reports commissioned in link to youth (Curriculum For Excellent (CFE)), How Good Is Our School?, Social return on investment report.

Would be good to see an Info graphics rather than report

IR – mentioned the Outward Bound Social Impact Survey. There is now a link in CFE with outdoor education.

BS - questions for inspectors to ask have been produced and to receive feedback. Better place with local authorities that they can map the experience and outcomes against the curriculum. This means more data is available.

JCM – how many people do takepart? How much knowledge is out there? Where are IOL going?

Rethinking on what is going on in outdoor activity sector. Should NGB’s benchmark with CFE?

BF – there are two levels for it. Respond to the group and what are the outcome to learn. SCQF may not fit but the 4 capacities within CFE.

How does the CFE fit within current NGB frameworks/plans without changing them, using the report as an anchor.

Document within Education Scotland for Mapping out.

i.Benchmarking project proposal paper

j. Cairngorm Consultation response working group.

Several open session contact tried to attend with BE, SR & Ian.

IR & JM went to Natural Retreat Presentation. Background of Natural Retreat they are within UK hotel and holiday operators but have an international portfolio.

Replacing the Day Lodge building with a 3 story building which will extend into the lower Cas car park rather than ski lift infrastructure.

No accommodation for customersmay be some for staff.

Mountain rescue facilities, packed lunch area (multi user space), shops, restaurant, ticket office

JH – seem positive for building and from organisation. JH also meet with Shaun Robert GL.

IR – a lot of positives. Negative may be reduction in car park, gym. Increase but transport from Aviemore and possible further afield. Does not impede on Northern Corries access.

Access from top of Railway – now allowing access for summer guided tours and mountain bike

JCM – development in park and pipe infrastructure both inside and outside. Lack of investment into infrastructure on the mountain. New Day Lodge seems to be the focus, if they can generate income at the Day Lodge they can invest in the rest.

DH – pressure on for outdoor development

DW – diversification of the ski area, but not to be detrimental of snowsports.

Natural Retreats have meet with Glenmore Lodge.

SR have invited the COO of Natural retreats back for a mountain experience within the Cairngorms.

BE – did comment but JH couldn’t openattachment?

Full copy of the proposal can be found on the Cairngorm Mountain website

Get a paper out to all for comments electronically. ACTION


UKMBLS is the British Cycling/Scottish Cycling Mountain Bike award this has superseded Scottish MBL. All old award will still stand, however no more SMBLA will be offered. JH transferred to UKMBLS Level 2 tutor. Issues over the new scheme about introduction to new tutor

UKMBLS Level 1 – site specific award. 10 staff max can attend a course for centre at that location. Cost approx. £1000.00. feedback that they were no autonomy from instructor and SC/BC taking back that Level 1 is not popular. New Level 1 SC which will influence BC. Other organisation trying to influence and costs.

Possible resurrection of SMBLA but who owns it and where it is going to be used.

22 MBL tutor now 10 UKMBLS

JH – tutor notes and powerpoint is excellent from UKMBLS.

DH – tutors reduction due to new Scheme. Invent an in house scheme to get to the level.

SAPOE – Level 1 purpose built track that links with local sustrans

SAPOE – AGM March 10/11. Share OAEP. Train the trainer CLPL (CPD), they will go away and cascade down to others in there organisations.

Going out there (overseas) final stages before wider audiences.

SAPOE inviting 2 people from each council to attend.

Chair term will finish in September 2016

Appointment for Vice Chair –John Hamilton nominated himself for post. Agreed by whole group

Appointment of Treasurer –is currently with the Chair. Practicalities around this.

DW – sole providers sharing information

JCM – Mr Ewing has a funded project that every Scottish school child ‘learn to ski’. Looking at the capacity for the mountains, capacity of dry slope, appetite from local authorities, provision of instructors, transport issues. How can work along with other sports. Good practise. Establish what school engage in snowsports already.

10. Dates of Future Meetings-

4th March 2016 – Glenmore Lodge. Volunteer for minutes required.

3rdJune 2016 - venue to be confirmed.