Unit 5 Week 2 Day 5: Mole and Baby Bird

Great Ideas

High Frequency Words: door, loved, should, wood

Comprehension: Sequence

Grammar: Exclamations

Vocabulary : Amazing Words: freedom, miserable, selfish, dawn, scaly, speckled, fond, proper, scarcely

Selection Words: usually, presently, borrowed

Review and Practice
(Amazing Words: scaly, speckled,
fond, proper,
scarcely) / Yesterday we made sentences with some of the Amazing Words we learned this week. We need to make sentences with the rest of our new Amazing Words.
The first word is scaly.
If something is scaly, it is covered with scales or flakes.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, scaly.
I’ll go first. “My skin was dry and scaly.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“A _____ is scaly.”
Another word is speckled.
If something is speckled, it has small dots or patches that are more than one color.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, speckled.
I’ll go first. “The artist used many colors to make his painting look speckled.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“A ____ is speckled.”
Another word is fond.
If you are fond of something, you like it a lot.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, fond.
I’ll go first. “I am fond of ice cream.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“I am fond of _____.”
Another word is proper.
Proper means correct.
Let’s make a sentence using the word, proper.
I’ll go first. “Your mother needs the proper pan to bake a cake.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“Use a proper _____ to _____.”
The last word is scarcely.
Scarcely mean hardly
Let’s make a sentence using the word, scarcely.
I’ll go first. “I ate scarcely any dinner.”
(Children each say a sentence with the word. Give a sentence started if needed.)
“I ate scarcely any _____.”
ELL Reader / ELL Reader 1.4.2 Mother Duck and Baby Crow
ELL Reader Teaching Guide p. 51-52
Yesterday we read about a mother duck and a baby crow.
Do you remember how the mother duck helped the baby crow? (Encourage children to look through the pictures in the book to remember what happened in the story.)
Read the Book - Read the story with the children. Have children take turns reading each page, or have the children echo read. (The teacher reads one sentence and children repeat what was read while following the words with their fingers.)
ELL Reader Teaching Guide p. 52 – Copy page 52 for each child.
(Compare and Contrast)
Draw Baby Crow at the beginning of the story.
Then draw Baby Crow at the end of the story.
How did Baby Crow change?
(Encourage children to share their drawings and talk about their pictures. )