ASSESSMENT 1A:Individual Report 10%


Describe 15 of 50 persons listed and 2 of your (not on the list), just two sentences are need for each person.

Do individual work, this assignment is not a shared work, any other sources are admissible

Least at least two sources (in total) from where you received your information

Submit the paper (1.5 spacing, TNR 12)

Date due - January 27, 2003 (Week 6)

There are many pioneers that have contributed in creating new business opportunities. Look at the list of persons below and outline their contribution. The first sentence you write should describe what that person invented and the second sentence should mention what impact that invention/product had on the world.

  1. Guglielmo Marconi
  2. Jerry Yang
  3. Akio Morita
  4. Mitch Kapor
  5. Samuel B. Morse
  6. Thomas A. Edison
  7. Alexander Graham Bell
  8. Philo T. Farnsworth
  9. Martin Cooper
  10. Douglas Engelbart
  11. Thomas Watson Jr.
  12. Walt Disney
  13. Ray Kroc
  14. Gordon Moore
  15. Andy Grove
  16. Steve Jobs
  17. Steve Wozniak
  18. Bill Gates
  19. Jack Welsh
  20. Sam Walton
  21. Michael Dell
  22. Robert Goddard
  23. Tim Berners-Lee
  24. Marc Andresen
  25. George Eastman
  26. Grace Hopper
  27. Jeff Bezos
  28. Henry Ford
  29. Linus Torvalds
  30. George Lucas
  31. Ada Lovelace
  32. Jhane Barnes
  33. Charles Babbage
  34. Fredrik Idestam
  35. Alfred P. Sloan
  36. Edward Land
  37. Seymour Cray
  38. Richard Buckminster Fuller
  39. William Shockley
  40. Dean Kamen
  41. Orville, Wilber and KatherineWright
  42. Frank and Lilly Gilbreth
  43. Malcolm Baldridge
  44. Soichiro Honda
  45. Chester Carlson
  46. Nolan Bushnell
  47. William Shockley
  48. John Warnock
  49. Larry Ellison
  50. Mary Kay
  51. ______
  52. ______

ASSESSMENT 1B:Group Project 10%


In class I will give out a question sheet. As a team (10-12 persons) answer as many of the questions as you can with in the one week period handed turned in the following class session. The top scoring team will receive 10-points, the second highest scoring team will receive 9- points, third 8-points, and so on. In this assignment all sources are admissible

  1. What is Traf-o-data
  1. What was the first spreadsheet called? Where was it from?
  1. What was the first personal computer?
  1. What invention brought on the word “Hello”?
  1. Who create the ‘@’a sign for emails?
  1. What does SUN stand for?
  1. First telephone message?
  1. Who invented the mouse? Where? When?
  1. What is an analog computer?
  1. Who co- invented hypertext?
  1. Who invented windowing?
  1. What was Infoseek?
  1. Where was the first television broadcast?
  1. Who is the father of the Internet?
  1. What did Bill Gates invent?
  1. What was IBM’s first product?
  1. What was H-P’s first product, who bought it, for what pupose?
  1. What is Sand Hill Rd. famous for?
  1. What was the first email message? From where did it originate to where did it go?
  1. What was Apple’s first computer?
  1. What was IBM’s first personal computer called?
  1. What is PARC, and where it and what did they create there.
  1. Alto is what type of computer?
  1. First email message?
  1. What was the first PC?
  1. Who coin the phrase, “There is a bug in the program”?
  1. How old was Michael Dell and Bill Gates when they graduated from college?
  1. Yahoo was started?
  1. When Yahoo was launched its search methods were distinctive because?
  1. What is DARPA and who funds it?
  1. In terms of Internet advertising what is meant by CPM?
  1. The Internet was originally conceived by DARPA to perform what purpose?
  1. List as many non-country URLs suffixes as you can (example .com, net).
  1. List as many of the top 10 trafficked websites as you can? To get credit a you must be able to provide verification.
  1. What are 10-Ks and 10-Qs?

Extra 5 points:

  1. Bring back a vacuum tube.
  1. What CEO is in both in the Star and New Strait Times business section dated June 14, 2001. What company is he from? What was he trying to do? Extra points (2): if you bring a physical copy of the article.


ASSESSMENT 3 Group Report 10%

Extra Credit: (10 points – well written paper, 0 - no paper,deduct 20 points – copied plagiarize paper)

Pick only 1 question

Submit a written report NOT EXCEEDING 5-7 pages (1.5 spacing, TNR 12)

Date due – March 14, 2003 (Week 11)

Group sizes of 3-4 persons

Take the plagiarizer challenge: be warned, I (Bernt Wahl) was in charge of four of the major search engine products for the Disney Internet Group - Go.com. I can find almost any copied work (and I will). If you get caught it will cost you 20% of your grade. If you write your own words, you should do well.

Question 1

Cyberpreneurship, what function does it play in building the ‘new’ economy? What are some elements that make Cyberpreneurship work? Give an example on how an existing firm has/can use Cybertechnology to its benefit. If it is a regional firm, how can the MSC Project further foster development?

Question 2

Cyberpreneurs play a leading role in creating new businesses, often by exploiting an emerging technology, seizing a new opportunity or enhancing an existing process. Give an example of a person that changed the world by introducing/enhancing a new technology to the world. What was the product? What obstacles did they have to overcome?