Club: ACDA

Motion to approve ACDA for 26902$

Still move- Joe

Second: Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 17
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 18
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line item 26
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line item 23
  • Joe
  • Amendment to strike 20
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 6
  • Mackenzie
  • Retracted
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 15
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line item 16-29
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line item 5
  • Joe
  • Passes

Total: 13,069.50


Motion to approve ASTA for 12140$

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line item 5
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line item 11
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line item 9
  • Joe
  • Passes

Total: 200

Club: AAEC

Motion to approve AAEC 32107

Still move: Joe

Second: Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 13
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike items 16, 23, 29, 32
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 13
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 23
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total: 3220$

Club: Bass Fishing Club

Still Move- Mackenzie

Second- Joe

Motion to approve Bass Fishing for 18439

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 14, 19
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 6,11
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 15
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 20
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 25, 36, 41, 49, 57, 74
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5, 9, 13, 23
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 42, 45
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line item 28
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 37, 39
  • Brandon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 40
  • Joe
  • Passes


Club: BSU

Motion to approve BSU for 34206.95

Still Move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 15, 21
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 23, 29, 34, 36
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 7
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 19
  • Brandon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 18
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 8, 13
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 10
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Joe
  • Passes

Total: 16065


Motion to approve Carontawan for 15339.22

Still Move- Joe

Second- Devon

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 7
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 21
  • Joe
  • Passes

Total: 669.22

Club: Catholic Student Association

Motion to approve Catholic Student Association for 6963

Still Move- Mackenzie

Second- Joe

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5, 9, 12, 15
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 8, 12
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 16,20,23
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 6,7,8
  • Tyree
  • Passes

Total: 3790

Club: Cheerleaders

Motion to approve cheerleaders for 4330

Still Move- Joe

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Fails

Total: 0

Club: Chemistry Club

Motion to approve chemistry club for 7364.50

Still Move- Brandon

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5, 14
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 6, 9
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total: 890

Club: Dance Team

Motion to approve Dance Team

Still Move-


  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total Failed

Club: Double Reed Society


Still Move-


  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total: Failed

Club: Enactus

Motion to approve Enactus for 3271.82

Still Move- Joe

Second- Devon

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 21
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 16
  • Brandon
  • Fails
  • Motion to strike line 6
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 8
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 19
  • Brandon
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total: 3036.82

Club: Fire Ferrets

Motion to approve the Fire Ferrets 6801.85

Still Move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 7
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 8
  • Joe
  • Fails
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Mackenzie
  • Fails

Total: 4881.85

Club: Fisheries & Aquaculture

Motion to approve Fisheries & Aquaculture for 10337.90

Still Move- Mackenzie

Second- Joe

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5, 11
  • Brandon
  • Fails
  • Motion to strike line 12, 20
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 15
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 10
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 10
  • Joe
  • Fails
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 7
  • Brandon
  • Passes

Total: 5107.90

Club: Geography Club

Motion to approve Geography Club for 4914.50

Still Move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 7
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 7 8 13 22 27 32 36 37 42 46 50 55 56 57
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 25
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 30
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to reinstate item 31
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 34
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 44
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 20
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 8
  • Devon
  • Passes

Total: 1785.50

Club: History Club

Motion to approve History for 54517

Still Move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5,8
  • Second Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 12
  • Tyree
  • Fails
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to stipulate that the total amount of money any student receives for this trip is not greater than 1500 in student activity fees.
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total: 52920

Club: Honors Association

Motion to approve Honors Association 12992.70

Still Move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 6
  • Brandon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 5 Pending more information
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total 500

Club: Horn Club

Motion to approve Horn Club

Still Move-


  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total Fails

Club: M.O.D.E

Motion to approve M.O.D.E for 1501.

Still Move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 6, 7, 15, 16, 20, 21, 26-28, 30, 31, 35, 39, 40
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 18,23
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 10
  • Mackenzie
  • Fails
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total 681

Club: MAc

Motion to approve MAC for 46991.53

Still Move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 28,31
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike lines 41-43
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike lines 24,34,38
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 12
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 8
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to change line 7 to 5 events
  • Devon
  • Passes

Total 10624.96

Club: Men for Progress

Motion to approve Men for Progress for 24571.20

Still move- Joe

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Joe
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 12
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 14
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 19
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to amend line 25 to 3500$
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 9
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 7, 8
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total 14196.20

Club: MU E-sports

Motion to approve MU E-sports for 3860.14

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes

Total 400


Motion to approve MUSBUS for 16571.09

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to Strike line 6,7,9
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 24
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes

Total: 2050

Club: National Alliance of Saxophonists

Motion to approve the National Alliance of Saxophonist

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total: Fails 0

Club: NAEA

Motion to approve NAEA for 3561.00

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total 0

Club: Navigators

Motion to approve navigators for 2050

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Devon

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 12
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 8
  • Tyree
  • Passes

Total 1450

Club: Nerf Club

Motion to approve Nerf Club for 1320.86

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 12
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 10
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes

Total 585

Club: Photography Club

Motion to approve Photography Club for 1810.18

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 5
  • Devon
  • Fails
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 11
  • Devon
  • Fails
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike line 5, 8
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 12, 16, 20, 24
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes

Total 600

Club: Pre- Med

Motion to approve Pre- Med club for 1342.98

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 7
  • Tyrese
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 17
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 19
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 8, 13
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike 7
  • Devon
  • Passes

Total 504.98

Club: Political Science Club

Motion to approve Political Science club for 2,345.00

Still move- Devon

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike line 6
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 9, 13
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike line 10
  • Retracted
  • Motion to strike line 14
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 7
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total 518

Club: Psychology Club

Motion to approve Psychology Club for 4,469.13

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 11
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike line 15
  • Tyree
  • Fails
  • Motion to strike 16
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total 4,000

Club: Residents Hall Association

Motion to approve RHA for 33,902

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Tyree

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 6
  • retracted
  • Motion to strike all programming 1-30
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 8
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Capital


Club: Sisters of Sophia

Motion to approve Sisters of Sophia for 10,045.89

Still move- Tyree

Second- Jorel

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 5, 11, 23, 29, 31
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 35
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 5,7
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital


Club: MU Snow Sports Club

Motion to approve MU Sports Club for 34,699.96

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Jorel

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 5, 10
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 17
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 15
  • Tyree
  • Passes


Club: Spectrum

Motion to approve Spectrumfor 9.925

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Jorel

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 15
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 24
  • Tyree
  • Retracted
  • Motion to amend 31 to be 900
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 7, 8, 12, 13
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 14
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to reinstate 5
  • Tyree
  • Passes

Total 5,460

Club: Student Dietetics Association

Motion to approve SDA for 6045

Still move- Tyree

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 14
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital

Total 275

Club: Student Government Association

Motion to approve SGA for 139,522.82

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Jorel

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 28
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 22 pending further information
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 17
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 14
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 11 pending further information
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 7
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike 6
  • Devon
  • Retract
  • Motion to strike 13
  • Jorel
  • Passes

Total 4,559.82


Motion to approve SPSEA for 1,600

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Jorel

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 24, 25
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 29
  • Jorel
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 18
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 8, 10
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike 5
  • Devon
  • Passes

Total 920

Club: Flashlight

Motion to approve Flashlight for 9,655

Still move- Tyree

Second- Mackenzie

  • Programming
  • Travel
  • Capital

Total 0

Club: MISO

Motion to approve MISO for 60,477

Still move- Mackenzie

Second- Jorel

  • Programming
  • Motion to strike 6, 8, 11
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 15, 16, 19, 22
  • Tyree
  • Fails
  • Motion to strike 15
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 25
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 17
  • Mackenzie
  • Passees
  • Motion to strike 44, 47
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 38
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 42
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 32
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Travel
  • Motion to strike 6, 14, 21
  • Tyree
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 5, 19
  • Devon
  • Amdnded to strike 10 and add 19 (so strike 5, 10)
  • Passes
  • Motion to strike 19
  • Devon
  • Passes
  • Capital
  • Motion to strike 5, 7, 11
  • Mackenzie
  • Passes

Total 5,592