305 Fredonia Ave

DSCS Education Committee Meeting Minutes

November 13th, 2017 – 7:00 pm

Opening Prayer read by all at 7:00.

Mission Statement read by all 7:00.

Members Present: Vicki Malueg, Madonne Rauch, Lynn Sauer, Dave Robinson, Theresa Wood, Jen Eischen, Mary Hamm, Elene Paulus, Jodi Keller, Mindy Tesker, Don Walter.

Approval of October Minutes motion made by Mary Hamm and 2nd by Theresa Wood.

Old Business:

●Review Advisory Board Handbook Chapters 3-6. Great to be reminded of the roles and responsibilities of the Education Committee.

●Update on Home and School Finances – Mindy is working on keeping the checkbook balanced based on the statements. The auction profit recorded from last year was off because the $3100 for the raffle payout was not deducted.

New Business:

●Fieldtrip Request from Staff – Movie trip to see “The Star”will cost $500 for students tickets and $220 for the buses. Mary approved $500 potentially in lieu of the Chinook’s game. Discussed putting together a “That’s My Pan” fundraiser to go towards a new Field Trip fund.

●Begin Strategic Planning

○Start with the one-page strategic plan to open discussion. Started with discussing the Past and Current status of the school.

Technology Update:

  • Computers have all been picked up and Vicki is working on the licenses.
  • 2 in-services with Option C. Progress and Report Cards were generated through Option C and it worked great.
  • Stylus on Amy’s mimeo was not working and it was replaced at no charge even though it was out of warranty – they showed kindness!

Recruitment and Retention Update:

  • Don will be pulling the float for the Belgium parade. Dubey’s and some other families will walk. The building will be on the 28th. All are welcome to help set up and walk.
  • Getting things ready for Catholic Schools week and Hoopsmania.



● The Committee's focus will be on Domain B as well as goal setting for our strategic/long

range plan, plan for the school.


● Parent Teacher Conferences went well. The upper grades really appreciated the October conference timeline because it allowed time for students to make improvements before quarter grades were posted.

● Report Cards come home this Monday. They have been generated using Option C.


● The new Teacher Evaluation System and Professional Goal Setting framework is in place. Each teacher has written a goal and has identified how I can be a support to them. We are also working as a staff to support one another in our goals.


● Review the school budget numbers tonight

● Review Home & School numbers next month


● One panel in the boy’s bathroom has been replaced and the rest has been painted

● Parish Council is investigating the possibility of replacing the lighting in the school with LED lights


● We will be hiring a part-time marketing person starting in January. We are also looking to add a part time school secretary - the position may be presented as a secretary and marketing position together.

● Holly Masengarb has joined our DSCS team. She will be helping with lunch and recess duty and filling in where needed. Our hope is she will add hours once Hannah leaves in January.


● Monthly Fire Drill will take place before the end of the month

● We will plan 3 intruder drills and a tornado drill along with monthly fire drills


● This will be a goal for the Education Committee this year- We need to establish a long

range plan for the school


● By February we will have 95 students enrolled. We have 19 new families

Closing Prayer read by all at 9:05.

Motion to adjourn by Theresa Wood and 2nd by Jen Eischen.

November is the Month of Holy Souls – remember and pray for those who have gone before us and are preparing for Eternal Life in Heaven!