LESSON PLAN – Odd Job Workforce

Theme – Group Activity Simulation

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Application Of Number, Problem Solving, Information & Communication Technology, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning & Performance

WORK RELATED LEARNING – Learning Through Work, Learning For Work, Learning About Work

COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *aiii, *aiv, *bi, *bii, *ci, *cii, *di, **ei, **eii, **eiii, **eiv, **ev, **evi, ***fiii, ***fiv, ***gi, ***gii, ***giii, ***hi, ***hiii, ***hiv, ***Ii, ***Iii, ***Iiv, ***kiv, ***kvi, ****li, ****mi, ****ni, ****oi, ****pi

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – English, Social Studies, Math, Arts, Personal Development

Learning Outcomes

By completing this task students will be able to:

  • Appraise their personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Use teamwork, negotiation and organisation skills to advertise and run their own Odd Job business.
  • Develop an understanding of how businesses work.

Preparation and Materials

  • Copies of Info Sheet “Odd Jobs Workforce” for each student.
  • Copies of Activity Sheets (1), (2) and (3) for each group.
  • Teachers’ Notes for reference.
  • Materials as specified in the Teachers’ Notes.
  • A panel of judges who could be adults other than teachers or older students.
  • This simulation can be adapted for many size group and can be extended to suit the needs of the curriculum from a normal lesson period to a morning or full day activity.
  • The use of computers should be encouraged to produce the advertising material.


  1. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the Info Sheet.
  2. Put the students into pre-arranged groups of no more than 6 members with a range of skills.
  3. Give out and talk through the Info Sheet and answer questions until the students are clear about their brief.
  4. Run the session as described in the Teachers’ Notes.
  5. Evaluation should highlight the group dynamics and how students worked with each other as well as other aspects.
  6. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.
  7. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

TEACHERS’ NOTES (1) – Odd Job Workforce


Odd Job Workforce is an activity designed to encourage students to be aware of their own strengths and skills, to be able to work in a team, and to negotiate, organise and compromise as required. It will also offer a few problems which will need to be overcome in order to make their Odd Job Workforce into the successful business.


Groups should be pre-arranged to offer a friendly social grouping with a mix of skills and strengths.

Each group works together to offer a wide and varied ‘Odd Job’ service.

The weeks’ work has to be planned to keep everyone occupied and to ensure a good overall income. They need to advertise themselves and market their skills.

Expenses involved in the use and hire of equipment need to be recorded.


See the ‘Step By Step’ Guide on Teachers’ Notes (2).


The activity can with extension work, last all day but in practice half a day will maintain students’ interest and ensure validity of the tasks. Extra weeks may be added to the original week if required.


Students should be given time to consider the following points – with help and guidance id necessary.

  • How did they decide which jobs to do?
  • Did they have a leader?
  • Were the administration tasks divided?
  • Did everyone have jobs to do?
  • Were quality of life or social values important?
  • How did they do financially?
  • Did they enjoy working as a group?
  • Could this actually work out of school? Why?

TEACHERS’ NOTES – Odd Job Workforce

Step By Step Guide


  • Before starting, photocopy and cut out the job cards and put them into packs according to the number of participating groups.
  • Photocopy and cut out the equipment cards, chance cards and the equipment lists for each group.
  • Write new chance cards to suit your students, using the blanks.
  • Prepare registration sheets (Activity Sheet (1)) for student and teacher use.
  • Set up a job desk as the control agent for all work pack distribution.
  • Each group should have a pack containing:
  • 6 jobs cards (randomly selected).
  • 3 pieces of equipment (randomly selected).
  • Equipment list.
  • Registration sheet (Activity Sheet (1)).
  • Work record sheet for job allocation (Activity Sheet (2).
  • Accounts sheet (Activity Sheet (3)).
  • On each table there should be: white card, paper, I sheet of sugar paper, coloured pencils, glue, scissors, ruler.
  • Access to computers for production of the advertising leaflet if required.

The simulation

  • Students should be briefed verbally along with written notes.
  • Remind students of a number of factors which will influence their job allocation decisions:
  • Do they have the necessary skills for the job?
  • Do they have the right equipment?
  • Can they hire it? Buy it?
  • Will they enjoy the work?
  • Will there be a risk involved, financial or otherwise?
  • Will their job enhance their reputation?
  • Will society benefit?
  • Are there any risk to the environment?
  • Will they make a profit?

These point could be enlarged and put around the room to remind students about the considerations that will influence their aim to be successful.

  • Each activity should allocate a set time. Teachers will need to encourage groups to move on to the next activity by a designated time.
  • Distribute the ‘Chance’ cards at various intervals during the job allocation session.

Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

  • Appraise your personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Use teamwork, negotiation and organisation skills to advertise and run your own Odd Job business.
  • Develop and understand of how businesses work.
INFO SHEET – Odd Job Workforce
Student Brief

ACTIVITY SHEET (1) – Odd Job Workforce

ACTIVITY SHEET (2) – Odd Job Workforce


Name of Workforce:

Name / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
Name / Friday / Saturday / Sunday