Wisconsin Donkey & Mule Society (WDMS)

Westfield Library- Westfield WI


January 18,2014 Meeting

Present: Dian Pinney,Susie Fuller,Darby Fuller,Dannon Milton,Franklin Kimpel,Angela Langaski,Jerry Heinrich,Tony Lasacker,Robert Henkelman,Pat McNamara,Dave McNamara,Don Smith,Corky Smith,Donna Gabbei,Leslie Schmidt,Kari Bagley,Shaun Bagley,Walt Coussens,Jill Coussens,Shirley Hoel

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Dian Pinney 11:45a.m.

Minutes: Copies of the June 1, 2013 meeting were distributed. It was motioned by Pat McNamara, Dave McNamara 2nd to accept the minutes as presented. Motion adopted.

Treasurer’s Report: Secretary-Treasurer Dian Pinney distributed copies of the 2013 bank Ledger

a total of $3,868.77 as of Dec 13,2013. We discussed that we are down approx. $1000.00 from the year before. We discussed possible ways to raise money. A discussion was made if we should send out postcards to former members for a reminder to re-join.

A motion was made by Kari Bagley to raise membership dues to $20.00 annually effective 2015,Tony Losacker 2nd. Motion adopted

A motion was made by Dave McNamara to put on the membership form would you like to donate to Club activities and for this donation WDMS appreciates your support.Bob Hanklemen 2nd Motion Adopted

Wisconsin State Horse Council (WSHC): Corky Smith reported No Taking the Reins for 2014 the Midwest Horse Fair Buildings are going to be torn down after the Dairy Expo. There will be 2 Competitive Trail Competition Spring Competition will be held at Prairie Du Chein. The Fall Trail Competitive Ride is at Wild Cat.

Midwest Horse Fair (MHF) Report: Copies of the Score sheets from 2013 Midwest Horse Fair was handed out and read. Copies of the 2014 Midwest Horse Fair theme was handed out and read. A discussion was held about last year’s Demo.

A motion was made by Dave McNamara to re-allocate the $200 camping subsidy to go the the

Horse Fair expenses for members towards stall fees. Kari Bagley 2nd motion adopted.

Members will pay for their stalls at Horse Fair this year.

A list of sponsors will be made of the 2013 State Show and shown at the Horsefair and thanking the sponsors for their support.

Angela Langaski volunteered to let the club use her Donkey character to be worn at the Horse Fair. The Character will hand out brochures for WDMS.

State Show Report: State Show report was handed out and read. Discussed ideas for 2014 show. Members were asked to help at the show and think of ways to raise money for the State Show. We are hopeful that the new date change will make a big difference for this year’s show.

The new way to do High Point was presented. Volunteers are needed for misc jobs at show one of them being taking the photo’s at the show.

Donnna Gabbei and Tom McMillian will donate again scoop buckets for the costume class.

We need tp put up a mule and donkey banner by the road at Heartland to show people that there is a Mule and Donkey show being held there.

Suggestion about printing flyers or taking our show bill and putting them up at local members places of business to help with show numbers.

Placing ads in Country Today and Wi Horseman’s News Magazines was suggested.

Donna Gabbei suggested using old show ribbons to make book markers with the new State Show date and location and to be handed out at the Horse Fair.

Webmaster Report-Cliff Nieuwenhuis - No report was given- Cliff Nieuwenhuis was not present.

Newsletter Report: No report was Debbie Nieuwenhuis was not present

Club Apparel: A report was given and read. A discussion was raised to have for the club to have new t-shirts. A look into old records show us that we made money on the t-shirts in the past.

A motion was made by Corky Smith to use up to $300.00 for the purchase price of new club t-shirts. Frank Kimpel 2nd motion adopted

Susie fuller will look into prices of t-shirts and printing them.

A new committee was formed for the T-Shirts. Susie Fuller,Corky Smith and Leslie.

Corky will hold the Club Apparel.

Further discussion was made on taking the t-shirts to the Midwest Horse Fair and they would be given away with a donation.

Trail Ride Report: A report was given and read.

Spring Trail Ride: Ukarydee Equestrian Campground Arkdale Wi May 17, 2014

Fall Trail Ride: Prairie Du Chien La Riviere Equestrian Campground Prairie du Chien Wi Sept 20th 2014

Pat McNamara was featured in an article in Western Mule magazine. The article was about Pats adventures at the spring trail ride at Ukarydee 2013.

Pat and Dave McNamera will be hosting a trail ride if weather permitting on Saturday July 12,2014 if weather permitting a trail ride will be start at Dave and Pat’s and riding to Palmarya Southern Kettle Moraine State Park. Pat lives just mile from the trails. Sunday July 13,2014 the meeting will be at 12:00p.m.

Library Report: Dian Pinney reported that she will send Cliff info on the Library contents via mail or e-mail. The contents will then be transferred to the Web-site.

DVD’s that have been checked out have been Clinton Anderson and Brad Cameron DVD’s

Meeting Dates: July 14th at Dave and Pat McNamara Place Meeting on Sunday at 12:00pm (there will be no pot-luck) July 14 on Saturday if weather permitting there will be at Trail Ride leaving Dave and Pat’s and riding to Palmyra.

Jan 17th 2015 at Westfield Library Westfield Wi 11:00

Jan 24th Snow Date Location to be announced


State Show: Co-Chairs- Corky Smith and Dian Pinney- 2014

MWHF: Leslie Schmidt -2014

Trail Ride Contact- Jerry Heinrich 2014-2016 Ad E-mail to the Web-site

WHC-Corky Smith 2014-2016

WHC Alternate- Kari Bagley 2014-2016-New

President-Leslie Schmidt 2014-2016-Re-Elected No other volunteers

Secretary-Treasurer: 1-Nomination Pat McNamara-Elected

Director: Dave McNamara-New

Director: Don Smith-Re-Elected

New Buisness: Jill Coussens talked aout the Mini Show at the Wi State Fair in 2013.

Jill talked about the upcoming Mini Donkey Show at the Wi State Fair in 2014. This is the last year before the fair board will decide to hold more Mini donkey shows at the State Fair or if the vendue will change to be Mules,Donkeys and Mini Donkeys.

Shirley Hoel discussed the Show that her rescue puts on.

Adjournment: Shaun Bagley Motioned for the meeting to adjourn at 2:12 p.m. Corky Smith 2nd

Dian Pinney

WDMS Secretary-Treasurer