Deborah Cvikel March 2012


(short version)

1. Personal Details

Mobile Telephone Number: 050-6306968

Office Number: 04-8420475

Fax Number: 04-8240493

Electronic Address:

2. Higher Education

A. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Period of Study / Name of Department and Institution / Degree / Date of Degree
1996–1999 / Department of Geography and Human Environment, Tel Aviv University / BA / 1999
2001–2004 / Department of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa / MA
(Cum Laude) / 2004
2006–2010 / Department of Maritime Civilizations, University of Haifa / PhD
(Summa Cum Laude) / 2011
B. Post-Doctoral Studies
Period of Study / Name of Host, Department and Institution / Degree / Date of Degree
September 2010–February 2012 / Prof. Eric Rieth, CNRS (LAMOP), and Département d'Archéologie Navale, Musée national de la Marine, Paris
Prof. Anne-Françoise Garçon, Centre d'Histoire des Techniques CH2ST/EA127, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris / Post-PhD / –

3. Underwater Excavations

1.  June 2002 – participant in the Atlit harbour underwater excavation, Atlit, Israel.

2.  October 2002 – director of the Dor 2002/2 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Dor lagoon, Israel.

3.  September 2003 – director of the Dor 2002/2 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Dor lagoon, Israel.

4.  October 2004 – participant in the Dor 2001/1 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Dor lagoon, Israel.

5.  September 2005 – participant in the Dor 2001/1 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Dor lagoon, Israel.

6.  September 2006 – director of the Akko Underwater Excavation (under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), and of the Akko 1 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Akko, Israel.

7.  October 2006 – participant in the Tantura E shipwreck site underwater excavation, Dor lagoon, Israel.

8.  June 2007 – director of the Akko Underwater Excavation (under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), and of the Akko 1 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Akko, Israel.

9.  August 2007 – participant in the Mercure shipwreck site underwater excavation, Lignano, Italy.

10.  October 2007 – participant in the Tantura E shipwreck site underwater excavation, Dor lagoon, Israel.

11.  June 2008 – director of the Akko Underwater Excavation (under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), and of the Akko 1 shipwreck site underwater excavation, Akko, Israel.

12.  September 2008 – director of the Dor Underwater Excavation (under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), and co-director of the Dor C shipwreck site underwater excavation (together with A. Wielinski), Dor lagoon, Israel.

13.  June 2009 – co-director and co-license holder of Atlit Underwater Survey (together with Prof. Y. Kahanov), Atlit, Israel.

14.  September 2009 – participant in the Jeanne-Elisabeth shipwreck site underwater excavation, Maguelone, France.

15.  November 2009 – co-director of the Dor 2006 Shipwreck Underwater Excavation and site (together with R. Navri, under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), Dor south, Israel.

16.  May/June 2010 – co-director of the Dor 2006 Shipwreck Underwater Excavation and site (together with R. Navri, under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), Dor south, Israel.

17.  August 2010 – participant in the Achziv Underwater Survey, Achziv, Israel.

18.  September 2010 – participant in the Jeanne-Elisabeth shipwreck site underwater excavation, Maguelone, France.

19.  May/June 2011 – co-director of the Dor 2006 Shipwreck Underwater Excavation and site (together with R. Navri , under supervision of Prof. Y. Kahanov, head of the expedition), Dor south, Israel.

20.  September 2011 – participant in the Jeanne-Elisabeth shipwreck site underwater excavation, Maguelone, France.

21.  September 2011 – co-director of Short-Term Scientific Mission (STSM) in Atlit-Yam, Israel (together with Dr. E. Galili, Israel Antiquities Authority), Atlit, Israel.


A. PhD Dissertation

The Akko 1 Shipwreck: The Archaeological Find and the Historical Context.

Supervised by Prof. Yaacov Kahanov and Prof. Haim Goren.

January 2011, University of Haifa, 411 pages, Hebrew.

B. Articles in Refereed Journals


1.  Cvikel D. and Kahanov Y., 2006, The Dor 2002/2 Shipwreck. Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea, 3: 79–98.

2.  Kahanov Y., Shotten-Hallel V., and Cvikel D., 2008, A Graffito of a Nineteenth-Century Armed Ship from Akko, Israel. The Mariner's Mirror, 94.4: 388–404.

3.  Cvikel D., Kahanov Y., Goren H., Boaretto E. and Raveh K., 2008, Napoleon Bonaparte's Adventure in Tantura Lagoon: Historical and Archaeological Evidence. Israel Exploration Journal, 58.2: 199–219.

4.  Cvikel D. and Goren H., 2008, Where are Bonaparte's siege cannon? An episode in the Egyptian campaign. Mediterranean Historical Review, 23.2: 129–142.

5.  Cvikel D. and Kahanov Y., 2009, The Akko 1 Shipwreck: the First Two Seasons. The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 38.1: 38–57.

6.  Mentovich E. D., Schreiber D. S., Goren Y., Kahanov Y., Goren H., Cvikel D., and Ashkenazi D., 2010, New Insights Regarding the Akko 1 Shipwreck: A Metallurgic and Petrographic Investigation of the Cannonballs. Journal of Archaeological Science, 37.10: 2520–2528.

7.  Ashkenazi D., Cvikel D., Iddan N., Mentovich E. D., Kahanov Y., and Levinstain M., 2011, Archaeometallurgical Study of the Brass Cases from the Akko 1 Shipwreck. Journal of Archaeological Science, 38.9: 2410–2419.

Accepted for publication

8.  Cvikel D., Kahanov Y., and Goren H., The Naval Campaign on Akko, December 1831. Accepted for publication in Cathedra. In Hebrew (June 2011).

9.  Kahanov Y., Cvikel D., and Wielinski A., Dor C Shipwreck, Dor Lagoon, Israel: Evidence for Maritime Connections between France and the Holy Land. Accepted for publication in Cahiers d'Archéologie Subaquatique (June 2011).

10.  Kahanov Y., Tresman J. B., Mei-Bar, Y., Cvikel D., and Hillman A., Akko 1 Shipwreck: The Effect of Cannon Fire on the Wooden Hull. Accepted for publication in Journal of Archaeological Science (January 2012).

C. Articles in Conference Proceedings


1.  Cvikel D., 2009, One of Bonaparte's Ships? The Dor 2002/2 Shipwreck and its Construction Details. Skyllis 8, In Poseidon's Reich XI, Frankfurt, February 2006, conference proceedings: 83–85.

2.  Cvikel D., 2009, Dor 2002/2 Shipwreck: The Construction of a Late Ottoman Period Vessel. Bockius, R. (ed.), Between the Seas—Transfer and Exchange in Nautical Technology. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Mainz 2006, ISBSA 11. Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, Mainz: 33–39.

3.  Cvikel D., 2011, The Dor C Shipwreck: An Ottoman Period Merchantman from Dor Lagoon, Israel. Skyllis 11, In Poseidon's Reich XV, Vienna, February 2010, conference proceedings: 102–105.

Accepted for Publication

4.  Cvikel D., The Akko 1 Shipwreck: Report of Three Underwater Excavation Seasons. Accepted for publication in Tropis X. 10th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity, Hydra, August–September 2008, conference proceedings.

5.  Cvikel D., The Akko 1 Shipwreck: The Archaeological Find and its Historical Context. Accepted for publication in Between Continents. 12th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Istanbul, 12–16 October 2009, conference proceedings.

D. Other Scientific Publications

1.  Cvikel D., 2003, The Tantura (Dor) 2002/2 Wreck. R.I.M.S. News, 29: 17–18.

2.  Cvikel D., 2004, The Dor 2002/2 Shipwreck Excavations – September 2003. R.I.M.S. News, 30: 23–24.

3.  Cvikel D., 2005, Archaeological and Historical Evidence in Tantura Lagoon of the Marine Aspect of the Retreat of Napoleon and His Army from Acre, MA thesis abstract. R.I.M.S. News, 31: 21–22.

4.  Cvikel D., 2006, Between the Seas – 11th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology. R.I.M.S. News, 32: 19.

5.  Cvikel D., 2006, Akko 1 Shipwreck – First Season of Excavation: September 2006. R.I.M.S. News, 32: 17–18.

6.  Cvikel D., 2007, The Nautical Archaeology Society Annual Conference – Celebrating NAS Worldwide. R.I.M.S. News, 33: 23.

7.  Cvikel D., 2007, Overseas Expedition: The Underwater Excavation of the Mercure. R.I.M.S. News, 33: 23.

8.  Kahanov Y., Cvikel D., Pashut D. and Yurman A., 2007, Akko Underwater Excavation 2007. R.I.M.S. News, 33: 16–18.

9.  Cvikel D., 2008, Tropis X – 10th International Symposium on Ship Construction in Antiquity. R.I.M.S. News, 34: 28.

10.  Cvikel D. and Pashut D., 2008, The Viking Experience: The 2008 Study Tour to Roskilde, Denmark. R.I.M.S. News, 34: 26–27.

11.  Kahanov Y., Cvikel D., Yurman A., and Pashut D., 2008, Akko Underwater Excavation 2008. R.I.M.S. News, 34: 19–22.

12.  Kahanov Y., Cvikel D., Wielinski A., and Israeli E., 2008, Dor Underwater Excavation – Report of the 2008 Season. R.I.M.S. News, 34: 15–18.

13.  Cvikel D., 2009, Overseas Expedition: The Underwater Excavation of the Jeanne-Elisabeth (Maguelone 2). R.I.M.S. News, 35: 22.

14.  Cvikel D., 2009, Between Continents – 12th International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology. R.I.M.S. News, 35: 23.

15.  Cvikel D. and Kahanov Y., 2010, Underwater Excavations in Akko. One Thousand Nights and Days – Akko Through the Ages, Exhibition Catalogue, Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa: 70–73, 81–82.

16.  Cvikel D., 2010, The 2010 Study Cruise in the Saronic Gulf, Greece. R.I.M.S. News, 36: 18–20.

17.  Cvikel D., 2010, The Akko 1 Shipwreck: The Archaeological Find and the Historical Context, PhD dissertation abstract. R.I.M.S. News, 36: 21–26.

18.  Cvikel D., 2011, L'épave Akko 1 de Saint Jean d'Acre: Archéologie et histoire d'un naufrage. Neptunia, 262: 27–33.