
The Five, Full Time Ministries – The Evangelist

I. The Evangelist - Eph 4:11

A. The word “evangelist” is only mentioned 3 times in the Bible.

1. Eph 4:11, 2. Philip. Acts 21:8, 3.Paul told Timothy ‘do the work of an evangelist’.2Tim 4:5.

B. “Evangelist” comes from the word “evangel” which means one who brings “good news”.

C. The evangelist brings the message of salvation in it’s simplest form.

He preaches Christ and him crucified.; i.e. The Redemption of Man. His special ability is to
bring people to the point of a decision for Christ.

II. Philip is Our Example of the Evangelist. Acts 8:1-40.

A. Acts 8:1-40 gives us all we can learn about the evangelist from the Word.

B. Following is a summary of what we learn in Acts 8 about the evangelist:

1. The evangelist has a single message: He preaches Christ, whether to a throng or a single
person. Acts 8:5, 12, 35.

2. He seems to be able to preach from virtually anywhere in the Bible and find Christ there.
Acts 8:35.

3. God seems to open amazing doors for the evangelist to minister. Acts 8:26-29.

4. Signs, wonders and GOH are part of his ministry: Acts 8:6,-7, 13.

5. Evidently the evangelist does not always have the ministry of laying on of hands for the
Baptism in the Holy Spirit since John and Peter were quickly sent when the church at
Jerusalem heard that people were getting saved. At the point of salvation, the Samaritans had
the Holy Spirit in them, but the Holy Ghost hadn’t yet fallen upon the Samaritans with the
| evidence of speaking in tongues until Peter & John arrived and laid hands on them.

6. The evangelist will preach his message as quickly to one as well as to many as we see from
the single Ethiopian Philip ministered salvation unto versus the multitudes in Samaria he
ministered unto.

7. He doesn’t seem to minister the word beyond salvation. He doesn’t establish churches or
teach and get people grounded in the Word. He doesn’t seem to always minister the BITHS.
He comes for one reason, to preach Christ, demonstrating by miracles and GOS that his
message is from God, thereby bringing the people to a point of decision for Christ and then
he is gone. Acts 8:26, 39, 40.

8. His ministry is to the world – not the BOC. Eph 4:13: “till we all come… unto a knowledge
of the Son of God”.

9. The evangelist’s ministry is therefore a ministry that travels about, continually moving about
a country and/or the world ministering the gospel message of Christ to the unsaved.

Homework HBS-152

The word evangelist is only mentioned ______times in the ______.

______is the only ______we have in the Bible of an ______.

The word evangelist comes from the word ______which means one who brings ______.

___. The evangelist has 2 main messages: 1. to preach Christ & 2. the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

The evangelist’s special ability is to bring people to a point of ______for Christ.

___. He will preach Christ to a multitude or to a single person.

___. He has an ability to find the redemption message all through the Bible and then preach from that passage and win people to Christ.

Name the passage the Ethiopian was reading from when Philip approached him. ______.

Go back and read verses 5 and 6 from this chapter and then tell me 3 things we can learn about our redemption from this prophecy in this old testament book:

______, ______, ______.

Name one new testament evangelist. ______.

Name one old testament evangelist ______.

Name three main things we find in the evangelist’s ministry bedside preaching Christ.

______, ______, ______.

(***. Signs, wonders and GOH are part of his ministry: Acts 8:6,-7, 13.

___. When the people saw the signs & wonders in Philips ministry it gave them faith to be saved.

No, when they ______the ______preached they received the ______to be ______.

Give me the scripture that tells me how faith comes. ______.

Therefore when Philip preached and the people ______what he preached and then got saved, Philip must have been preaching the ______.

___. Miracles and GOH may also accompany some other full time ministry gifts, but we know from our single example, they should accompany the evangelist’s ministry since Philip is our only example of an evangelist in the Bible.

___. Miracles and signs and casting out devils are used by God to get people’s attention and then give them the faith to believe the message preached. Acts 8:5-7.

___. The evangelist doesn’t seem to minister the word beyond salvation. He doesn’t establish churches or teach and get people grounded in the Word.

__. The evangelist’s ministry is to the Body of Christ so they can make a decision for Christ.