To: COS Board of Trustees

From: Ron Johnson, Vice President, Academic Services

Date: October 20, 2008

Subject: Requesting Approval of Curriculum at the November 3, 2008 Board Meeting

The following courses and programs were approved by the College-wide Curriculum Committee and the Academic Senate.

New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
Modified / ANTH 10 / 3.0 / Cultural Anthropology / This course is an introduction to the study of human culture and the concepts, theories, and methods used in the comparative study of socio-cultural systems. Subjects include subsistence patterns, social and political organization, language and communication, family and kinship, religion, the arts, social inequality, ethnicity, gender, and culture change. The course applies anthropological perspectives to contemporary issues. Advisory on Recommendation: English 251 or equivalent college course with “C” or better, or eligibility for English 1 determined by COS Placement Procedures. / Effective Term: Summer 2009 (200930)
1-Five year update
2-Course description
Modified / ANTH 11 / 3.0 / Physical Anthropology / This course covers the concepts, methods of inquiry, and theory of biological evolution and their application to the human species. There is a specific focus on molecular, Mendelian and population genetics, mechanisms of evolution, primatology, paleoanthropology, bio-cultural adaptations, human variation, and current bioethical issues. The philosophy of science and the scientific method serve as foundations to the course. Advisory on Recommendation Preparation: English 251 or equivalent college course with “C” or better, or eligibility for English 1 determined by COS Placement Procedures. / Effective Term: Summer 2009
1-Five year update
2-Course description changed
Modified / ARCH 70 / 3.0 / Architecture History 1 / History of architecture from Prehistoric to Gothic periods.
Pre-Columbian Americas period is also covered. The relationship between architecture and art, science, historical events, religion, society, culture, philosophy, politics, economics, and physical conditions are studied. This course is approved for Distance Education format. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
1-Added Distance Education Addendum (72-online)
2-Course description updated
Material Fee: $10.00
New / AUTO 256 / 2.0 / Consumer Automotive Service / Instruction and laboratory demonstrations in the inspection and maintenance procedures required for maintaining today's automobiles. This course may be used as a survey or support course for the Automotive Technology Major. Formerly Auto 300 (Active Course) / Effective Term: Summer 2009
2 Units
1 Lecture hr per week
3 Lab hrs per week
New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
Modified / BIOL 060 / 3.0 / Introduction to Cell Biology / This is a general course in cell biology. The basic biochemistry, structures, functions, genetics, growth and development of animal, plant and microbial cells will be covered. Advisory on Recommended Preparation: ENGL 251 or equivalent college course with “C” or better or eligibility for ENGL 1 determined by COS Placement Procedures. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Five Year update
Modified / BUS 188 / 3.0 / Human Relations in Business / Students will become acquainted with those accepted patterns of behavior and performance standards which will enhance their skills in the workplace and in life. The student will be exposed to management techniques applicable to his/her business, domestic, personal, and social lives. Exploration of issues including diversity, leadership, teamwork, motivation, employee development, stress management, physical and emotional health, wellness, ethics, decision making and problem solving toward the goal of improving interpersonal effectiveness on the job. This course is a general education course which will be of value to both the business and non-business student. / Effective Term: 200910
(Fall 2008)
1-distance Education Addendum for:
Video one way (63); 2-way Interactive video/audio (52); Online/Hybrid (72); Correspondence (61)
2-Course description update
Modified / CHEM 253 / 4.0 / Introduction to Chemistry / This is a one-semester elementary class for students who have never taken high school chemistry or whose previous work in chemistry did not prepare them for CHEM 20. The course will prepare students for success in CHEM 20 by giving them a basic background in matter, energy, chemical reactions, measurements, formula writing, nomenclature, chemical calculations and a review of elementary algebra. Advisory on Recommended Preparation: MATH 200 or equivalent college course with “C” or better. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Change in Lecture/Lab hours to 3 Lecture/3 Lab hours per week
2-Five year update
Modified / COSM 261 / 6-12 / Basic Cosmetology / COSM 261 includes a study of basic scientific theories and techniques as they apply to cosmetology. The course covers disorders, diseases, analysis, and treatment of the skin, hair, scalp, and nails; bacteriology, sterilization, and sanitation; principles of hair styling, chemicals and applications, fundamentals of massage, facials, and manicuring; ethics in cosmetology and salon management principles.
Advisory on Recommended Preparation: Students need to meet with Estes Representative.
Limitation on Enrollment: Admission into the Cosmetology Program.
/ Effective Term: Summer 2009
1-Changed lecture hours to 4-10 and lab hours to 6
2-Changed Limitation on Enrollment
3-Added Advisory
New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
Modified / COSM 262 / 6-12 / Intermediate Cosmetology / Cosmetology 262 includes a study of basic scientific theories and techniques as they apply to cosmetology. The course covers disorders, diseases, analysis, and treatment of the skin, hair, scalp, and nails; bacteriology, sterilizations, and sanitation; principles of hair styling, chemicals and applications, fundamentals of massage, facials, and manicuring; ethics in cosmetology and salon management principles. / Effective Term: Summer 2009
1-Changed lecture hours to 4-10 and lab hours to 6
2-Changed course description
3-Prerequsite includes language which cannot be loaded into Banner, “or 500 hours of cosmetology training.”
Modified / COSM 263AB / 6-8 / Advanced Cosmetology / COSM 263AB includes the advanced study and performance of scientific theories and techniques applied to cosmetology. The course covers treatments of the hair, skin, scalp, and nails; ethics in cosmetology; and salon business and management skills. The second section will allow refinement of skills, encourage problem solving in greater depth, and provide a State Board review. / Effective Term: Summer 2009
1-Lecture hours changed to 4-6 and lab hours changed to 6
2-Catalog description changed
Modified / DSCI 200 / 2.0 / Applied Dairy Mechanics / This course focuses on construction, repair and maintenance of dairy equipment and facilities. Content includes basic welding and repair of commonly found equipment and fences on dairies, and maintenance and service of equipment such as feed wagons, skip loaders, tractors and trailers. / Effective Term: Summer 2009
1-Lecture hours changed to 1 and lab hours changed to 3
2-Course description changed
Deletion / ENGL 25 / 3.0 / Asian-American Literature / This course is no longer being taught. / Effective Term: 200910
(Fall 2008)
Modified / ET 220AC / 2.0 / Electrical Code Update / National Electrical Code overview and update for all sections of NEC code book. This course is repeatable two times. This course is approved for Distance Education format. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
1-Units changed from 3 to 2
2-Lecture hours changed from 3 to 2
3-Added Distance Education addendum for online instruction (72).
New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
Modified / ECT 261 / 2.0 / Introd to Air Cond/Refrig C/D / An introductory course offered in Environmental Control Technology that covers commercial and domestic air conditioning, and refrigeration theory. The students will study the practical wiring circuits and diagnosing of electrical problems found in both commercial and domestic applications. The student will also become familiar with various types of electrical motors, and their individual characteristics. This course provides essential knowledge for students seeking further advancement in his/her career. Advisory on Recommended Preparation: ECT 260 or equivalent college course with “C” or better or equivalent skills and knowledge as determined by departmental assessment. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Chane in Lecture/Lab hours to 1.5 Lecture/1.5 Lab hours per week
2-Five year update
Modified / ECT 281 / 12.0 / Basic Air Conditioning / ECT 281 is an introductory lecture and demonstration course in residential air conditioning, refrigeration and heating that covers applied refrigeration theory, including how to evacuate and charge systems, diagnose refrigeration problems and how to properly install an entire duct system in the project house. In addition, proper brazing techniques, tools and safety practices are taught as applied to various other trades. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
1-Change in course number from ECT 181 to ECT 281
2-Change in units from 10 to 12
3-Change in Lecture hours per week from 10 to 11
4-Change in Lab hours per week from 4 to 3.
5-Corequisite added: ECT 280
Material Fee: $20.00
Modified / ECT 282 / 12.0 / Adv Air Cond/Refrig Com/Dom / An advanced course offered in Environmental Control Technology that covers commercial and domestic air conditioning and refrigeration theory. Topics include the fundamentals of wiring circuits and the concept of electrical problem solving as it relates to both commercial and residential applications. Topics also include using methods to calculate heat loads values necessary to sizing equipment in the industry. Advisory on Recommended Preparation: ECT 281 or equivalent college course with "C" or better. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
1-Change in course number from ECT 182 to ECT 282
2-Change in Lecture hours per week from 10 to 9
3-Change in Lab hours per week from 10 to 9
4-Advisory changed
Material Fee: $10.00
Modified / FIRE 156 / 3.0 / Fire Service Hydraulics / This course provides a foundation of theoretical knowledge in order to understand the principles of the use of water in fire suppression and to apply hydraulic principles to analyze and to solve water supply problems. This course is approved for Distance Education format (hybrid/online). / Effective Term: Fall 2009
1-Prerequisite removed
2-Distance Education Addendum for hybrid instruction (65% in classroom)
3-Course description changed
New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
Modified / FIRE 159 / 3.0 / Introduction to Fire Protection Org / This course provides an overview to fire protection, career opportunities in fire protection and related fields, philosophy and history of fire protection/service, fire loss analysis, organization and function of public and private fire protection services, fire departments as part of local government, laws and regulations affecting the fire service, fire service nomenclature, specific fire protection functions, basic fire chemistry and physics, introduction to fire protection systems, introduction to fire strategy and tactics.
This course is approved for Distance Education format. / Effective Term: Summer 2009
1-Advisory Removed
2-Added Distance Education Addendum of online instruction (72)
3-Course description changed
Modified / FIRE 161 / 2.0 / S.F.M.-Fire Prevention 1A / Provides fundamental information regarding the history and philosophy of fire prevention organization and operation of a fire prevention bureau. Provides use of fire codes, identification and correction of fire hazards, inspection of detection and suppression systems, and the relationship of fire prevention with fire safety education. This course is approved for Distance Education format. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
1-Five year update
2-Added Distance Education addendum for online/hybrid instruction (72)
Deletion / FIRE 243 / .5 / Fire Control 4A and 4B / Course is no longer needed by local fire departments. / Effective Term: 200910
(Fall 2008)
Deletion / FIRE 265 / .5 / Fire Control 3 / Course is too expensive to offer because of the number of required instructors to student ratio Can be offered by local fire departments at no cost to the student. / Effective Term: 200910
(Fall 2008)
Deletion / FIRE 267 / .5 / CSFM Fire Control 6 / Course is no longer needed. It is too expensive to offer because of the number of instructors required to meet state standards. / Effective Term: 200910
(Fall 2008)
Modified / FASH 164 / 2.0 / The World of Fashion / An overview of the fashion industry. Topics include 20th century fashion history, current fashion designers and trend setters, design development, fashion forecasting, consumer demand, the global market place and fashion career opportunities. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Course description
2-Five year update
New / GOVT 005H / 3.0 / Fed, State & Local Gov-Honors / An introduction to the principles and problems of national, state, and local government with particular emphasis on the Constitution of the United States and the state and local government of California. Advisory on Recommended Preparation: ENGL 251 or equivalent college course with a grade of “C” or better or eligibility for ENGL 1 as determined by placement procedures. Duplicate credit not granted for GOVT 5.
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Honors’ Program.
/ Effective Term: Spring 2009
3 Lecture hours per week
New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
New / HIST 17H / 3.0 / U.S. History to 1865-Honors / A study of the people of the United States from colonial beginnings to 1865 emphasizing the significance of primary source documents to analyze the interaction of political, economic, geographic and social factors in the evolution of American culture. Emphasizes historiographical approach. Special emphasis is given to the roles of women and various ethnic minority groups in settling America and shaping its history.
Duplicate credit not granted for HIST 17.
Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Honors Program. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
3 Lecture hours per week
New / ITEC 216 / 3.0 / Introduction to Industry & Technology / This is an introductory course into the many different aspects of the Industry and Technology field. This class will provide basic knowledge in the following fields: Workplace Ethics, Applied Industrial Mathematics, Industrial Specific Terms, Principles of Pneumatics-Hydraulics, Basics of Industrial Electricity, Principles of Electric Motors, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Basics, Power Transmission Devices, Use of Pump in Industry, Applications of Piping Systems, Basics of Welding, Workplace Strategies and Job Preparation. This will be a short-term, nine-week course. / Effective Term: Summer 2009
2 Lecture hours per week
3 Lab hours per week
Stand Alone Course
Modified / ITEC 242 / 4.0 / Air Conditioning Sheet Metal / ITEC 242 is an introduction to basic air conditioning sheet metal theory, design, drafting, bending, shaping, soldering, tools and equipment used to fabricate fittings. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Change in course number from ITEC 142
2-Change in course description
Modified / ITECT 243 / 4.0 / Adv Air Cond Duct Sheet Metal / ITEC 243 is designed for the individual seeking to further their skills and knowledge in advance sheet metal layout, fabrication, & installation of sheet metal fittings used in HVAC industry. Computer aided drafting is also utilized in this course.
Advisory on Recommended Preparation: ITEC 242 or equivalent college course with “C” or better. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Change in course number from ITEC 143
2-Change in course description
3-Change in Lecture/Lab hours to 3 Lecture/3 Lab hours per week.
Modified / MUS 011 / 3.0 / Music Appreciation/Jazz / This course is designed to aid the average student in developing a better understanding and enjoyment of jazz and music in general. Includes the elements of music and a chronological survey of jazz performers and composers from the 1890s to the present. No previous musical training is necessary. Approved for Distance Education format. / Effective Term: 200930
(Summer 2009)
1-Title changed
New, Modified/ or Deleted / Course
Number / Units / Course Title/Program Title / Course Description/Reason for Deletion / Modifications
New / PHIL 001H / 4.0 / Introductory Philosophy-Honors / Students will study the ideas of philosophy by discussing primary source philosophical works and writing argument papers. Areas of study can be political theory, ethics, metaphysics and epistemology through the ideas of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes and Kant. Students will lead discussions and present argument papers for critique. Duplicate credit not granted for PHIL 1. Limitation on Enrollment: Acceptance into the Honors Program. / Effective Term: Fall 2009
4 Lecture hours per week
Modified / PE 014AD / 1.0 / Basketball / Designed for students interested in the sport of basketball; both experienced players and those not familiar with the game are encouraged to take this class. / Effective Term: Summer 2009 (200930)
1-Five year update
2-Changed course description
Modified / SMED 060 / 3.0 / Concepts in Health & Fitness / This course is open to all students interested in the prevention, care and treatment of sport(s) injuries. The subject matter covers the responsibilities of professional development of the athletic trainer, emergency procedures; mechanisms, characteristics, and evaluation of sports injuries as well as their acute care. SMED 40 includes the partial regulations and requirements of the National Athletic Trainer’s Association for transfer to a four year institution and certification. Advisory on Recommended Preparation: ENGL 251 or equivalent college course with “C” or better or eligibility for ENGL 1 determined by COS Placement Procedures. / Effective Term: 200920
(Summer 2009)
1-Change in course description
2-Added Advisory on Recommended Preparation
3-Five year update
