FoST: The FoST AGM is TOMORROW Wednesday, 14 October at 7.00pm in school. All welcome. You are more than welcome to come along to this (especially new parents wanting to get involved in school life) and share your ideas for fund-raising and social events. The meetings are generally light-hearted and usually quite a good laugh!

OPEN MORNING! You will have seen the banner at the front of school as well as the posters in Nursery. We are holding an open morning in school on FRIDAY (16 October) in school between 9.30 and 11.30 for all prospective parents for September 2016. Please pass the word if you know someone who is looking!!

Parents’ Evenings: We have Parents’ Evenings NEXT WEEK on Tuesday and Thursday. The appointment times are coming out later this week. Please be patient and on time then the evenings will run smoothly. We will be gathering in the school hall again and there will be a display of our Growth Mindset work in the dining room for you to enjoy!

REMINDER: Extreme Haircuts and Nail Polish! We have very strict guidance on haircuts in school; please avoid anything too short or too ‘extreme’. I know our sports stars don’t help but please remember the image we are trying to project here… it gets them in good habits for High School! Nail polish is NOT allowed in school… period! Thanks.

Match Report: Well done to the U11s who played their first game of the season last week winning 3v0 against Manston SJ. The team played very well and missed several guilt-edged chances so the score should have been out of sight. That said, they played very well indeed and I am looking forward to seeing them in the ESFA 7-a-side tourney this weekend; we’ve never won this so maybe this will be our year! Good luck to the boys who have been selected to play.

And finally… Very happy news! Just in case you missed it Mrs Lyttle has had her baby… she gave birth to a very healthy baby boy, Marcus Christopher weighing in at 7lbs 5oz. Mum and baby are doing very well by all accounts. Happy days!!

With every good wish,

St Theresa’s Catholic

Primary School

Walking in Theresa’s Little Way

Newsletter 6: Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Autumn Term (1)

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Positive Action for Refugees!

Dear Parents

I would like to think that we have all been affected by the images that flooded all over our TV screens in the summer, of the terrible plight of the refugees from Syria and other countries that have had to flee from war-torn countries, many literally in fear of their lives. The image of the three year old boy washed up on the beach at Bodrum in Turkey touched the whole world. As a parish community we were involved in a collection at the weekend as part of the Crossgates Together initiative. Over the past few weeks I have been liaising with a parishioner called Mr Pickles and through this link I have coordinated a mini-project to help the refugees who are already in Leeds and those that will come to our City. Leeds is a city of refuge and already many people work hard to help those most in need. Each of the local schools that has volunteered to get involved have agreed to collect for a specific area of need. Our area of need is MEN’S WINTER CLOTHING. This means that we will be looking to collect and bag up men’s clothing to take to PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers) in Leeds. Our collection day is NEXT THURSDAY, 22 October and I will be speaking to the children about this and sending home a flyer during the week. Just because this has disappeared off our TV news screens doesn’t mean that the suffering has stopped or that these extremely vulnerable people have gone away. Faith without action is pretty meaningless so I hope you will do everything in your power to help. Thanks.

Clubs: Clubs

Weds, 14 October / Lunch-club / Lunchtime
Thursday, 15 October / Lunch-club
U9s football training
Athletics training: Y4-6
U9s match vs St Nich’s (AWAY) / Lunchtime
12.30 gym
3.15 – 4.30
KO 3.45
Friday, 16 October / Lunch club / Lunchtime
Saturday, 17 October / ESFA Tournament at St Theresa’s / Registration at 9.00am
19 October / Lunch-club
Rugby Training
U11s Football Training / Lunchtime
3.15 – 4.15
3.30 – 5.00pm
Tuesday,20 October / Lunch Club / Lunchtime

October ~ The month of the Holy Rosary: October is the month of the Holy Rosary so we would like to encourage the children to bring their rosary beads to school this month so that they can pray the rosary together in assembly, in class and in the chapel. Please pray the rosary with the children at home too. Thank you, Mrs Crowley

CHOIRS: The ‘senior’ choir will restart on Monday November 2nd, straight after half term; letters will be sent out this week giving details of dates, times etc. All children in Yrs 4-6 are welcome to join, as long as they are committed to regular attendance and full participation! Former members will be warmly welcomed back too! Keep an eye out for further information if you are interested! Mrs Crowley

The Junior Choir will also start in the first week back with Mrs Ruane; they will rehearse on Thurs night after school till 4.00 and is for Y2-3.

Growth Mindset! Are we keeping up our open mindset? I keep hearing children talking about having an open mindset to things rather than a closed one… all good! Keep it up!

Inclusions with today’s newsletter:

·  Data collection sheet; please check and return ASAP.

·  Dancetec flyer

·  Free School Meals Letter

·  Y6 Big Sing letter

Please look out for the above and make sure that you have them all!

Attendance Matters: Congratulations to F2LM, 4PR and 6KH for 100% attendance in the week ending 9/10/15. Absolutely fabulous!

Free School Meals: There is a letter enclosed with the newsletter today which is to encourage all of you to consider whether or not you are eligible for free school meals. Whether you want to take them up or not it is vitally important to the school (and your child) that you apply for them if you are eligible. This releases funding for the school and your child called the Pupil Premium; please refer to the letter.

Big Sing, Liturgy Thing: Next week (Weds, 21 October) we are hosting the annual BSLT at our school. Well over 400 children from 9+ schools will gather to sing and praise God in the presence of CJM who are a professional music group from the Birmingham Diocese. Year 6 will be attending alongside some of our old boys and girls from Corpus. This is a fabulous day and a wonderful example of the power of song in prayer. There is a letter and return slip for this enclosed.

KS1/F2 Assembly: Thursday, 15 October at 2.45pm… enjoy!!

Rugby World Cup Events! We have been involved in a couple of Rugby World Cup events in recent weeks. Our Y3s went down recently and took part in an event in Millennium Square and ended up on the local TV news… focussing right on our school!! Well done to all who took part and those who organised it… once again excellent feedback about our awesome children!

Corpus Christi Catholic College Open Night: 6KH are going to visit Corpus Christi High School on Thursday, 22 October in the afternoon but will be back for the end of school. This is because they missed the Open Night when they went to Whitby.

Ethos Statement: “I can tell you how I look after myself!”