Professional Development Session and Reflection Paper

School Year 2012-2013

“Continuing Group of Leaders”

Project Web Site:

Syllabus Statement:

Professional Development Session: Planning and Facilitating (team project)

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your capacity as a leader to facilitate teacher learning of content and collegial conversations on the CCSSM. Working in groups you will plan, facilitate, and reflect on a one-hour professional development session. Report will be posted on the CCLM website. Details distributed in class.

Professional Development Session: Planning and Facilitating (team project)

Working as a team, you will plan and facilitate to class participants a one-hour professional development session from either the geometry progression document or from the casebook, Cultivating a Math Coaching Practice.

All group members are expected to facilitate an equal section of the one-hour session. One example format could be 2 group members take the lead to facilitate the first 30 minutes and 2 group members take the lead to facilitate the second 30 minutes. However, you decide to divide the sections, be sure there is a good flow in the session and a nice transition between presenters.

Note: The presentation you plan and deliver as a group is a group presentation. Even when you are not facilitating, it is the responsibility of all group members to listen to each other, and support each other as facilitators for the learning of the class participants.

Points to Guide your Team Planning

1) For the progression document, what is the math content you want your participants to learn? For the case studies, what is the math content, and the leadership content you want participants to learn? This should be shared in the beginning of the session and brought back for synthesis at the end of your session. This idea should be considered as you plan any activities for the participants and as you plan ways to debrief the activities.

2) Be sure your presentation includes coaching skillsboth on your slides and in your facilitation e.g., paraphrasing while facilitating and listening to participants and coaching questions/probes on slides used in the presentation.

3) Your presentation should be designed to embed the Five Presentation Stages; 1) Before the Opening, 2) Opening, 3) Body, 4) Closing, 5) After the Close.

4) Using your book, How to Make Presentations that Teach and Transform, build into your presentationsat least two strategies from each of the following chapters:

Chapter 4: Knowing Your Audience

Chapter 5: Communicating with the Entire Brain

Chapter 6: Making Learning Active.

Product to be Submitted (team project) Due on presentation date.

1) Electronic file of the power point presentation including notes on the bottom of each slide highlighting important ideas that should be shared when the slide is visible to class participants.

For example: If the slide describes an activity then in the note section include the purpose of the activity as it relates to the learning target.E.g., The purpose of this activity is...If the slide is a debriefing probe then in the note section include the answers you expect to hear from the participants.

2) A short paper (approx. 2 pages) describing the strategies you built into your presentation from Chapters 4, 5, and 6 from How to Make Presentations that Teach and Transform. Reference specific examples from your presentation where the strategies were used.

Assignment 2:Reflection Paper(approx. 3/4 pages):Planning and Facilitating a Professional Development Session (individual)

Modified from Syllabus

Due: One class session after the facilitation of the professional development session

The purpose of this paper is to reflect on your personal growth as a leader. It should capture your thoughts as you monitored yourself during the processes of planning, facilitating, and reflecting on your PD session.

Points to Address:

(a) Explain your contributions to the planning process. What did you discover was your strength? What skills need to be developed?

(b) Personal Reflection: Listat least fourpersonal facilitation goals for yourself as a presenter. Choose two personal goals from Chapter 3, Maintaining Confidence, and two goals from Chapter 5, Communicating with the Entire Brain.

Include a self-assessment (what I did well and what I need to work on) of your skill on these four goals.

(c) Reflection on Feedback:What important ideas did you learn in the facilitation process to consider in future presentations? In this section include both your own reflections and reflections from the feedback you received from class observers and from the class instructor.