March 13, 2017

Great Cypress Village board Meeting was called to order at 7:21pm. Secretary Beyer called the role of board members. Present were: Zebbie Probst, Paul Bredlau, Catherine Beyer, Wink Van Knowe, Michele Hamilton, Kymee Musumeci and Jack Fair.

Secretary Beyer read the minutes from February 13, 2017 meeting. After a correction was made Paul Bredlau made a motion to approve the corrected minutes. Michele Hamilton seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

Treasurer Van Knowe read the financial report as of February 28, 2017. The operating account balance was $10,718.09. The reserve account balance was $99,009.80. The total was $109,727.89. Paul Bredlau made a motion to accept the financial report as read. Catherine Beyer seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

The following reports were given for the committees:


SOCIAL - Joan Melarkey reminded those present of upcoming events.

RV – Jack Fair wanted to know who belonged to a trailer with an Ontario license plate. A request was made by Mr. Boone to park his large RV Vehicle in the RV area and put in a large cement slab to park it on. Also the large boat would have to be moved to open up more storage room.

WELCOME – No Report


ELECTION – Better instruction on voting ballots next year.

TRUSTEE – Training in Quick Books programs. Determine what financial reports are necessary for hand outs to residents at monthly meetings.



1Park dues reduction. Dale Alford presented his thoughts on the $5.00 reduction in park dues. Zebbie Probst answered with the need to keep the dues the same till the budget is changed in 2017-2018 to build up the operating account after paying off the SBA loan January 2017.

2Kathy Evans as that an outside CPA do a financial audit. Zebbie Probst explained that our Trustees Committee did an audit per our Bylaws page 21 article 8 gives them the right to do an audit. Mary Nowak, who is a retired CPA, was on the Trustee committee.

3Status of homes for sale.

Hurst, Esther - Behind on taxes, County took possession Jan 2015



Sykes, Dutch - Foreclosure sale on April 3, 2017

Jimmy the Greek – Behind in dues payments


Update all back dues payments on these homes to try to collect upon sale.


1Received “paid in full” on SBA loan to register at county office.

2Ceiling lights estimates by Chad Reid. Problems have been found in replacing lights to code regulations by county. (Two layers of insulation prevent lights from attaching to truss in ceiling)

3AED defybulator – Nancy Colacicco explained the purchase of a defybulator for clubhouse. Michele Hamilton made a motion to purchase the AED and Nancy Colacicco would make the purchase. Paul Bredlau seconded the motion. The motion was approved.

4Speed limit in park is 20 mph. Please slow drivers down for safety.

5Complaints about FOUR WHEELERS near Richard Barrett home. A suggestion was made to start a petition delivered to stop the activity in the property surrounding Great Cypress Village.

6Also a petition to county about the roofing nails on Houston Avenue that are giving residents flat tires on a regular basis.

7June Stevens still needs a palm tree replacement. Zebbie Probst got an estimate for 20 trees to be planted in park as replacements.

8Repair of pool motor expense.

9Need for pool cover….difference in electricity cost vs. the cost of a pool cover. Thank you Wink Van Knowe for assembling cost analyses.

A motion was made to adjourn meeting by Michele Hamilton. Paul Bredlau seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 pm.