October 20, 2007

The annual meeting of the owners of Summerhouse Beach & Racquet Club Condominium Association, Inc. was held on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 9:30 AM at the offices of the Association. President Norm Breen called the meeting to order. Proxies were certified and a quorum established by Secretary Carol Vaneman. Ms. Vaneman established proof of notice of the meeting.

Directors present were:

Phase I Bill Helman, Mike Langton, Don Trefry

Phase II Norm Breen, Bill Carlson, Don Coker

Phase III Mike Crothers, Bob Ford, Harry Balance

Phase IV Bob Mericle, Bob Wheeler, Carol Vaneman

A motion by Bob Mericle, seconded by Carol Vaneman, to waive the reading of the minutes of the previous owners’ meeting of October 21, 2006 and accept them as submitted passed unanimously.

Officers’ Reports

President. Norm Breen. See attached report.

Vice President. Don Coker. No report.

Treasurer. Bill Carlson. See attached report. Mr. Carlson said that the annual audit is no longer automatically sent to all Owners. The report is available at the Association office or a copy will be mailed upon request.

Secretary. Carol Vaneman. See attached report.

Ms. Vaneman announced the results of the two questions to the membership.

Question 1. If there are surplus funds from fiscal 2007 operations, should the Association use those surplus funds to reduce member assessments for the fiscal year 2008?

Yes-159 No-6

Question 2. May the Board of Directors transfer funds from one reserve category to another reserve fund category within the same Phase if necessary to avoid or reduce a special assessment to fund the other reserve fund category?

Yes-165 No-0

Committee Reports

The following committee Chairpersons presented reports and answered questions from the membership.

Rental. Keith Jones announced a new Rental Board would be seated today and presented a brief report about the rental program.

Landscape. Garry Vaneman. See attached report.

Architectural/Structural. Mike Langton. No report.

By-Laws & Documents. Bob Wheeler. See attached report. After a discussion about pets, it was suggested that the pet policy be communicated to the Owners in the next newsletter. To be included is information about registering Owners’ pets in the office and use of the dog walk.

Welcome. Garry and Carol Vaneman. See attached report.

Dunes & Crossover. Garry Vaneman said this is now part of the Landscape Committee.

Personnel. Don Coker. See attached report.

Computer. Don Coker. See attached report.

Insurance. Bob Mericle. See attached report. Mr. Mericle said the Committee would study self insurance.

Finance. Bob Ford. See attached report.

Long Range Planning. Bob Wheeler. See attached report.

Election. Carol Vaneman announced that because there was only one candidate for each vacancy on the Board in Phase I, III, and IV, balloting was not necessary. Beginning new, three-year terms on the Board of Directors are Marilyn Helman, Phase I; Steve Tate, Phase III; and Bob Wheeler, Phase IV. The newly elected Directors received a round of applause. Ms. Vaneman thanked out-going Directors Bill Helman, Phase I, and Mike Crothers, Phase III for their service. The candidates for Director from Phase II are Ann Zickes and Don Coker. President Breen appointed Bob Wheeler as Inspector of Election and asked for two volunteers to count the ballots. Nancy Hyde and Wendy Crothers volunteered to count the ballots.

General Manager’s Report

Keith Jones. See attached report.

Election of Directors

Inspector of Election, Bob Wheeler, announced the results of the Phase II election. Don Coker won the election and will serve as Director for a three-year term.

New Business

President Breen announced that the Organizational Meeting and the regular Board of Directors would follow.

With no unfinished business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 AM.

Action Items

·  Communicate the pet policy in the next newsletter. Include information about pet registration and the dog walk.

·  Insurance Committee to study self-insurance.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Vaneman, Secretary