August 2011


217 O’Shaughnessy Hall

Department of Political Science

Notre Dame, Indiana 46556


University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana

Ph.D. Candidate (expected May 2012)

M.A., Political Science, January 2009

Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3 (2010-2011) Bordeaux, France

Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (2005-2006) Tübingen, Germany

University of Maryland, College Park College Park, Maryland

B.A., cum laude, 2006

Government and Politics (Highest Honors)

University Honors Program


Research Interests: Liberalism (especially French), American Political Thought, Nationalism

Dissertation: “On Political Particularism: De l’Esprit des lois and the Politics of Statecraft”

Chair: Catherine Zuckert

Committee: Fred Dallmayr, Eileen Hunt Botting, A. James McAdams, Michael Zuckert

Abstract: My dissertation argues for a new way of analyzing politics called “political particularism,” based on Montesquieu's central idea, esprit. I provide the first comprehensive treatment of this concept by examining the political and subpolitical variables and discern the ways in which institutions, religion, commerce, and other variables affect the character or ethos of a people. I juxtapose Montesquieu's political particularism against political universalism and apply it to three case studies crucial for Montesquieu: England, China, and Persia.


“On the Problem of Forming a European Spirit – Montesquieu’s De l’Esprit des lois (1748).”

Pinheiro, Teresa, Beata Cieszynska and Eduardo Franco. Ideas of | for Europe. An Interdisciplinary Approach to European Identity. Peter Lang: Frankfurt. Forthcoming 2011.

2011. Review of Thomas L. Pangle’s The Theological Basis of Liberal Modernity in

Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws. In Société Montesquieu (available online: )

Manuscripts Under Review.

“Reassessing Montesquieu’s Liberalism: Religious Intolerance in Of the Spirit of the Laws” ”

(Invited to Revise and Resubmit)

“Montesquieu, Tocqueville, and the Development of New Political Sciences

Conference Participation and Lectures

Invited Talks

“Montesquieu’s Political Particularism,” Ateliers de lecture sur les catégories de la modernité et

leurs usages, L'Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3, April 4, 2011

Conference Papers

“Constructing Spirit: Analyzing the Subpolitical in Montesquieu,” Western Political

Science Association Annual Meeting, April 1-3, 2010

“Montesquieu and the Problem of Forming a European Spirit,” Ideas of Europe/Ideas for

Europe International Congress in Chemitz, Germany, May 6-9, 2009 (Under the patronage of the President of the European Commission)

“Rethinking Religious Markets: Individual Level Analysis” (with J. Nawrocki and K.

Meme), Symposium on Religion and Politics at Calvin College, April 23-25, 2009

“Tocqueville’s Montesquieuian Framework,” American Political Science Association

Annual Meeting (APSA), August 28-31, 2008

“From Rome to England: The Montesquiean Cure to Machiavellianism,” Midwest

Political Science Association Annual Meeting, April 3-6, 2008

“Discourses and Considerations on Rome,” Northeastern Political Science Association

Annual Meeting, November 15-17, 2007

Conference Panels Organized

“Tocqueville and the Intellectual Origins of French Liberalism,” APSA 2008

Guest Lectures

“The Founding Fathers and the Ancient Greeks.” Invited by Professor Christopher Baron to his

course “Democracy and the Greeks” April 2, 2009 at the University of Notre Dame, cross-listed in Departments of Classics and Political Science.

Research Fellowships, Grants, and Awards

Departmental Dissertation Year Fellowship (2011-2012)

Humane Studies Fellowship (2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012)

Zahm Research Travel Grant (Spring 2011)

Dissertation Year Fellowship (2010-2011)

Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures Language Study Grant (Fall 2010)

For advanced training at Alliance Française in Bordeaux

European Studies Research Fellowship (Fall 2010)

Graduate Student Research Award (Fall 2010)

Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts Research Grant (May 2009)

Nanovic Institute Advanced Language Training Grant (Summer 2008)

For training at Alliance Française in Paris

Department Summer Research Fellowship (2008, 2009, 2011)

Nanovic Institute Graduate Research and Travel Fellowship (Summer 2007)

For research in Germany

Joseph F. Downes Travel Grant (Summer 2007, Summer 2008)

2008: Supplemental funding for training at Alliance Française

2007: Supplemental funding for research in Germany

Department Research Assistantship Grant (2006-2007)

Department Fellowship and Scholarship (Fall 2006 – present)

University of Maryland University Honors “Best Project” Award for outstanding

scholarly paper (2005)

Research Experience

Research Assistant for Eileen Hunt Botting, September 2009, January 2010

- Translated numerous texts from German (such as excerpts from Die Frau) for her book Inventing Feminism: Wollstonecraft, Mil and Women’s Rights Activism

Research Assistant for Catherine Zuckert, October 2006 – September 2007

- Analyzed the question of why Rome fell in Montesquieu and Machiavelli for her book Machiavellian Politics

Research Assistant for A. James McAdams, May 2007

- Assisted with editing and proofreading his book The Crisis of Modern Times

Academic Activities

“Modern Liberty and Commercial Society: Montesquieu v. Rousseau,” Hermosa Beach,

CA, March 10-13, 2011

“(Re)lire L’Esprit des Lois,” Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,France, February 5,

2011, and April 2, 2011


Teaching Interests/Courses Prepared to Teach:

Introduction to Political Theory The Foundations of Public Policy

Modern Political Thought Non-Western Political Thought

American Political Thought Democratic Theory

Executive Power Contemporary Political Thought

Liberalism and its Critics The Problems and Promise of American Democracy

Teaching Experience

University of Notre Dame

American Political Thought – Spring 2012

Instructor (fully designed course)

Introduction to American Politics – Spring 2009

Head Teaching Assistant for Louis Ayala (Lectured on the Presidency)

Introduction to Comparative Politics – Fall 2008

Head Teaching Assistant for A. James McAdams (Led Discussion Sections)

Introduction to Political Theory – Spring 2008

Teaching Assistant for Joshua Kaplan (Led Discussion Sections)

Modern Political Thought – Fall 2007

Teaching Assistant for Eileen Hunt Botting (Lectured on Rousseau and Nussbaum)

University of Maryland, College Park

Honors100: Introduction to Liberal Education

Instructor, Fall 2002-2003

Pedagogical Training

Coursework and Workshops:

-GRED60612 - Effective and Exciting Teaching in the Social Sciences

-Art of Teaching Workshop, Fairfax, VA, July 15-17, 2011

University of Notre Dame Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning Workshops

- Teaching Well Using Technology (Full day workshop)

- Meaningful Teaching Experiences: Partnering with the Community

- Grading Oral and Written Work

- How to Approach the First Day of Class and to Set the Tone for the Semester

- How to Lead Effective Discussions

- Confluence Wiki for Teaching

- Beginning to Write a Teaching Statement

- TA Orientation (2-day workshop)

Teaching Certifications

Striving for Excellence in Teaching Certification


Editorial Experience

Editorial Intern, The Review of Politics (August 2009 – August 2010)

- Responsible for reading and evaluating manuscript submissions

Peer-Reviewing for Journals:

American Journal of Political Science (2009–)

Political Research Quarterly (2011–)

Departmental Service:

President, Political Science Graduate Student Organization (elected): 2009-2010

Graduate Student Union Departmental Representative (elected): 2007-2008

Membership in Professional Organizations

American Political Science Association

Midwest Political Science Association

Société des Professeurs Français et Francophones D’Amérique


German – Fluent

French – Fluent

Russian – Basic


Catherine Zuckert (Dissertation Adviser) Cèline Spector

217 O’Shaughnessy Université de Michel de Montaigne

Department of Political Science Bordeaux 3

Notre Dame, IN 46556 Pessac Cedex, France 33607

Fred Dallmayr Eileen Botting

217 O’Shaughnessy 217 O’Shaughnessy Hall

Department of Political Science Department of Political Science

Notre Dame, IN 46556 Notre Dame, IN 46556

Michael Zuckert David Campbell

217 O’Shaughnessy 217 O’Shaughnessy

Department of Political Science Department of Political Science

Notre Dame, IN 46556 Notre Dame, IN 46556