

Lambeth Events Safety Advisory Group Meeting

Monday9th January
09.30am – 12:30pm
Training Room 1, Phoenix House
01 / 2012 Discussion
02 / Brixton Splash
03 / River of Music – Africa Stage
04 / Ben and Jerry’s
05 / Pride House - update
Graham Williamson / GW / Met. PoliceLambeth Events Office
Fiona Morris / FM / Met. PoliceLambeth Events Office
Somia Elmartaoui / SE / LBL Events Service
Esther Jones / EJ / LBL Licensing
Alan Gibson / AG / London Ambulance Service
Natalie Thomsen / NT / LBL 2012 Development Officer
William Sasu / WS / LBL Health and Safety
Kris Bedlow / KB / London Fire Brigade
Carol Stewart – Williams / CSW / LBL Food Safety
Aysev Ismail / AI / LBL Community Safety
Tony Fellowes / TF / LBL Transport & Highways
Megan Page / MP / LBL Communications Department
Helen Barling / HB / Met. Police Wandsworth
Abbie McGillivray / AG / Greater London Authority
Ben Quarrell / BQ / LBL Events Service
Stuart Cornish / SC / Met. Police 2012 Planning
Steve Strange / SS / Met. Police Lambeth Licensing
Hannah / Met. Police Lambeth Licensing
Paul Randall / PR / LBL Emergency Planning
Emma Townson / ET / LBL Events Service
Lee Fiorentino / LF / LBL Events Service
Roy Robinson / RR / LBL Events Service
Rockwell Charles / RC / LBL Noise
Ali Peyvandi / AP / LBL Noise
Alastair Johnston / AJ / LBL Parks
Steph Adams / SA / London Ambulance Service
Alan Wise / AW / British Transport Police
Angela Oluwole / AO / TFL Buses
Nick Agnew / NA / TFL
Minutes taken by: ET
Chaired by: SE
01 / 2012 Discussion
200 days to go to the Olympics!
The torch relay will come through Lambeth on the 26th of July at approximately midday. This will be arriving from Southwark and will travel to Kensington and Chelsea. The torch will travel through Brixton and Clapham with the possibility of some events taking place on Windrush Square and Clapham Common, this is dependant on funding. Information regarding this activity will be passed onto the police.
Working groups are to be set up for this project. The police cannot support this activity and stewards will be required. It was suggested that the stewards from Brixton Splash could assist with this activity. There is a pan London Torch Relay Team in place that needs to attend relay meetings. Police to pass on their details to NT.
PR sits on a working group for the Queens Diamond Jubilee. The River Pageant that is planned will cause a lot of work for Lambeth. Need to discuss street parties with Highways in the next meeting.
Lambeth has submitted an application to light a beacon at NorwoodPark as part of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations, this is planned for the 4th of June from 22:00 to 22:30.
This year’s Thames Festival coincides with the Paralympics and it will have a bigger footprint and celebrations. PR sits on a working group for this and has asked the SAG members to forward any questions regarding this to him to be raised with the group. There are concerns about the fireworks finale and this year’s Thames Festival.
MPS Licensing has concerns regarding the premises licence applications for Streatham Green and Streatham Common and has asked for the stakeholders to attend a meeting.
Concerns regarding the 7 Bridges Celebrates Event proposed for WyckGardens on the 5th of August. ET has concerns regarding the organisers’ event management skills and the police have resourcing concerns as this event is on the same day as Brixton Splash.
Concerns regarding Carifest event proposed for the 11th and 12th August at BrockwellPark. The police are concerned about police resources for this event. ET has liaised with Hackney Council regarding another event which the event organisers plan to hold there. Hackney Council also have some concerns regarding the event organiser.
The police asked whether transport organisations were invited to the LESAG. ET responded that Angela Oluwole and Nick Agnew were invited from TFL, Alan Wise from BTP and Jayne Hemmingway from Network Rail are invited to the LESAG meetings.
AG met with medical providers recently. St John’s Ambulance and the Red Cross are fully booked for 2012 and have no further capacity. It is likely now that if an event organiser has not contracted a medical provider already they may be unable to secure one.
02 / Brixton Splash
Presented by Jo Watson – Treasurer, Lee Jasper – Chair and John King - MRL Safety
  • Venue: Brixton, including WindrushSquare & StMatthewsPeaceGardens
  • Attendance: 9,999
  • Event date/s: 05/08/12
  • Event time: 12:00 – 19:00
  • License: Alcohol and entertainment
At the start of the presentation BQ and RR informed LESAG members that they are involved with the management of the Brixton Splash event.
The event will follow a similar format from previous years but will be participating in the Jamaican 50th year of independence celebrations. Brixton Splash will be working with Lambeth Council again to deliver the event. There will not be any screens showing theOlympics. The event organisers are considering a 60 yard dash on Saltoun Road and a health and fitness area as a nod to the Olympics. The will be a musical narrative as part of the Jamaican celebrations. There will be an increase in stewards this year, including building a team of local people from nearby housing estates to work on the project but additional capacity is still required. The event organisers want to work with the local community. There is £16k of sponsorship from Jamaican International. The event organisers will also be applying for the Lambeth Festivals Fund. There will be an increase of concessions at the event to provide additional revenue. The event organisers are confident of the funding for the event.
The event organisers would like a meeting with TFL to explore the idea of including an old Routemaster bus as part of the event.
There is a tea dance planned for the 4th of August at the Town Hall. This was what took place 50 years ago and will be recreated as part of the Windrush celebrations. The event organisers are talking to local organisations about music, costumes etc.
St Matthews Peace Gardens will be used for cultural activities.
The event organisers want to make the event more environmentally friendly. They have asked whether Lambeth Council could assist with recycling bins.
The event organisers would like shops and off licences to decant drinks from glass bottles to plastic bottles and asked the LESAG for assistance with this.
GW expressed that there’s unlikely to be any assistance from the MPS in training local community stewards due to police commitment to all the other Olympic planning and events. This will have to be done by the security company employed for the event.
SCsaid that there is between 200 and 300 events per day pan London during the Olympic period, police resources are low. A robust stewarding plan will need to be in place for this event. Noise monitoring should be enforced during the event to prevent anti-social behaviour.
SC asked who is accountable for the event as it was unclear in the EMP. LJ to amend.
SC asked for the wording on page 17 is to be changed regarding policing. He also asked for the traffic management responsibility to be changed from the police to TFL.
EJ asked for the licence to be applied for the Town Hall and noise officers will need to be informed of the tea dance.
EJ asked for the event organisers to notify the residents on the footprint of the event, this letter should be attached to the licence application.
The police and the council cannot enforce shops and off licences to decant drinks from glass bottles into plastic but SC offered for MPS to write a letter to local shops requesting this.
PR asked for a waste management plan to be devised for this year’s event.
AG asked the event organisers to confirm their medical provider as soon as possible and look at extending the medical package. He also requested that the event organisers liaise with local hospitals prior to the event.
GW expressed concerns about Brixton Splash and 7 Bridges Celebrates running in conjunction. This could cause issues with crowd management and stretch police resources.
GW expressed that the plan fails to show who closes the roads and maintains the road closures throughout. TfL and BTP need to be involved with the planning.
AI asked whether CCTV is in place. The event organisers do not have CCTV in place but there is CCTV that Lambeth Council and the police use. The police and Lambeth CCTV are in communication with the event organiser throughout the event via radios.
Meeting to be organised with Superintendent Howe.
  • Submit licence application as soon as possible, including the letter to local residents.
  • Sufficient policing and stewarding numbers are required.
  • Robust event management plan required, including a waste management plan.
  • Health and Safety information should be circulated to the participating stalls.
  • Confirmation required about the links between Brixton Splash and 7 Bridges Celebrates.
  • Ensure that the 2012 branding is not used for this event, if so, consult with LBL Communications.
  • Ensure that medical staff is increased and local hospitals are notified in advance of the event.
  • Ensure that catering questions are submitted to Food Safety a minimum of 28 days prior to the event.
  • Site map and traffic management plan to be submitted to Highways.
  • Document needs to identify the one person in overall charge i.e. Lee Jasper. On p14. - need to change their definition of a major incident to match that of LESLP. On p27 - responsibility for traffic management outside the footprint is that of TfL and highways authority, not MPS. On
    p30. Sound levels need to be pre-determined and fixed as a condition of the licence, to avoid licensing objective of public nuisance being breached.
  • On p34 Stewarding numbers are far too low - volunteers cannot be relied upon. SIA / paid-for stewarding numbers should probably be over 100, with a detailed pre-deployment plan and an intervention capability.
A decision regarding the event will be decided once all partners and agencies have commented. Due date for comments and concerns Tuesday 17 January 2012.
03 / BT River of MusicAfrica Stage
Presented by Alastir Pickhard – Production Manager at Serious, David Jones - Director at Serious, Amy Pearce - Associate Director at Serious, John Grey - Events Manager at South Bank Centre, Beth Burgess – Producer at South Bank Centre.
  • Venue: JubileeGardens
  • Attendance: 15,000
  • Event date/s: 21 & 22/07/12
  • Event time: 12:00 – 21:30
  • License: Alcohol and entertainment
This event started ten years ago at Hyde Park for the Queen’s Jubilee. The event organisers have consulted with LOCOG about the stages. BT is sponsoring the event. All of the sites except Somerset House, run at the same times from 12pm till 9:30pm. All of the artists represent each country taking part in the Olympics. Major African artists have been approached to work on the project. The event is family orientated, free and open access. There will be eight separate performances on each of the two performance days. The event organisers are working closely with the stakeholders and local community. The stage is located on the car park of the South Bank.
JubileeGardens reopens at the end of May, it has been landscaped but the ground is still quite flat.
The event is part of the cultural Olympiad.
Hannah – Police licensing mentioned that the event organisers are applying for provisions of entertainment and alcohol on the licence. The South Bank Centre will be applying for the licence.
GW asked about crowd control. The event organisers said that the area self polices. Show Events will be managing stewarding.
SC recommended that the event organisers using fencing. The event organisers have no plans to use fencing for this event. The event organisers are concerned that fencing became a recommendation from the 20/12/11. The event organisers have not fenced JubileeGardens before.
GW asked whether the event organisers have the artists’ details. The event organisers have their names but not full contact details; these will be circulated in April. There are concerns regarding an artist who has political inclinations and could cause issues. The event organisers have a robust contract in place and if an artist does not adhere to the contract they will be removed from the stage. Furthermore, this is a LOCOG event and they have stringent plans in place.
GW requested a copy of the stewarding plan.
Hannah from Police Licensing is concerned about the numbers attending. She has requested that the event organisers use number clickers.
SC asked why the concessions are located on the Queen’s Walk. The event organiser responded that they cannot put infrastructure on grass and must put it on hard standing areas. There will be other activities taking place along the South Bank.
SC has whether the noise management plan was in place. The event organiser said that it will be in the EMP.
SC asked what the footprint of the event is. The event organiser will respond to this after the LESAG.
SC is concerned about the screens at the event.
SC asked whether the event organisers are liaising with the local community. The event organised is setting up a meeting with all of the local stakeholders.
PR asked whether a traffic management plan is required, the event organiser replied that it isn’t.
AG asked whether a medical plan is in place. The event organiser has St John’s confirmed.
GW said that the plan drawing of the site fails to show the "event footprint" i.e. what area are the organisers taking responsibility for , what area do their stewards look after, who is responsible for Queen's Walk, the concessions are outside the event area and are therefore servicing "the rest of London" so who will manage that area?
GW said that the organisers will cater for 15,000 people but the vicinity can accommodate far more if allowed free and unrestricted access. The CO11 Olympic planning (parallel events team) will object to this event in its present format.
  • Event Management Plan, including Crowd Management, Medical Plan and Stewarding Plan to be circulated to LESAG as soon as possible.
  • Stewards required for pedestrian access across Belvedere Road to be part of Traffic Management Plan.
  • Provide update to LESAG prior to event.
  • The event area will need to be completely fenced and 100% search and screening of everyone entering, and this will be required of all 6 River of Music sites.
  • The event footprint needs to be made clear.
A decision regarding the event will be decided once all partners and agencies have commented. Due date for comments and concerns Tuesday 17th January 2012.
04 / Ben & Jerry’s
Presented by Andy Ashton – Mischief PR and Luke Carr from 7/7 Production
  • Venue: Clapham Common
  • Attendance: 20,000 per day
  • On Site:09/07/12
  • Off Site: 18/07/12
  • Event date/s: 14 & 15 July 2012
  • Event time: 12:00 – 20:00
  • License: Alcohol and entertainment
This is the eighth year that the event is taking place at Clapham Common. The event sells out every year at 15,000 per day. It is a family festival with one large stage and a small acoustic stage with free ice cream. The tickets are reasonably priced and the programme of music is family focused and non controversial. Charities are offered space every year, with 12/13 food concessions and two bars, there has never been any issues in the past. The event organisers would like to increase the numbers to 20,000 this year.
PR asked whether the services had been booked for this year’s event. The event organiser has booked all services.
GW asked for the stewarding plan to be updated to reflect the increase in attendance.
GW said that he needs to look at policing availability and what needs to be amended for the new capacity.
AI asked what the event hours are, the event organiser said it is currently 12pm till 8pm but may look to extend.
PR asked for a soft closure if the event hours are to be extended, the event organiser agreed.
GW mentioned that Rookery Road gets congested and whether the event organiser would consider a road closure. GW recommended that the event organiser speak to LBL Highways.
AG asked whether the event organiser had booked a medical provider. The event organiser has not booked the medical provider yet but has always over booked in the past. AG recommended that the event organiser books the medical provider soon.
NT asked whether the event organiser was programming any 2012 Olympic activities. The event organiser doesn’t think they will.
GW asked whether any of the acts are booked. The event organiser said not yet but the format will be the same as previous years.
  • Robust stewarding and policing plan required for increased capacity.
  • Confirm medical cover as soon as possible.
A decision regarding the event will be decided once all partners and agencies have commented. Due date for comments and concerns Tuesday 17th January 2012.