Jim Jack (J²)

MATH 1314 - College Algebra





1.1Numbers, Data, and Problem Solving

Natural Numbers





  1. Parenthesis
  2. Exponents
  3. Multiplication and Division, left to right
  4. Addition and Subtraction, left to right

Scientific Notation

A real number r is in scientific notation when r is written as , where and n is an integer.

Dist to sun = 93,000,000

Pop of world in 2050 = 9,000,000,000

Light travels in 1 mile =

Mass of the earth – kg

Calculator Exercise

Find the speed the earth travels in space relative to the sun in miles per hour.

Find the volume of a soda can with radius 1.4” and height 5”. Can it hold 16oz?

1.2 Visualizing and Graphing Data

Low temperatures in Minneapolis for six nights

-12 / -4 / -8 / 21 / 18 / 9

maximum, minimum, mean, median

A relation is a set of ordered pairs.

Portland rainfall

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
6.2 / 3.9 / 3.6 / 2.3 / 2.0 / 1.5 / 0.5 / 1.1 / 1.6 / 3.1 / 5.2 / 6.4


20 / 20 / 40 / 40
1.2 / 1.1 / 1.5 / 1.6


Portland rainfall

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
6.2 / 3.9 / 3.6 / 2.3 / 2.0 / 1.5 / 0.5 / 1.1 / 1.6 / 3.1 / 5.2 / 6.4

Distance formula

Distance between two moving cars




Linear Approximation

Midpoint formula

The midpoint of a line segment with endpoints and in the xy plane is

Population of the US

In 1990, the population of the US was 249 million, and by 2020, it was 335 million.

Find the population in 2005.

A circle is the set of points equidistant from a center point.


Finding the equation of a circle

a)Radius = 4, Center is

b)center with a point on the circle

A line is drawn from the point to the point. State the equation of a circle for which this line is the circle’s diameter.

Completing the square


Find the center and the radius of the circle:

1.3Functions and their representations

Thunder and lightning speed of sound=1050 ft/sec

F(time in sec) computes distance

5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

Rule: Compute y by dividing x by 5

meaningful input – domain

corresponding output – range

Verbal: Divide x by 5 to obtain y miles


1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
0.2 / 0.4 / 0.6 / 0.8 / 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.4

symbolic: Leonhard Euler



x / -2 / -1 / 0 / 1 / 2
/ 2 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 2


A function is a relation in which each element in the domain corresponds to exactly one element in the range.

exactly one y function (rule for finding y)






Ordered pairs



The function f computes the revenue in dollars per unique user for different technology companies. This function is defined by , , ,





Find domain and range graphically


Air cools at a rate of 3.6º F per 1,000 ft altitude

Figure for , where x is in thousands ft.




Identifying functions

Vertical line test

Determine if y is a function of x.


1.4 Types of Functions and Their Rates of Change

Describe datamake predictions


Linear functions

A function represented by , where a and b are fixed, is a linear function. A linear function has a constant rate of change.

A car is initially located 30 miles N of the Red River on I-35 traveling northbound at 60mph.

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
30 / 90 / 150 / 210 / 270 / 330


A function represented by , where b is a constant (fixed number), is a constant function.

Windspeed at Hilo, HI

May / June / July / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec
7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 7


Discrete functionContinuous function

Other constant fcns – Thermostat, speed control
Slope as a rate of change

The slope of the line passing through the points and is

Positive slope Negative slope Zero slope No slope

Find the slope of a line through and

. ,

calculate slope.

Slope is a constant rate of change. Any linear function can be written as ,

is y-int, b is y-coord of intercept.

Wages earned at $9.25/hr

Tuition at $350/credit hr + $650 student fee

Distance traveled by light at 186,000 miles/sec.

The function given by calculates the pounds of released into the atmosphere by a car burning x gallons of gasoline.

Find and interpret the result.

Find the slope of the graph of Pand interpret as a rate of change.

Songs that can be stored on x GB of Ipod memory




Pass thru origin?


Rate of change?

Let f be any function. Then any number c for which is called a zero of the function f.

Find formula from a graph

Determine the slope, y-int, and the x-int.

Write a formula for f.

Find the zeros (x-intercepts) of f.

Graph linear function , Identify the slope and the y-intercept.

Non-linear functions

Increasing and Decreasing Functions

Suppose f is a function defined over interval I.

For :

a) f increases on I if

b) f decreases on I if


x / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
f(x) / 0 / 1 / 4 / 9 / 16

average temperature in each month

height of a child at age 2 through 18

Linear and non-linear dataskip

0 / 5 / 10 / 15 / 20
-4 / -2 / 0 / 2 / 4
-3 / 0 / 3 / 6 / 9
5 / 7 / 10 / 14 / 19
0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
11 / 11 / 11 / 11 / 11
0 / 1 / 3 / 6 / 10
3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15

Recognizing linear functions


Interval Notation

Average rate of change, non-linear function

rate of change from x= 1to x= 3

rate of change of US pop, 1800 – 1840, 1900 – 1940

Year / Population
1800 / 5
1840 / 17
1900 / 76
1940 / 132

The difference quotientopt

Find first, then difference quotient.

Ch 2 Linear Functions and Equations

2.1Equations of lines

Point-slope form

Change in x is

Change in y is

x intercept , y intercept

Slope passing through

Equation of a line passing through ,

Alternate method slope-intercept form

Equation of a line passing through ,

In 2011, Facebook's daily active users were about 460 million, and this number increased to 1 billion in 2015.

Approximate the linear equation of this growth. Interpret the slope of this line.

Find the number of users in 2012, predict for 2019.

Interpreting intercepts and slope

Graph shows the distance an athlete training for a marathon is from home after x hours.

Find and interpret y-int

Find and interpret x-int


Slope? Rate of change?

Slope intercept form of line?
Determine x and y intercepts

Equations of horizontal and vertical lines

An equation of a horizontal line with y intercept is . An equation of the vertical line with x intercept is .

Vertical and horizontal lines through

Finding parallel lines

Two lines with slopes and , neither of which are vertical, are parallel if and only if .

Find the equation of a line parallel to the line , passing through .

Finding perpendicular lines

Two lines with slopes and , neither of which are vertical, are perpendicular if and only if their slopes have product , i.e..

Find the equation of a line perpendicular to the line , passing through .

Determining a rectangle

Interpolation and Extrapolation

In 2004, there were about 4.6M digital music album downloads. This amount reached $117.6M in 2014. Model, find value in 2006, 2003.

2003 / 2004 / 2006 / 2014
4.6 / 117.6

Apple sold 55m iPods in 2008, and 43m in 2011

Cars shipped globally in selected years

Year / 2013 / 2015 / 2017 / 2019
Investments / 69 / 75 / 81 / 88

Model the data

Interpret slope

Estimate Investments in 2020

Predicted value is 92 million. Extrap/Interp?

2.2Linear Equations

Equation – statement that two expressions are equal

Solve – find variable value(s) that make stmt true

Solution set – set of the values that make it true

Equivalent – two stmts with same solution set

Contradiction – equation with no solution set

Identity – equation with infinite solution set

A linear equation in one variable is an equation that can be written in the form

(an equation that is not linear is called non-linear)

Addition property

Multiplication property

Solving linear equations symbolically

Solving linear equations symbolically

Eliminating fractions and decimals

The linear function estimates iPod sales (million) during year x. When will sales reach 27 million?

Contradictions, Identities, Conditional Equations

An equation with one expression on each side of the = sign can be solved by the intersection of graphs method.

Using a graphing calculator;

  1. Set equal to the left side, and equal to the right side of the equation.
  2. Graph both on one set of coordinates
  3. Points of intersection are ordered pairs that make both sides true at the same time. These ordered pairs solve the equation.

Skip CDs

The market share of music on CDs held from 1987 to 1998 could be modeled by . During the same period, cassette tape sales could be modeled by . (x=0 indicates year 1987)

Percentages: Write each percentage as a decimal.


Suppose 76% of all bicycle riders do not wear helmets. There are 38.7 million riders that do not wear helmets, Find total ridership.

Solving for a variable

Problem Solving

  1. Read problem, understand it. Assign variable to what you must find. Write other quantities in terms of this variable.
  2. Model it, write the equation. Diagram it if necessary.
  3. Solve the equation, state solution
  4. Check your work.

Work problems

A pump can empty a gasoline tank in 5 hours. A smaller pump can empty the same tank in 9 hours. How long will it take both pumps working together to empty the tank?

Motion problems

In one hour, an athlete runs 10.1 miles by running some at 8mph, the rest at 11 mph. How long did the athlete run at each speed?

Similar triangles

A person 6 feet tall stands 17 feet from a streetlight, and casts an 8 ft shadow. Estimate the height of the streetlight.


Pure water is being added to 153 ml of a solution of 30% hydrochloric acid. How much pure water should be added to dilute to 13%?

2.3Linear Inequalities

Sizing – approximate

Max takeoff weight of aircraft

Interstate speed

A linear inequality in one variable is an inequality that can be written in the form:

, .

Properties of inequalities

Let a, b, and c represent real numbers

1. and are equivalent.

2. If , then and are equivalent.

3. If , then and are equivalent.

Solve symbolically

Solve symbolically

Solve graphically

The daily payment processing for the company Square grew from $1M in March 2011 to $11M in March 2012. Model this growth and find when daily volume was $8.5M or less.

x intercept method

Numerical Solutions

Let cost of manufacturing be and revenue be expressed by . Profit is expressed by revenue minus cost.

Boundary number (break even point)

x / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23
/ / / / 0 / 10 / 20 / 30

Solve numerically.

x / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
y / 18 / 13 / 8 / 3 / -2 / -7 / -12
x / 4.3 / 4.4 / 4.5 / 4.6 / 4.7 / 4.8 / 4.9
y / 1.5 / 1 / .5 / 0 / -.5 / -1 / -1.5

Compound inequalities

Speed limit on Interstate 35

Sunset in Boston

In Boston, the sun set at 7PM on the 82nd day

(22 Mar), and at 8PM on the 136th day (15 May).

Find the days when the sun set between 7:15PM and 7:45PM. (do not include fall dates).



2.4 More Modeling with Functions

To model a quantity that is changing at a constant rate, with,

f(x)=(const rate of chg)x+ (initial value)

Model each situation and state the domain:

(a) In 2015, the average cost of attending a public college was $9400, and it is projected to increase, on average, by $300 per year until 2018.

(b) A car’s initial speed is 50 mph, then it begins to slow down at a constant rate of 10 mph each second.

A 100 gallon tank is initially full of water and being drained at 5 gallons per minute.


How much water is in the tank after 4 minutes?


x miles / 240 / 360 / 680 / 800
y pounds / 150 / 230 / 435 / 510

Slopes? Linear?

Piecewise defined functions

First-Class Mail Rates First ounce $0.49

Each additional ounce $0.21

First-Class Mail Rates

Weight not


(ounces) Rate

1 0.49

2 0.70Domain?

3 0.91

4 1.12Range?

TornadoFujita Scale

Housing starts

Year / 2000 / 2005 / 2011 / 2015
Homes / 1.3 / 1.7 / 0.4 / 1.1

Graph, interpret, continuous? model

Evaluating a piecewise-defined function

Piecewise defined function


Greatest Integer Functionopt

, the greatest integer x

Direct variation

y is directly proportional to x, or y varies directly with x, if there is a non-zero number such that

The number k is called the constant of proportionality or the constant of variation.

Wages $57.75 for 7 hours work

Suppose T varies directly with x, and that when . Find T when .

A 12-pound weight is hung on a spring and it stretches 2 inches.

Find the spring constant (const of var)

How far will it stretch with a 19lb weight on it?
Megabytes needed for y sec of music

x (MB) / 0.23 / 0.49 / 1.16 / 1.27 / 5.00
y (sec) / 10.7 / 22.8 / 55.2 / 60.2
46.5 / 46.5 / 47.6 / 47.4

Computing for each entry – 3rd row, approximate constant of proportionality.

Using constant of proportionality, how much music would a FD hold?
2.5 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities

Absolute value function

Primary square root

If , then .

Identify all intercepts of

Where is ? ? ?

Increasing? Decreasing?



Absolute Value Equations

For any positive number k,

is equivalent to


NumericalTblSet –


Interstate speed limits:

Two absolute values

Absolute Value Inequalities

Let the solutions to be and , with , and .

1. is equivalent to .

2. is equivalent to .

Solve numerically and graphically

Solve symbolically

Absolute Value Inequalities (Alternative Method)

Let k be a positive number.

1. is equivalent to

2. is equivalent to

Error tolerances on iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 is 5.44” high. Suppose actual height A of any particular phone has an error tolerance of 0.005”.

Model and quantify
Ch 3 Quadratic Functions and Equations

3.1Quadratic Functions and Models


Let a, b, and c be real numbers with . A function represented by is a quadratic function.

Domain is , leading coefficient is a.

Graph – parabola

Vertex, Axis of Symmetry

Standard form

Vertex form

The parabolic graph of with has vertex . Its graph opens upward when , and opens downward when .

Vertex form from graph

Converting to standard form

Converting to vertex form

The vertex of the graph with is the point.

Find the vertex of .

Symbolic, Graphical, Numerical

Note: for axis of symmetry ,

Converting to vertex form:


A farmer is fencing a rectangular area for cattle using the straight portion of a river as one side of the rectangle. If the farmer has 2400 feet of fence, find the dimensions of the rectangle that will give the maximum area for the cattle.

Models and Applications

A baseball is hit straight up with an initial velocity of feet per second and leaves the bat at an initial height of feet.

Write a formula for the height of the ball at t seconds. What is the height of the ball after 2 seconds?

What is the maximum height of the baseball?

Athlete’s heart rate

0 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
200 / 150 / 110 / 90 / 80

Modeling quadratic data

2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
10 / 1 / -2 / 1 / 10

3.2 Quadratic Equations and Problem Solving

A quadratic equation in one variable is an equation that can be written in the form , where a, b, and c are real numbers with .

Finding the x-intercepts and the y-intercept

(Factoring assistance in Section R.4)

Square Root property

Let k be a nonnegative number. Then the solutions to the equation are given by .

Determine if either equation represents a function.

Completing the square

The solutions of the quadratic equation with are

An athlete’s heart rate was modeled in the last section as . Determine when the rate was 110 beats per minute.

To determine the number of real solutions to the quadratic equation , with , evaluate the discriminant .

is a perfect squarequadratic factors


A box is being constructed by cutting 2 inch squares from the corners of a rectangular piece of cardboard that is 6 inches longer than it is wide. If the box has a volume of 224 cubic inches, find the dimensions of the cardboard.


A company charges $5 for earbud headphones, but it reduces this cost by 5¢ for each additional pair ordered (up to 50). If the total price is $95, how many earbuds were ordered?

Projectile motion

0 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 8
96 / 400 / 576 / 624 / 544

Model it, find max height, and impact to ground
3.3 Complex Numbers

Numbers – Natural – Roman Numerals

Zero – represent nothing?

Negative numbers



Properties of the imaginary unit i

Complex numbers

If , then .

Addition and Subtraction



The conjugate of is

Powers of i

Solving quadratics

3.4 Quadratic Inequalities

Safe stopping distance

Visual distance limited to 200 feet


To solve symbolically:

1)Replace the inequality symbol with “=” sign, then solve for the boundary values.

2)Separate the real number line into disjoint intervals using the boundary values.

3)Test a value in each interval.

4)All values will be positive or negative in each given interval. Pick interval based on your inequality – your solution set.

3.5 Transformations of Graphs

Vertical shifts

Horizontal Shifts

Vertical and Horizontal Shifts

Let f be a function and let k be a positive number.

To graphShift by c units





Find an equation that shifts the graph of right 1980 units and upward 50 units.

Translate a circle

The equation of a circle that has radius 3 with the center at the origin is . Write the equation that shifts the circle right 4 units and upward 2 units.
Stretching and Shrinking

Vertical Stretching and Shrinking

If the point lies on the graph of , then the point lies on the graph of . If , the graph of is a vertical stretching of the graph of , whereas if , the graph of is a vertical shrinking of the graph of .

Horizontal Stretching and Shrinking

If the point lies on the graph of , then the point lies on the graph of . If , the graph of is a horizontal shrinking of the graph of , whereas if , the graph of is a horizontal stretching of the graph of .

Let this graph represent .


1. The graph of is a reflection of the graph of across the x axis.

2. The graph of is a reflection of the graph of across the y axis.

Graphing calculator

Video games and animation

Mountain modeled by

Plane centered on