Title: Standard Operating Procedure for Grantsmanship Seminar Travel
Effective date: 08/30/07
Lead author(s): Lucy Dickson
Authorizing official: Tracy A. Shahan, PhD, MBA / Approval date: 07/12/2011
Updated by: SASOP / Review date: 02/04/2016

1. General Description: This document outlines the standard operating procedure for preparing a grantsmanship seminar travel request.

2. Related Documents/Links:

Travel Request Form: R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Standard-Documents\General Staff-Office Forms\Trav_Req_Form.pdf

International Trip Report Form: R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Standard-Documents\General Staff-Office Forms\Trav_Int'l-TripRpt Form.doc

Travel Voucher Form: R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Standard-Documents\General Staff-Office Forms\Trav_Voucher_Form.doc

3. Procedure: The Office for International Extramural Activities central accounting account (OIEA CAN) pays for foreign grantsmanship travel. A grantsmanship travel request including a cost estimate must be sent to Paula Strickland, PhD, MPH, Division of Extramural Activities. Division of Extramural Activities (DEA) travelers may need the assistance of the Extramural Support Assistant (ESA) staff in estimating costs.

Your email response from Dr. Strickland should be forwarded to the Grants Clerk (GC), who prepares your grantsmanship travel authorization before the GC begins preparing the authorization. A copy of Dr. Strickland’s email approval must be included in the travel package that is submitted to the Administrative Officer (AO).

If the grantsmanship travel is part of a multi-leg journey, please make it clear which leg(s) your grantsmanship travel request covers, for it pays only for grantsmanship presentations and consultation in a particular locale. Additional meetings and travel are paid through program funds. When OIEA only covers one leg and the trip itself is more than one leg, the GC travel preparer should first consult with the AO about how to break out the costs prior to entering the grantsmanship travel authorization into NIH’s Business System (NBS).

Grantsmanship travel is charged to the central accounting number (CAN) for the Office of International Extramural Activities (8367563), not to the traveler’s normal CAN.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure that the GC is aware that the special CAN that must be used for grantsmanship travel before the GC begins preparing the grantsmanship travel authorization.

SOP for Grantsmanship Presentations

1)  Discuss with your Branch Chief your interest in presenting a grantsmanship workshop.

2)  Determine what meeting you would like to attend.

3)  Important! As much as possible, coordinate with Program and CSR (particularly for larger meetings).

4)  Find out who the meeting organizers are, contact them, and ask if they would be willing to have you present a Grantsmanship workshop at the meeting.

5)  See what type of format they prefer. There are many types of formats, and different formats will be used in different types of meetings. Some possible formats/presentations can be found here (these have been used in previous grantsmanship workshops for different meetings):

R:\Powerpoint Presentations\Grantsmanship-Outreach

2/17/2016 Ops_Grantsmanship Travel.doc