Saying Farewell is Never Easy

Amy Brooks-Kayal, AES President

This year, June 30th marks more than just the end of the fiscal year for AES – it marks the transition of our headquarters to Chicago and to a stand-alone organization that directly employs its own management and staff. This is a significant change because for the past 25 years, AES has been staffed by Association Resources (AR), an association management company based in West Hartford, Connecticut.

When we look back on the history of AES, the team at AR has played a vital role. It is thus with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to our AR colleagues and pay tribute to their many years of tireless service that has helped our organization grow, prosper and prepare for an independent management structure.


AR has steered the organization through times of great change. When AES first contracted with AR in 1991, AES had a shoestring budget and the Annual Meeting was attended by just a few hundred people. 25 years later, the organization has a budget of more than $5 million, almost 5,000 meeting attendees annually and a membership of close to 4,000. These are just a few of the many accomplishments during the years of AR’s management.

A Dedicated Team

The team at AR has approached their work with an unwavering conviction to improve and grow AES, working in close collaboration with AES members. This dedicated team has helped to steer AES through many challenges and helped it to capitalize on opportunities for growth.

Using one’s talents well and leaving a legacy of success is something we all aspire to, and the AR team has succeeded in doing this. AES is a stronger organization because of the efforts of the entire AR team and especially our core team members – Cheryl-Ann Tubby (15 years), Jeff Melin (11 years), Sandra Pizzoferrato (24 years), Elizabeth Kunsey (14 years), Kathy Hucks (8 years), Kate Robbins (2 years), Kate Flaherty (4 years), JoLynn Amsden (9 years), Kim Summerlin (2 years), and Cindy Johansson (12 years). This core AR team has been supported by a dedicated group working behind the scenes – Maria Preiser, Karan Murray, Brenda Russell, Karen Novak, Valerie Sandbach, SueKoczka, Tanya Burek and Marty Rotblatt. All of the work that AES does in the coming months will bear the influence of this fine team.

Looking to the Future

Please join me in thanking the AR team for helping AES to lay a strong foundation from which we can face the future with confidence. It has been our pleasure to know and to work with them.