For Immediate Release

December 1, 2008

Adam Miller


Matthew Reitman


Statewide Student Sustainability Committee Forms

Ohio Student Environmental Coalition to Take on Coal, Environmental Justice Bill

For all you green thumbs and landlubbers out there, or for all you people who have jumped on the earthly band wagon, here’s a heads up: after forming at Power Shift 2007, a national youth summit to address the climate crisis last year in DC, the Ohio Student Environmental Coalition (OSEC) has just formed a new directive, the OSEC Steering Committee.

On the weekend of Nov. 15, 2008, a bit of a community-coalescing powwow was thrown to set up the guidelines, goals, and general campaign for this “United Nations” of environmental groups. To clarify, OSEC is (according to the stellar website, which you should check out) a statewide network of student groups working for a clean, safe and just future for all.

At the meeting that weekend, which was held at Kenyon College, 15 students came representing 11 schools, with 2 supporting OSEC staff and one alumnus, to form the OSEC Steering Committee.

The potential that this coalition of student groups has (along with anyone interested!) is titillating. This potential is being put to good use, to a statewide use, for environmental campaigns expanding past the local level (which the individual groups focus on) to the state and even national level. This network of greenminded people is always expanding, and welcomes anyone who wants to become involved. That means you too are welcome to join (head to the Facebook group OSEC or
The Steering Group decided through 80% super majority that OSEC as a whole will focus its campaign efforts on stopping the proposed AMP-Ohio coal-fired power plant, and pushing forward the Environmental Justice Act.
There is still a lot of planning to finalize the group’s campaign decision, but things are looking good. The Steering Group held a conference call on Nov. 25 to get the wheels a going. Expect to hear more about this group as it finds its roots and starts planting some change.

Adam Miller is a senior at Solon High School, President of the Solon HS Lorax Club, and a member of the Ohio Student Environmental Coalition Steering Committee's Media Working Group.