Letter of Invitation to the National Centres of OISTAT, Individual Members, Associate Members, Scenography Commission Delegates and the History and Theory Commission Delegates.

The Scenography department of the Theaterschool Amsterdam in close cooperation with OISTAT-Netherlands and the VPT is willing to host the next annual OISTAT Scenography joint commission meeting with History and Theory CommissionfromSaturday 23 - 24 October 2010.

Arrangements have been made in between Reija Hirvikoski, our chairman of OISTAT Scenography Commission (ScenCom), Kate Burnett, chairman of History and Theory Commission (H&TC) and Peter de Kimpe Artistic Director of the Scenography Department of Theaterschool Amsterdam.

We anticipate that delegates with arrive on Friday to set up any displays they wish to show. The Welcome and first sessions would be from 9.30 Saturday 23rd. The programme will continue (see separate proposed schedule and call for papers and presentations) through Saturday to Sunday evening, with departures on Monday.

It is a low budget meeting: all visitors come at own costs. The Theaterschool Amsterdam provides the visiting OISTAT members with information about travelling and hotels. The Theaterschool is able to host and organize the commission meeting(s) and a symposium. The Scenography department is able to organize a smallstudent exhibition. Peter de Kimpe will ask the OISTAT-Netherlands and the VPT to organise an informal meeting with Dutch designers.

Please note that the Host contact for reply and for information is myself, contact details as below. Responses to the Calls for papers and presentations should be sent to both Chairs and to myself as indicated on the Call.

There is still a lot to be decided and organized and your support will be very helpful. Please let us know any further comments or suggestions.

Please confirm your attendance by Monday 26 July. Registration forms will be sent out as well as being available on the OISTAT website.