Nov 11th, 2015

Present: G. Budd J. Daiter N. el-Guebaly L. Evans B. Fern R. Hering

R. Lim M. Markentin N. Riese P. Sobey M. Willows M. Dorozio, recorder

On call for a portion of meeting: S. Cirone

Regrets: J. Cox J. Hans M. Morin W. Shublaq S. Turner

Call to order by President R. Lim at 8:45 AM

Additions to agenda:

-  CME credits on marihuana

-  11 AM moment of silence

-  Move order for S. Cirone’s call in to do her report

Moved by Morris, seconded by Laura to adopt agenda with additions. Approved.

Minutes of September 2015– Moved by Paul, seconded by Jeff to adopt the Minutes. Approved.

President’s Report – R. Lim

-  Welcome to Associate Board member, George Budd

-  Will be handing over presidency at the AGM to Paul Sobey

-  Interesting two years dealing steadily with items

-  Committees are active and conferences have been well attended

-  Education has been successful in their push for recognition of the field at the CCFP and RCPSC

-  Fundamentals has been well attended

-  CJA has continued to evolve and improve with each issue

-  Membership is growing and students being engaged

-  Standards is working on statements and will address other pressing areas

-  Webpages are moving into social media as a way of engaging participation with a Facebook page and ongoing updating to the webpages

Ron moved report, seconded by Nichole. Approved.

Treasurer’s Report – J Daiter

-  Review of 2014 Financial Statements. Motion to accept by Brian, seconded by Melanie. Approved.

-  As charitable status can accept donations

-  Motion by Nichole, seconded by Paul to accept Crowe MacKay as the accountants for 2015. Approved.

-  Will request Balance Sheet for next year and Treasurer will have a one hour teleconference with accountants pre-BOD meeting

-  At year end determine what each service costs

Jeff moved report, seconded by Morris. Approved.

Financial matters:

-  Goals to have Head office covered by membership and have two years sustainability has been achieved.

-  Accountants can cut cost by 1/3 if no Notes to Reader. Agreement by Board to eliminate.

-  Suggestion to look at grants for charitable/not-for-Profit corporations

-  Suggestion to look at what goes into setting up a Foundation

-  Look into companies such as Purdue grant funds for education

-  Discussion on increasing membership fees – decision to wait until CSAM-SMCA is more relevant before increasing

-  Look at collaboration – ex. if you pay CSAM-SMCA perhaps negotiate discount for ISAM or ASAM rates

-  ISAM exam may be a product for Canada – in 2017 ABAM will have more restrictive eligibility criteria for their certification

Question from Associate Board member George Budd:

-  How can the Associate member position be useful to the BOD?

-  Educational mandate not just for physicians

-  Goal to attract and expand membership with associates that are under a regulating body

Bylaws Committee – B. Fern

-  Challenge to the BOD to read Bylaws and become familiar with them

-  Our Bylaws the product of reviewing several others – they are a living document and policies can be added to address evolving issues/changes in TOR are just voted on

-  TOR should be in same format and dated as to when committee was formed

-  Last AGM removed word “medical” unanimously

-  Latest version must be placed on the webpages and filed with the lawyer

-  Request for a ‘lay person’ version – George accepts to read through

-  Thanks expressed for Brian’s many contributions since 2001.

-  He expressed it was a privilege to be on the Board and leaving with regrets but enthused by younger members coming in.

Brian moved his report, seconded by Nichole. Approved.

Conference Committee – P. Sobey/N. el-Guebaly


-  Conference in the black

-  Students rates cost CSAM-SMCA ($65 for each one – does not cover food) – to invest in future

-  No CME credits from CCFP for talks on Marihuana

-  Nady requesting a letter be sent from CSAM-SMCA raising concerns about this

-  He will draft letter and circulate to Board


-  Dates: Oct 19 – Board mtg. Main conference Oct 20-22 and Fundamentals on Cot 23

-  Strong Quebec presence on the Committee

-  Discussion on having joint meeting with ISAM – collaborative not competitive

o  3 tracks ISAM/2 tracks CSAM (incl ½ day French)

o  Shared translated plenaries

o  Confirmed international plenaries: Pedro Ruiz, Kathleen Brady, Amine Benyamine and Nora Volkow (NIDA)

o  Approaching Quebec speakers as well: Julie Bruneau

o  Have several internationals speakers who can contribute to French track as well.

o  Will look into grants for funds for translation

o  Suggestion of patient group presentation

-  Motion by Paul, seconded by Jeff to have a joint conference with ISAM in Montreal 2016. Approved.

-  Thanks expressed to CSAM-SMCA Board

-  Paul and Nady will meet to discuss financial arrangement and bring back to Board

-  Use $4000 funds allotted to Bilingual Committee.

-  Suggestion of Margaret Trudeau for opening

-  Registration to allow donation towards helping a student attend

Paul moved to accept report, seconded by Melanie. Approved.

Canadian Journal on Addiction – N. el-Guebaly

-  New double issue on Gambling is out and on webpages. Notice sent to membership

-  Great reflection on the Society

-  Very time consuming and essential to attend the ISAJE Editors’ meetings to improve this product

-  Working with 1.5 issues ahead but need 3 issues in progress to apply for PubMed or Medline, etc.

-  Special issues critical – coming Brian Rush and Concurrent Disorders

-  Peer-reviewers have been fantastic but requesting that those who accept to review an article do it in a timely manner

-  Looking for Associate Editors

-  Has done some fund-raising, ex. AGRI grant for $7000 for gambling issue and seeing how to cut costs such as reducing number of hard copies

-  Need to have more submissions – expectation is 40% rejection

-  Trend of respectable journals – asking authors to pay for publication

-  Next steps – looking at computerized submission process. Meeting will be set up. Initial estimate ~ $30 per article.

-  New Standards being reviewed: gender equality, so all male samples would need an explanation

Nady motioned to accept report, seconded by Ramm. Approved.

Education Committee – S. Cirone via teleconference

-  On College will be writing curriculum instead of M. Kahan

-  Dates for FMF 2016 are Nov 10-12 so will not conflict with CSAM-SMCA

-  Family Physician online project for curriculum for undergrad – have been asked to review but not to participate

-  RCPSC developing an Added Focus Competence in Addiction Medicine and a 5-6 person working group is being struck to be chaired by Peter Selby (CAMH)

-  CCFP in process of putting together a working group for their Certificate of Added Competence to be achieved through a practice eligible route addressing the community needs

-  Suggestion to have Peter Selby as a liaison. He has not expressed interest in being on the CCFP working group but will review the work (hundreds of physicians will be consulted to review work)

-  Both working groups to develop core competencies not a certification exam at this point

-  Communication between the two groups to address overlap in required residency training competencies

-  Two primers published this year by Raju Hajela and Melville Vincent

-  Fellowship route exists as well:

o  CAMH and St. Joseph’s are now blended in U of Toronto fellowship

o  Homewood and Guelph offer a 6 mos training in Addiction Medicine at McMaster that does not quality for ABAM

o  St. Paul’s, Vancouver has 3 fellowships for Addiction Medicine

o  U of Calgary as a 1 year fellowship

-  Sharon thanked committee for their work. She will remain as Committee Chair till someone takes this on.

-  Appreciation expressed to Sharon for her tremendous contributions.

Sharon moved report, seconded by Nady. Approved.

Nomination Committee – B. Fern

-  After discussion, the election of the President-Elect will be tabled to be resolved by Montreal 2016

-  Jeff will remain as Treasurer

-  Restructuring of representations and nominations – moving away from geographical towards skill-based:

o  Combine BC & Yukon

o  Combine AB and NWT

o  Motion by Paul, seconded by Nady to combine BC & Yukon and AB & NWT. Approved.

o  Combine three Maritime provinces (PE, NS. NB)

o  Motion by Brian, seconded by Paul to accept the above restructuring until someone suitable is nominated for each. Approved.

-  Current Board members who will remain:

o  AB and NWT: Laura Evans

o  SK: Morris Markentin

o  MB: Nichole Riese

o  ON: Melanie Willows & Suzanne Turner

o  QC: Marie Morin

o  NL: Wael Shublaq

o  MAL: Nady el-Guebaly

-  Nominations for vacancies

o  BC & Yukon: Mandy Manak

o  Maritime provinces (PE, NS. NB): David Martell

o  QC: Marie Eve Goyer

-  Nominations of Claudette Chase for the second member at large position

-  Motion by Nichole, seconded by Laura to have a third Member at Large positon and Ronald Fraser will be approached. Approved

-  Recognizing Ramm’s contribution – in order to keep on Board, appoint as the Communications/IT Liaison

Brian moved report, seconded by Laura. Approved.

Membership Committee: P. Sobey

-  Paul Sobey moves into President role and L. Evans will chair this committee

-  Organizational or corporate membership has been discussed but due to limited resources the decision is to focus on signing up students/younger members at this time.

-  Approx. 10 former students now members

-  103 free students have signed up – if not Canadian refer to ISAM

-  Students now on several committees: Membership (L. Hunt), Standards (J. Dimitry), CSAM 2016 (L. Vezina) and CSAM 2015 (R. Tanguay)

-  Next steps to contact Medical Schools

-  George Budd would like to join membership Committee

-  Laura Evans will Chair

Paul moved report, seconded by Nady. Approved.

Website Committee: R. Hering

-  Work on updating and improving webpages is ongoing – prior motion for funds $4000 for updates and social media integration (this will pay Karen Mellor)

-  Need updated bios and photos of the Board

-  Currently $50/month hosting and $50 per month maintenance – suggestion to look elsewhere

-  Paul would like to place position statement or article on webpages and request member feedback in real time: place to submit article and place for responses

-  Suggestion to look into “renting a forum’ – Ramm will investigate

-  Brian will send Ramm the Rules for Use of Forum.

Ramm moved report, seconded by Morris. Approved.

Standards & Policy Committee

-  J. Daiter presenting submitted report as J. Cox will not be doing second term on Board

-  J. Daiter will become chair of the committee if Joe not continuing as chair

-  Essential to have policies for inquiries as it states CSAM-SMCA’s stand and decreases risk in handling controversial topics

-  Suggestions to survey membership on topics

-  Standards committee needs to meet to continue review of policies - Jeff will notify Joe.

-  Next policies: e.cigarettes, marihuana, prescription drug abuse and availability of agonist treatment across country

-  Committee membership: J. Daiter, R. Lim, R. Hering, L. Lanoie

Jeff moved report, seconded by Laura. Approved.

Next meeting: Jan 27, 2016 at 8 PM EST

Adjournment: 4:45PM EST



-  Send updated photo and bios to ram for webpage

-  Review committee TOR wo ensure in same format and dated – send to Ramm for webpages


-  Send Ramm Rules of Use of a Forum


-  Review and summarize Bylaws


-  Look into grants for Not-for-Profit corporations

-  Look into requirements for setting up a Foundation

-  Look into companies such as Purdue giving funds for education courses

-  Contact Joe about Chair of the Committee and to schedule a committee meeting

-  Assign review of existing policies


-  Funds used by each committee at year end


-  Plan for contacting students in Medical Schools


-  Draft letter to CCFP about no CME credits for Marihuana presentations


-  Look into Renting a forum and rules of use

-  To work with Karen on updates

-  Investigate other options for hosting/maintenance of webpages

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