September 5, 2017SALES RESULTS
Fat Strs
$113.75 / 1265lbs(1 Hd) - Sydney Schwartz of Clarksville
$111.00 / 1275 Ibs (1 Hd) - Dale Schwartz of Clarksville
Pratical Top
$108.50 / 1400 lbs(1 Hd) - Brian & Mike Zieman of Meservey
$108.00 / 1455 lbs (7 Hd)- Mike Henning of Sumner
$108.00 /1462 Ibs (4 Hd) - Clifford Schilling of Ionia
$108.00/1220lbs (1 Hd) - Curtis Brandau of Rudd
$107.75 / 1318 Ibs(7Hd) - Brad Dietrich of Kensett
$107.00 / 1235 Ibs (1 Hd) - Craig Clausing of Waverly
$107.00 / 1480 Ibs (1 hd) - Dale Schwartz of Clarksville
$107.00 / 1240 Ibs (1 hd) - Dawson & Jacob Ackerman of Ackley
$106.75 / 1380 Ibs (10 Hd) - Chris Fenneman of Clarksville
$106.75 / 1368 Ibs. (4 hd) - Brian & Mike Zieman of Meservey
$106.75 / 1492 Ibs. (4 hd) - Don Ewen of Rockford
$106.75 / 1452 Ibs.(2 hd) - Bartz Brothers of Osage
$106.50 / 1232 Ibs. (2 hd) - Glenn & Robert Ahlf of Little Cedar
$106.50 / 1500 Ibs. (1 hd) - Chris Fenneman of Clarksville
$106.25 / 1260 Ibs. (4 hd) - Mike Potratz of Sumner
$106.25 / 1237 Ibs.(2hd) - Bartz Brothers of Osage
$106.00 / 1426 Ibs.(14 hd) - Bartz Brothers of Osage
$106.00 / 1550 Ibs.(16hd) - Elmer Nolt of Alta Vista
$106.00 / 1290 Ibs. (1 hd) - Smith Brothers of Plainfield
Bulk Choice Prime$104.00 to $108.50 / Cwt
Fat Hfrs
$108.00/ 1273 Ibs (3 Hd) - Craig Clausing of Waverly
$107.75 /1248 Ibs(12 Hd) - Brad Dietrich of Kensett
$107.50 / 1165 Ibs (1 Hd) - Craig Clausin of Waverly
$107.25/ 1310 Ibs (17 Hd) - Mike Henning of Sumner
$107.25 / 1310 Ibs (2 Hd)- Glenn & Robert Ahlf ofSt. Ansgar
$107.00 / 1219 Ibs (6 Hd) - Dawson & Jacob Ackerman of Ackley
$107.00 / 1275 Ibs. (2 hd) - Matt Coverdale of Buckingham
$107.00 / 1345 Ibs. (1 hd) - Craig Clausing of Waverly
$107.00 / 1210 Ibs. (1 hd) - Clifford Schilling of Ionia
$106.75 / 1317 Ibs. (13 hd) - Alvin & Cleon Martin of Osage
$106.75 / 1348 Ibs. (3 hd) - Mitch Mack of Osage
$106.50 / 1239 Ibs. (11 hd) - Alvin & Cleon Martin of Osage
$106.50 / 1185 Ibs. (2 hd)- Mike Potratz of Sumner
$106.50 / 1327 Ibs. (2 hd) - Andy Branstad of Leland
$106.50 / 1095 Ibs.(1hd) - Dawson & Jacob Ackerman of Ackley
$106.25 / 1190 Ibs.(2hd) - Dennis Wedeking of Greene
$106.25 / 1262 Ibs. (2 hd) - Brahn Farms of Ionia
$106.00 / 1267 Ibs. (2 hd) - Ed Sadler of Fairbank
Bulk Choice Prime$104.00 to $108.00 / Cwt
Fat Holstein Dairy StrsHfrs
HolXbred up to $104.00 cwt
BlkHolstrs of Swiss, Jersey choice Grade $90.00 to $104.00 cwt
Fat Holsteins
$88.50 / 1675 Ibs.(1hd) - Dennis & Lisa Byerly of Maynard
$88.50 /1563 Ibs. (3 hd) - Tim Murty of Tama
$88.00 / 1443 Ibs.(3hd) - Al & Lynn Rinken of Greene
$87.50 / 1580 Ibs. (1 Hd) - Mike Bucknell of Ionia
$87.25 / 1637 lbs (6 Hd)- Dennis & Lisa Byerly of Maynard
$87.00 / 1442 lbs(2 Hd) - Al & Lynn Rinken of Greene
$86.50 / 1390 Ibs (1 hd) - Mike Bucknell of Ionia
$85.50 /1504 Ibs (5 Hd) - Dennis & Lisa Byerly of Maynard
$85.50 / 1520 lbs (1 Hd) - Crosspoint Church of Waverly
$84.75 / 1485 lbs (6 Hd) - Mark Hendrickson of Osage
$84.75 / 1521 lbs (3 Hd) - Al & Lynn Rinken of Greene
$84.75 / 1520 Ibs (2 Hd) - Tim Murty of Tama
$84.75 / 1430 Ibs (2 Hd)- TimmEhret of Rose Creek, MN
$84.50 /1462 Ibs. (8 hd) - Nathan Fox of Riceville
$84.25 / 1465 Ibs(6 Hd) - Tim Murty of Tama
$84.00 /1328 Ibs.(8 hd)- Mike & Steve Neeley of St. Ansgar
Bulk Choice Prime$83.00 - $88.50 / Cwt
Butcher Bulls
Feed lot Bulls $96.00 to $104.00 cwt
High Dressers -$85.00 to $90.00 /Cwt
Butcher Cows Sold95Hd
High Dressers $68.00 - $79.00 /Cwt
Low Dressers $62.00 - $66.00 / Cwt
Old & Thin Cows $30.00 - $58.00 / Cwt
Feeder CattleLite Test
Beef Strs-270 to450 Ibs -$150.00 to $190.00 cwt
Beef Strs - 600 To 855 Ibs.
Beef Hfrs - 400 to 545 Ibs.
Beef Hfrs750to 830 Ibs-
HolStrs-250 to 540 Ibs -
HolStrs - 640 to 750 Ibs.
Baby Calves
Big Hol Bull Calves- $100.00 to$120.00 hd
New Born Hol Bull Calves - $60.00 to $90.00 hd
Beef Calves -No Test
Bred Cows-
Bred Cows $1175.00 hd
Bred Hfrs due forSpring -
Old Bred Cows - No Test
Cow / Calf Families-No Test
Breeder Bulls -No Test