REGULAR MEETING as presented 9-5-17

August 1, 2017

7:00 p.m.

Barry Township Hall

155 E. Orchard St.

Delton, MI 49046

Board Members Present:

Wesley Kahler Supervisor

Judy Wooer, Treasurer

Debra J. Knight Clerk

Lee Campbell Trustee

Teresa Schuiteboer Trustee

Absent : None

Guests: Several interested parties

Supervisor Kahler called the regular meeting to order @ 7:00 p.m.

Those present stood and stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

ROLL CALL: Present: Wooer, Knight, Kahler, Campbell and Schuiteboer.

Absent: None.

MINUTES: 7- 11-17 minutes were presented for approval. MOTION by L. Campbell, second by J. Wooer to approve the minutes from 7-11-2017 as presented. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.

TREASURERS REPORT: Fund Balance report for July 2017 was presented to members.

TAX SETTLEMENTS: Summer #1: $88,800.92. Summer #2: $71,713.07.

AGENDA: MOTION by J. Wooer second by D. Knight to approve the agenda with 3 additions and removal of Twp newsletter. 1. Resolution for MEDC program. 2. L-4029. 3. Fair Lake bond reimbursement to general fund. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED. (Motion amended to remove the township newsletter)

LIMITED PUBLIC COMMENT: Request for Public Comment. Al Graves spoke on the proposed county jail and his concerns for increase in taxes to support the new jail.

COUNTY COMMISSIONER: Commissioner Jackson updated members on the matters brought before the various Barry County boards and committees.


HCFD: Chief Wyman gave the report. 16 calls to service, all in Barry Township. 8 general service calls and 8 MFR. Chief Wyman is requesting Barry Township enter into an Automatic Mutual Aid agreement with Prairieville township (Pine Lake Fire Dept). Chief Wyman is working on the ISO rating for Hickory Corner’s Fire department; Wyman stated the AMA with Prairieville Twp would help the ISO rating. MOTION by L. Campbell second by T. Schuiteboer to enter into an Automatic Mutual Aid agreement with Prairieville Twp (Pine Lake Fire dept.). ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.

DFD: Captain Mark Pharr gave the report. 11 calls to service in Barry.

BTPD: Chief Doster was not available. 259 calls to service in July.

DDL: J. Wooer gave the report for activities held at the library in July and August.

CEMETERY: Sexton Lennon reported there was 1 burial in July.

SWBCSWA: No report.

WATER: No report.

GLS: No report.

ECONOMIC DEV: No report.

4TWP: No report.

DISASTER COUNCIL: Disaster Council Coordinator Jim Alden reported there are 5 individuals who are now CERT trained. Alden reported CERT training may become available at BCISD.


TOWNSHIP HALL RENOVATIONS: Board discussion was held on the township hall renovations. A Special meeting to review the renovations will be held on Wednesday August 9, 2017 @ 5:00 p.m. at 155 E. Orchard Street, Delton MI 49046.

TREE REMOVAL AT TWP OFFICE: Bennett tree Service of Hastings has offered to donate his time for the removal of trees at the new office. THANK YOU!

EMERGENCY SIREN GRANT: Supervisor Kahler will continue to seek information on grants for emergency sirens for the township.

TOWNSHIP LOGO: Board discussion was held on the township logos created by the Delton Kellogg Art class. 3 logos were chosen to be placed on our township website for input.

AC BIDS FOR TWP HALL: The quotes will be reviewed at the Special meeting 8-9-17 @5:00 p.m. @ Barry Township Hall.

RESOLUTION 17-12 MEDC RRC PROGRAM: The Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has established the statewide Redevelopment ready Communities (RRC) Program to empower communities to shape their future and maximize economic potential. MOTION by L. Campbell second by D. Knight that Barry Township recognizes the value of the RRC Program and is willing to participate in the MEDC Redevelopment Ready Communities Program. ROLL CALL VOTE: DK: Yes. WK: Yes. LC: Yes. TS: Yes. JW: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.

L-4029: MOTION by J. Wooer second by D. Knight to approve the 2017 mileage rates: Allocated: 0.8431 Fire: 1.9900 Police: 1.9900 ROLL CALL VOTE:

DK: Yes. WK: Yes. LC: Yes. TS: Yes. JW: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.

FAIR LAKE BOND REIMBURSES GENERAL FUND: Board discussion was held on the reimbursement to general fund for the Fair Lake bond shortfall.

LIMITED PUBLIC COMMENT: Carol Price spoke on using septage fees to recover funds for general fund. Al Graves spoke on the board’s purchases made without raising taxes. Drew Chapple spoke on the new sidewalks. Cheryl Bower spoke on the Barry County Community Foundation grant ($1,500.00) Barry Township received for new electric to the pavilion behind the township hall.

ACCEPT THE BILLS AND CHECK REGISTER FOR AUGUST: MOTION by J. Wooer second by W. Kahler to approve the bills and check register as presented for August 2017. ALL AYES MOTION CARRIED.

Supervisor Kahler asked for any questions hearing none.

MOTION by J. Wooer seconded by L. Campbell to adjourn at 8:26 p.m.



Debra J. Knight

Barry Township Clerk