Name: ______Date: ______Period: ______
Can be completed on printer paper, cardstock, construction paper, or on a manila folder. All parts of the quick-study card must be handwritten and hand-drawn. Attach this rubric to your study card. Due Test Day.
Unit 2 Quick Study Card: Land UseChapters 8 (pages 219- 226), 10 + 11 / Total Points / Self
Grade / Teacher
1. Draw and label the horizons (O, A, E, B, and C) found in a soil profile. Include in your illustration what is found in each horizon. / 2
2. Draw an illustration to show the three soil particle sizes. Which is the largest? Which is the smallest? How does particle size relate to soil permeability? / 2
3. Include a diagram of a soil texture triangle and give an example problem of how to use it to determine the soil type of a soil sample. / 1
4. Define ecosystem services. List three ecosystem services of soil. List 5 ecosystem services of forests. / 2
5. Draw a world map. Indicate the birthplace of agriculture, the area of the world that is the most food insecure, the area of the world that has the most unsuitable land for agriculture, and the origins of each of the following foods: potatoes, coffee, corn, rice, wheat, and cocoa. / 3
6. Make a chart and include definitions of each: famine, malnutrition, over-nutrition, and under-nutrition. / 2
7. Make a chart and include the definition, description, and sketch of each of the following: industrialized agriculture, monoculture, polyculture, and sustainable farming. Which practices lead to the greatest genetic diversity and which practices lead to the least genetic diversity? / 4
8. What is genetic engineering (define, give an example, and create a sketch). Give 3 examples of organisms that have been genetically engineered. Include 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of genetically modified foods. / 2
9. Define, give examples, and draw a picture to represent the green revolution. / 2
10. Define IPM (Integrated Pest Management). Explain how it is used to control insect pests. Give 2 examples of IPM, and give 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of IPM. / 2
11. Differentiate (define and draw an example) between biological magnification and bioaccumulation. How does this relate to inorganic pesticides? How does this relate to the term persistence? / 2
12. What is pesticide resistance? What implications does this have on pesticide use? Draw a graph to illustrate the effects of pesticide resistance on insect pests. How does this relate to the pesticide treadmill? / 2
13. Define and draw a series (at least 3) pictures to illustrate the concept of crop rotation. What is the underlying premise behind crop rotation? / 1
14. Define food scarcity. Give at least 3 factors that contribute to world hunger. List at least 4 steps that can help reduce or solve world hunger. / 2
15. Make a chart to define, give an example, and steps (at least 3) to reduce the following: soil erosion, salinization, and desertification. / 2
16. Define and draw an example for the tragedy of the commons. How does the tragedy of the commons relate to rangelands? / 2
17. Create a table of the different types of timber harvesting techniques: clear-cutting, seed tree harvesting, selective cutting, shelterwood, slash and burn, and strip cutting. Include a description, the pros and the cons of each time. / 4
18. Create a table to define the three types of fire: surface, crown and ground fires. Why are prescribed/controlled burns beneficial? / 2
19. Create a Venn Diagram comparing the two types of succession. / 2
20. Define urban sprawl. List and describe the causes and effects of urban sprawl. / 2
21. Define urban blight. Draw the positive feedback loop associated with urban blight. What is a positive feedback loop? / 2
22. What is smart growth? List five smart growth strategies and explain how they solve the problems of urban sprawl. / 2
Accuracy, Neatness and Appropriate use of Color. Color needs to be embedded and used appropriately. (Please do not color large sections different colors – that doesn’t count!) / 3
TOTAL SCORE – 50 points / 50