Template Online Analytics Report
Source:Google Analytics
Time Period:Month 1, 2015 – Month 31, 2015
Highlights and Analysis
- Did the number of visitors increase or decrease? Was there a general trend?
- Were there significant spikes in traffic? What caused the spike (e.g. news story, tweet, Facebook post)?
- Was there a noticeable change in the number of pageviews or time on the site?
- Was there a noticeable number of resources downloaded or viewed?
- Was there a noticeable number of visitors to the website blog or e-newsletter?
Visits / Visitors / Pageviews / Pageviews per Visit / Avg. Time on Site / Visit Bounce Rate / % New Visits / Number of Downloads
Number of Visitors
Top Content
This table provides insight into the relevance of site content by comparing page views, how long users are spending on the page and the percentage of users who exit the site after viewing only the page on which they entered (also known as the bounce rate).
Rank / Page / Pageviews / Unique Pageviews / Avg. Time on Page / Bounce Rate1
Top Content Highlights
- Where are visitors primarily entering the site (other than the homepage)?
- How consistently have these pages been the most visited? Was there a noticeable change, and what caused it?
Traffic Referral Sources
This table provides insight into traffic sources. Has referral traffic increased or decreased over the past few months, and how much does it contribute to overall traffic? This table lists the top referral sources.
Rank / Medium / Source / Total / % New Visits1 / Referral Site
2 / Referral Site
3 / Referral Site
4 / Referral Site
5 / Referral Site
6 / Referral Site
7 / Referral Site
8 / Referral Site
9 / Referral Site
10 / Referral Site
Top Referral Highlights
- Were there any earned media stories posted online that directed traffic to your site? Are there any strategies to employ to increase coverage on these sites?
- What type of website directed traffic? Are there any strategies that will help increase this type of traffic?
Keyword Search Terms
Below are the 10 most commonly used search terms that led visitors to the site.
Rank / Keyword / Total / % New Visits1
Keyword Analysis
- Are searchers getting the title of the organization?
- Are there certain terms, other than “Linked Learning,” that are drawing visitors to your site?
- Was there a recent story that tied a particular search term to your organization?
Top Locations
Below are the top 10 cities that contributed the most visitors to the site.
Rank / City / Total / % New Visits1
Location Analysis
- Was there a noticeable change in the 10 ten cities?
- Are the top 10 cities in your target area?
Source:The Archivist ( TweetStats ( Counter (
Time Period:Month 1, 2015 – Month 31, 2015
There are a variety of free tools available online to help you better understand your followers and trends. Test out a few to see what platform you like the best to track your outreach—similar to the data collected above. These tools can provide a robust suite of information, including:
- Top users
- Top words
- Top URLs
- Tweet vs. retweet ratio
- Sources (tools) tweets are sent with
- A comparison of your growth to the growth of other users
Source:Facebook Insights (must be administrator of the page to have access)
Time Period:Month 1, 2015– Month 31, 2015
Once your fan page has reached 30 “Likes,” you can begin collecting data on your page—similar to the data collected above. These tools can provide a robust suite of information, including:
- Number of Followers
- User demographics
- Total "Likes”
- Trends on the number of people “talking” about your page (i.e., liked, shared or commented on a post)
- Total reach
- Page views
Source:YouTube Analytics (must be an administrator of the account to have access)
Time Period:Month 1, 2015 – Month 31, 2015
The YouTube dashboard provides analytics for page managers and the platform provides similar data to Google Analytics, including:
- Views
- Total “likes,” “dislikes,” “favorites,” and number of shares
- Top videos viewed on your page
- Visitor demographics
- Traffic sources
- Data on embedded videos on other sites
If your target audiences include educators, consider also posting videos to SchoolTube ( functions similarly to YouTube, but is meant for education videos only and is safe for school use. This is useful as YouTube is often blocked on school computers.