

Empowering every student to Believe, then Achieve


Definition of Credit:

Courses earn ½ (.5) unit of credit per semester.

Courses earning ¼ (.25) units of credit include PE, Driver Education, Guided Study

Courses earning 1 unit of credit per semester include CNA I and CNA II.

Student Classification:

  • Seniors 13.5 credits and completed three or more years of high school.
  • Juniors 9 credits and completed two or more years of high school.
  • Sophomores 4.5 credits and completed one or more years of high school.
  • Freshmen have been promoted from the 8th grade.

Graduation Requirements:

  • 4 years minimum of high school attendance
  • 22 units of credit
  • Prairie State Achievement Exam taken the Junior year
  • Pass the US/IL Constitution tests
  • Pass the following courses:
  • English I, II, III, IV4.0credits
  • Math3.0credits (Alg. I, Geometry, and Alg. II)
  • Science2.0 credits (Biology, Earth Science/Physical Science)
  • Social Studies2.0credits (US Hist. 1,Social Studies .5, elective .5)
  • PE 1.5 credits (taken all 4 years)
  • Health .5 credit
  • Computer Concepts .5 credit
  • Consumer Education .5 credit
  • Strategic Reading/ State Test Prep1.0 credit
  • For. Lang., Music, Art, or Voc/Educ1.0credit

Recommended H.S. Course Requirements for Admission to a 4-Year College or University:

  • English4 credits
  • Math3 credits (Algebra I or higher)
  • Science3 credits (Biology I or higher Lab Science Courses)
  • Social Studies3 credits
  • Electives2 credits (Foreign Language, Music, or Art) (check specific colleges for course requirements)

Honors Courses:

Honors courses earn 1 additional point when calculating the GPA and class rank. The following Honor’s courses are offered:

Spanish III, IV, English COM 111 & 112, Intro to Literary Studies, Intro to Drama, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics.

Dual Credit (transferable college credit) College Credits Class Location College

  • English COM 111 &1126 college credit hoursMOHS LLCC
  • H.E.A.T. (2nd semester p.m.)10 college credit hoursLLCC LitchfieldLLCC

(American Politics, Art Appreciation, History of Western Civilization)

  • Intro to Literary Studies3 college credit hoursMOHSSLU
  • Intro to Drama3 college credit hoursMOHSSLU
  • Calculus3 college credit hoursMOHSSLU

NCAA Division I and II (16 Core Courses Requirement)

  • 4 years of English
  • 3 years of Math (Algebra I or higher)
  • 2 years of Science (1 year of lab science)
  • 1 year of additional English, Math, or Science
  • 2 years of Social Science
  • 4 years of additional courses from any area above, or foreign language

Schedule Changes: It is best to make any changes to your schedule of classes prior to the end of this school year. However, students are permitted to make schedule changes during the 1st five days of each new semester.


Grade 9 Courses Grade 10 Courses


Computer Concepts & Software Applications – ½ Accounting – 1

Business Law – ½

Desktop Publishing – ½

ENGLISHInformation Processing – ½

English I – 1


FINE ARTSEnglish II – 1

Art I – 1Journalism – 1

Band – 1Mythology– ½

Theatre – ½ Oral Interpretation/Debate – ½ Shakespeare – 1

Speech – ½


Spanish I – 1FINE ARTS

Art I – 1


Intro to Tech I – ½ Band – 1

Intro to Tech II – ½ Theatre – ½


Algebra I – 1 Spanish I – 1

Geometry – 1 Spanish II – 1


PE – ½ ( ¼ credit per semester)Intro to Tech I – ½

Dr. Educ. – ½ ( ¼ credit)Intro to Tech II – ½

Metals I – ½

Metals II – ½


Biology I – 1


Geometry – 1


Government – ½

Social Studies – ½

World History – 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION PE – ½( ¼ credit)

Health – ½


Earth Science – ½

Physical Science – ½


Current Political Geography – ½

Government – ½

Social Studies – ½

U.S. History – 1

World History – 1

*denotes honor’s course

Grade 11 CoursesGrade 12 Courses


Accounting – 1 Accounting – 1

Business Law – ½ Business law – ½

Desktop Publishing – ½ Consumer Education – ½

Information Processing – ½ Desktop Publishing – ½ Information Processing – ½


English III – 1 English IV – 1

*Intro to Drama – ½ (SLU dual credit)*COM 111 & 112 – 1 (LLCC dual credit)

*Intro to Literary Studies – ½ (SLU dual credit) *Intro to Drama – ½ (SLU dual credit)

Journalism – 1 *Intro to Literary Studies – ½ (SLU dual credit)

Mythology – ½ Journalism – 1

Oral Interpretation/Debate – ½ Mythology – ½

Shakespeare – 1 Oral Interpretation/Debate – ½

Speech – ½ Shakespeare – 1

Strategic Reading – ½ Speech – ½


Art I – 1 Art I – 1

Art II– 1 Art II– 1

Art III – 1 Art III – 1

Band – 1 Art IV – 1

Theatre – ½ Band – 1

Theatre – ½



Spanish II – 1 Spanish I - 1

*Spanish III – 1 Spanish II – 1

*Spanish III - 1


Auto Engine Rebuild – ½


Drafting – ½ Auto Engine Rebuild – ½

Intro to Tech I – ½ Construction – 1

Intro to Tech II – ½ Drafting – ½

Metals I – ½ Intro to Tech I – ½

Metals II – ½ Intro to Tech II – ½

Welding – ½ Metals I – ½

Metals II – ½

MATHWelding – ½

Álgebra II – 1

*Pre-Calculus – 1 MATH

State Test Preparation – ½ *Pre-Calculus – 1

*Calculus – 1 (SLU dual credit)


PE – 1 ( ¼ credit per semester)PE – 1 ( ¼ credit per semester)


*Chemistry – 1 *Chemistry – 1 Earth Science – ½

*Physics – 1 Physical Science – ½


Current Political Geography – ½ Current Political Geography – ½

Economics – ½ Economics – ½

Government – ½ Government – ½

Social Studies – ½ Social Studies – ½

World History – 1World History – 1


IL VIRTUAL SCHOOL COURSE – ½ CNA I& II – (LLCC @ HillsboroHighSchool) – 2

Application & administration approval required – ½ HEAT Program (LLCC @ Litchfield Campus)

  • Art Appreciation – ½
  • Intro to American Politics – ½
  • History of Western Civilization I – ½


*denotes honor’s courseApplication & Administration approval required


Application & Administration approval required

Business Department

1.0Business credit is needed to meet graduation requirements


Prerequisite: Keyboarding I

Course Description:

Computer Concepts and Software Applicators is a 1 semester required course for grade 9. This course is designed to develop awareness and understanding of application software and equipment used by employees to perform tasks in business, marketing and management. Students will apply problem-solving skills to hands-on, real-life situations using a variety of software applications, such as word processing, presentation software, and desktop publishing. Students will explore topics related to computer concepts and emerging technologies.


Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

Consumer Education is a 1 semester required class for grade 12 (beginning 2013-14 school year) and fulfills the Illinois Consumer Education Requirement.This course provides students with an understanding of the concepts and principles involved in managing one’s personal finances. Topics may include savings and investing, credit, insurance, taxes and social security, spending patterns and budget planning, contracts, and consumer protection. This course may also provide an overview of the American economy.

BU302 BUSINESS LAW ( ½ credit)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

Business Law is a 1 semester elective course for grades 10, 11, and 12. This course will help students understand the basics of business law. Contracts, property, employment, organizational and financial laws will be discussed. This is a very interactive class and students must participate and be able to present their ideas in a “business” setting.


Prerequisite: Keyboarding, Computer Concepts

Course Description:

Desktop Publishing is a one semester elective course for grades 10 – 12. This course is designed to bring students up-to-date with computer technology and the skills needed to achieve in their future career choices. Software used in this course will include Microsoft Publisher (create documents such as publications, graphic objects, web documents), InDesign (work with images and graphics), and Photoshop (pixels, gradients, images, production and productivity techniques). InDesign can be used by the Journalism class for designing the school newspaper. Photoshop can be used by the yearbook students to alter pictures. This is a very hands-on course.

BU401 ACCOUNTING ( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

Accounting is a full year skill level course for grades 10, 11, and 12 students who are pursuing a strong background in business, marketing, and management. This course includes planned learning experiences that develop initial and basic skill used in systematically computing, classifying, recording, verifying and maintaining numerical data involved in financial and product control records including the paying and receiving of money. Instruction includes information on keeping financial records, summarizing them for convenient interpretation, and analyzing them to provide assistance to management for decision making. Accounting computer applications will be integrated throughout the course where applicable. In addition to stressing basic fundamentals and terminology of accounting, instruction will provide initial understanding of the preparation of budgets and financial reports, operation of related business machines and equipment, and career opportunities in the accounting field. Processing employee benefits may also be included. Practice sets with business papers may be used to emphasize actual business records management.

This course qualifies for Lincoln Land Community College Tech Prep credit.


Prerequisite: Computer Concepts and Software Applications

Course Description:

Information Processing I is a skill-level course offered to grades 10, 11, and 12 that continues the development of skills from Computer Concepts and Software Applications. Production work typically includes statistical tables and a variety of business forms. Students prepare office related projects that are evaluated according to business standards. Excellent keyboarding skills should be developed. Excel software will also be used in this course. This course qualifies for LincolnLandCommunity College tech prep credit.

English Department

4 English credits are required to meet graduation requirements

EN101 ENGLISH I ( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

English I is a full year required course for Grade 9. During this course the student will read and discuss selections in various literary genres. This survey will provide the background necessary to appreciate classical and/or modern literature. The course will also focus on improving basic writing and grammar skills through regular writing exercises and grammar studies as well as vocabulary study. These exercises will include, but not limited to, focused revision of selected writings, paragraph compositions, and short essays. Research writing will be introduced including proper MLA citation method. Students will do exercises pertaining to research writing and will write a short research paper.

EN201 ENGLISH II ( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: Recommended completion of English I

Course Description:

English II is a full year required course for Grade 10. This course will involve reading poetry, short stories, plays and novels, as well as vocabulary, grammar and composition writing. The basic structure of the short story will be covered as well as many literary devices. Students will work to improve their writing skills through essay and composition writing. Students will go beyond the basics and build on their present skills in these areas to prepare them for English III. In addition we will spend time preparing for the PSAE/ACT which students will take their junior year.
EN301 ENGLISH III ( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: Recommended completion of English II

Course Description:

English III is a full year required course for Grade 11. This course offers the student a chronological survey of American Literature with an emphasis on various types of literature written by U.S. authors; autobiographies, histories, dramas, essays, short stories and poetry. The selections assigned for class study will reflect the historical, political, and social growth of America, beginning in colonial times and continuing up to the present. We will start with Native American literature through romanticism and transcendentalism. Next we will cover the Civil War period literature and end with modern, contemporary literature. Writing correlated to the various units will stress critical thinking and literary analysis. Weekly grammar lessons and/or daily language skill builders will be used to reinforce grammar skills. A research project will be completed and presented. In addition, throughout the semester we will be doing exercises to prepare for the PSAE/ACT.

EN401 ENGLISH IV ( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: Recommended completion of English III

Course Description:

English IV is a full year required course for grade 12. The focus of this course is on literature, composition, and employability skills. During this course students will read, discuss, and analyze selected readings from various genres. Writings will correlate to the readings and stress critical thinking and literary analysis. Composition will focus on writing essays with emphasis on the basics of writing, elements of style, correct usage and conventions, and grammar. Students will also study research and citation methods culminating in a research paper. Employability skills will focus on identifying job skills, workplace preferences, job searches, interviews, and written communications. A portfolio demonstrating the student’s understanding of his employability and containing samples of written communication pertaining to a job search is the final project for this section of the course.

*EN402 COM 111 ( ½ credit 1st semester)

(3 transferable college credits)

Prerequisite: Qualifying score on LLCC Placement Test called the Accuplacer

(Students may attempt this test only twice)

Or ACT English and Reading Score of 22

Grade of “C” or better in English III

Course Description:

Students are required to take a full year of English their senior year. Their choices are English IV or Composition 111 and Composition 112. COM 111 is a dual credit, college level course, and as stated above, has required prerequisites. COM 111 is taught first semester, earning 3 college credits with LLCC. This is the first course in a two-semester sequence of composition. The focus is on writing and reading essays, thinking logically and analyzing literature.

*EN409 COM 112 ( ½ credit 2nd semester)

(3 transferable college credits)

Prerequisite: Qualifying score on LLCC Placement Test called the Accuplacer

Or ACT English and Reading Score of 22

Grade of “C” or better in COM 111

Course Description:

COM 112 is a dual credit, college level course taught second semester, earning 3 college credits with LLCC. This is the second course in a two-semester sequence of composition. The focus is on argumentative writing and using research correctly including both the MLA and APA methods of citation. While the students will continue to read literature, the main course work will involve writing research papers.


Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

Strategic Reading is a one semester course required for grade 11. This course is intended to improve a student’s

vocabulary, critical-thinking, analysis skills, reading rate and comprehension level. Strategies will be offered for

time management, note-taking, outlining, understanding and evaluating the important points of a written text. This

course is intended to help students prepare for standardized tests (PSAT, ACT, PSAE). Test-taking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills will be developed through study, lecture, and practice drills.

*EN307 INTRO TO DRAMA ( ½ credit)

(3 transferable college credits)

Prerequisite: Minimum GPA 3.0

Course Description:
EN307 is a dual credit, one semester college level course for grades 11 & 12, earning 3 college credits through SLU. The class will include the reading and discussion of classic examples of ancient and modern drama including tragedy, comedy and tragicomedy, with attention to themes, techniques and cultural significance. In addition to reading many dramas, students will write reflection essays on the readings and give a presentation using technology. In addition they will watch performances of several of the dramas read and consider how modern directors interpret the classical problems associated with this genre. This course follows the guidelines set forth by St. LouisUniversity. The fee for this class is $65 per credit hour for a total of $195. This is billed directly from SLU and payment plans are available.

EN303 SHAKESPEARE ( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

Shakespeare is a full year elective for grades 10, 11, and 12. This class will focus on Shakespeare including his background, his plays as well as the Globe Theatre. As many plays as possible will be covered in each semester including, but not limited to: Macbeth, King Lear, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Julius Caesar, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet. In addition, the class will attend a theatrical performance if possible.


(3 transferable college credits)

Prerequisite: Minimum GPA 3.0

Course Description:

EN303 is a dual credit, one semester college level course for grades 11 & 12, earning 3 college credits through SLU. It introduces students to important theories and methods of literary analysis. Through critical reading, discussion, lecture, and written analysis, students explore a diverse selection of imaginative works, developing a mature appreciation of their structure and of the rich significance of their language. This course promotes an appreciation of literature as creative acts and expressions of the human search for meaning. This course follows the guidelines set forth by St. LouisUniversity. The fee for this course is $65 per credit hour for a total of $195. This is billed directly from SLU and payment plans are available.

EN300 SPEECH I ( ½ credit)

Prerequisite: None

Course Description:

Speech is a 1 semester English elective for grades 10, 11 and 12. Through activities and practical application, students will develop communication skills that may be used in group discussions, speeches in front of an audience, and a variety of other speaking situations. Developing strategies to build self-confidence, conducting interviews, writing speeches, and incorporating presentation aids are among the topics covered in this class. Assessment is based on written tests, participation in class activities and discussions, and class presentations.


( ½ credit per semester)

Prerequisite: Keyboarding I

Course Description:

Journalism is a full year English elective for grades 10 – 12. This course provides learning experiences common to all journalism occupations, focusing on newspaper writing and production, general media studies, and the rights and responsibilities of the journalist. Students will be taught how to write all types of articles. In addition, the students will write and produce the school newspaper, The Cat’s Connection, which is published monthly in The Mt. Olive Herald, and all programs for high school home sporting events. Approximately half the month is spent in the computer lab, with the remaining time spent in the classroom. Computer experience and good writing skills are recommended for this course.
EN403 MYTHOLOGY ( ½ credit)