PO BOX 233

PUTNEY, VT 05346


Putney Board of Selectmen

November 7, 2005


The Town of Putney Selectboard met on Monday, November 7, 2005 at the Putney Town Hall at 6:30 PM.

Board Members Present: Lyssa Papazian, John Nopper, Regina A. Rockefeller

Others Present: Chris Ryan, Town Manager; Phil Bannister, Planning Comm.; Pamela Cubbage, Jacquie Walker, Conservation Comm.; Thomas Goddard, Fire Chief; Anita Coomes, Treasurer; Mike Mrowicki, Putney Family Services; Chris Boucher, Peter Stamm, Arthur Westing, Nancy Fournier, Janet Langdon, Peter Stamm.

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM by the Chair, John Nopper.

6:30 PM – Town Plan Hearing

Board held brief discussion regarding procedures for amending document. P. Cubbage alerted Board that Con. Comm. was present to question editing of Natural Resources Section of Plan, specifically concerning Ridgeline Development.

P. Bannister explained that there was no consensus among Planning Comm. concerning Ridgeline regulations, and therefore Commission removed language inserted by Con. Comm., assuming it would be discussed further at a later date.

P. Cubbage stated that removal constituted substantial editing and that Con. Comm. would like to engage in further discussion prior to a final draft.

Arthur Westing suggested a number of changes for factual accuracy.

Board recommended that this discussion between Commissions take place, and any factual changes be incorporated, and Board will take appropriate action to continue Public Hearings after a consensus is reached between Commissions.

On a motion by John Nopper, seconded by R. Rockefeller, the Board voted unanimously to close Town Plan Public hearing at 7:15 PM

7:15 PM – Public Hearing on amending Putney Zoning Bylaws to conform with recent changes to VSA Chp 117.

P. Bannister informed the Board that the changes were almost entirely procedural, and no local ordinances were being amended.

No substantive discussion followed, and on a motion by John Nopper, seconded by R. Rockefeller, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing at 7:23 PM, and on a motion by John Nopper, seconded by L. Papazian, the Board voted unanimously to amend the Putney Zoning Bylaws to reflect the recent changes to Chp. 117

Cemetery Road– water damage

Nancy Fournier, Cemetery Road resident, in to voice concern over drainage from Worden Road, causing damage to private property on east side of Worden Road, and properties on Cemetery Rd. C. Ryan will investigate further.

River Road -Flood Damage

Janet Langdon in to inform Board that rep. from Natural Resources Conservation Service had viewed damage at her property caused by recent storms, and she provided Board with timeline of damage and various responses. Application has been made for financial aid under a program which requires 25% local contribution. Board will be informed when and if project qualifies for funding, and what options exist for providing local match, and take up discussion again at that time.

Allyn Road & Old Stage Road/Turner Trail

Chris Boucher – Mr. Boucher informed Board that he is purchasing property on Allyn Road, a Class 4 town road, and would like Board approval to construct a single family residence on Allyn Road, as permitted under Putney Zoning Bylaws, sec 501.2.

Peter Stamm informed the Board that he is seeking approval for a four lot subdivision, of which one lot will have frontage on Old Stage Road, a Class 4 town road, and he would also like approval under 501.2 for eventual development of single family homes on this lot.

Discussion followed on various issues of town liability, and best specifications to be imposed for public safety access. Board, on a motion by John Nopper, seconded by R. Rockefeller, voted unanimously to grant approval to both applicants, pending final wording of suitable language to ensure construction standards adequate to provide year round access to any building sites. C. Ryan, T. Goddard and D. Wilson will confer with applicants.

Dummerston Sunoco Station –Otter Creek Engineering

C. Ryan informed Board that Otter creek is seeking Letter of Intent from Putney stating that Town will accept infrastructure improvements, and allocate water and wastewater, to AR Sandri station.. Board agreed to issue letter, after consulting with Town Counsel to determine proper language to insure that actual flows permitted will be contingent on system capacity, and needs within Putney.

Treatment Plant Contract

Board, on a motion by John Nopper, seconded by L. Papazian, voted unanimously to authorize resolution allowing C. Ryan, Town manager to sign contract documents for plant construction on Putney’s behalf.

HiLo Biddy Bridge – Complete except railings. C. Ryan is working on resolving issues on Hoyle/Tanner billing.

Fire Station – On schedule –meeting with Rescue Inc. on November 12 to discuss garaging emergency vehicle.

Building Study Comm. –Still on schedule to complete study in November– final concept plans for ground floor are being circulated.

Meeting Dates:

Board set meeting date of Nov.15th, 4:00 PM & rescheduled November 21 for 6:00 PM.

Town Plan Public Hearing scheduled for 6:30 PM, Nov. 21st cancelled until further notice.

Warrants – Anita Coomes, Treasurer

Selectboard signed the following warrants:

# 5-411 - $262, 615.31

#5-0513 -$185,141.60

Payroll ending 10/21/05 - $5,356.53

“ “ 10/28/05 - $6,021.84

“ “ 11/04/05 - $5,281.73

Summary FY 05 warrants:

Water project - $452,843.08

Water project - $752,001.91

Water Project - $1,020,683

Library project -$713,285.11

White-Whitney Fund – Mike Mrowicki, Putney Family Services

M. Mrowicki informed Board that Putney Family Services is sponsoring a forum entitled “who we serve and how”, date to be determined, and extended an invitation to Board to participate.

Board voted unanimously, on motion by J. Nopper, seconded by R. Rockefeller, to enter executive session at 9:05 PM to discuss a request for funding from Putney Family Services on behalf of an individual. Mike Mrowicki and Chris Ryan invited to attend. Executive session was adjourned at 9:35, and the Board, on a motion by John Nopper, seconded by R. Rockefeller, voted unanimously to approve the request for $250 funding.

Board requested that C. Ryan gather figures on funds that would be available should the Town wish to establish an emergency fuel aid program for the coming season

Board requested that meeting be scheduled with Putney School Board members, both elementary and high school, prior to finalizing budget.

Meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Chris Ryan

Town Manager