IAC & Youth Forum / Maritime Conference 2015
May 28–May 31, 2015 • Mount Allison University
Participant Application
TRURO Presbytery
Intermediates at Conference (IAC) and Youth Forum (YF) are each a place of community and a place of faith where United Church youth, between the ages of Gr. 7 – Gr. 9 (IAC) and Grade 10 and age 19 (YF), meet from across the Maritimes, the Gaspé, and Bermuda. It takes place during the Annual Meeting of Maritime Conference, which is a gathering of representatives who make decisions and set policies for the United Church of Canada.
IAC and YF meet as two separate groups. Each group creates an inclusive, diverse and safe community of over a hundred youth in the name of Christ. Each provides a place for youth to explore their faith and to learn more about the United Church of Canada while sharing music, worship and fun in a spirit-filled community.
The cost of IAC and Youth Forum is $250 per participant. This fee includes all activities, meals, accommodations, and a t-shirt. Travel expenses are in addition to this price. Truro Presbytery pays $100.00 per applicant who attends Maritime Conference.
Don’t let the cost frighten you from applying. Most churches have funding available to help cover the costs of registration and travel. Your church, UCW, presbytery and/or local community groups are good places to ask for support. Ask your minister about how these groups can help!
Truro Presbytery will be providing $100.00 towards your registration.
A non-refundable deposit of $50.00 must be paid to Truro Presbytery and accompany your application.
This deposit will be deducted from the total cost of your fee.
The remainder of your fee must be paid in full to the Presbytery by May 15, 2015.
Payments will not be collected at the time of registration.
All cheques must be made out to Truro Presbytery.
Application forms are available from local United Church Congregations. Please complete the form and return it to the minister of the congregation, who will distribute it to the Christian Life and Growth Chair at their Presbytery.
Applications must be returned to your minister by April 15, 2015.
Participants will be notified of the status of their application from the Presbytery by May 1, 2015. Participants will be contacted via email from the IAC and YF registrars by mid-May with further information on the event.
For more information contact Chris Urquhart 902-662-3550
Maritime ConferenceIAC & Youth Forum / Maritime Conference 2015
May 28 –May 31, 2015 • Mount Allison University
Participant Application
I am registering for:
Intermediates at Conference (IAC) - for youth in Grades 7, 8 & 9
Youth Forum (YF) – for youth in Grades 10, 11, 12 thru to age 19.
Last Name: ______First Name: ______
Middle Name(s): ______Preferred Name: ______
Date of Birth: ______I identify myself as: ______
Male / Female / He / She / Ze / Other
Grade: _____ or University/College Year: ______Age: _____ (at the time of YF / IAC)
Home Address: ______
City: ______Province: ______
Postal Code: ______Home Phone: ______
For emergency purposes, please provide a secondary cell/work number in the Cell (Parents) line. If the youth participant will have a cell phone with them at the event, please provide their number for this same reason.
Cell (Parents): ______Cell (Youth): ______
All registration confirmations and information letters will be sent to the participant via email. Please provide an address for both the parents/guardiansand/or the participant to ensure youth receives their confirmation.
Email (Parents): ______
Email (Youth): ______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name: ______
Please print
If you have any questions about Intermediates and Youth Forum and what it’s like, or any questions in regards to applications, traveling, etc., please contact one of the following people:
Presbytery ContactName Chris Urquhart
Tel: 902-662-3550
Intermediates:Ms. Linda Demings Youth Forum: Mr. Christopher Lane
Tel: 902.435.7111 Tel: 506.651.9694
Email: mail:
IAC/YF Participant ______
Provincial Health Card Number: ______
Health Card Expiry Date: ______Province in which health card has been issued: ______
In case of an emergency, should we not be able to contact your parent/guardian, please provide an alternate person who we can contact.
Emergency Contact Person: ______
Relationship to Youth: ______
Phone Number 1: ______Phone Number 2: ______
*Special dietary, medicalconsiderations? Explain.
Also, please include any medications/ including if they carry an epi-pen or allerject device and all necessarydosages in case of emergency. Use another page, if needed.
*Are there any factors that may be causing this participant stress (such as a death, separation, mental health issues in self or family member)?______
*Has the participant ever been treated for psychological, psychiatric, emotional, developmental or behavioral disorders? ______
*Please provide details including type of treatment received: ______
*This information will remain confidential but could help us offer appropriate support if needed.
The parent(s) / guardian give consent for the leaders at YF/IAC to give the participant over the counter medication should they require it? i.e. headaches, upset stomach, etc.______(signature of parent/guardian)
Most teens post photos / videos to social media sites on a regular basis. If you would prefer your son/daughter’s photo not be taken, we ask you to educate them about refusing to be in photos and /or self-advocating to not be identified in photos.
I have read and understood the above. ______(signature of parent/guardian)
There will be photos/videos taken of participants on behalf of the church with the intentions of creating content for Maritime Conference, Youth Forum and IAC. Names and identifying information will not be used in these situations. If you would prefer your son/daughter’s photo not be taken, we ask again that you to educate them about refusing to be in photos including group photos.
I have read and understood the above. ______(signature of parent/guardian)
Maritime Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates collect the information contained in this application solely for registration purposes and respects the privacy of families. We do not provide this information to any other organizations or individuals. Maritime Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates follows guidelines pertaining to applications set out by the United Church of Canada. Therefore, all documentation, whether the applicant has been accepted to Youth Forum or not, will be securely kept until the time at which it can be destroyed.
IAC/YF Participant ______
Your Minister: ______
Your Pastoral Charge: ______
Your Presbytery: ______
All About You!
Maritime Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates collect the information contained in this application solely for registration purposes and respects the privacy of families. We do not provide this information to any other organizations or individuals. Maritime Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates follows guidelines pertaining to applications set out by the United Church of Canada. Therefore, all documentation, whether the applicant has been accepted to Youth Forum or not, will be securely kept until the time at which it can be destroyed.
Have you ever attended Youth Forum? Yes No If yes, which years? ______
Have you ever attended Intermediates? Yes No If yes, which years? ______
All youth will receive a complimentary t-shirt. In order to order enough for each size, please provide what size t-shirt you wear (circle one): Small Medium Large XL XXL
Please take a minute to think about and answer the following questions about yourself and your interest in IAC and Youth Forum. Use another page if necessary.
- Where do you see God at work in the world, or in your life? Where do you feel close to God?
- What is really important to you and why? (Friends, family, music, school, church, sports, other?)
- Is there a world issue or local issue you feel strongly about? Why?
(Gender equality, hunger, homelessness, animal rights, cancer rates… etc)
- Tell us something about yourself! Do you have a special talent or skill? Do you play a musical instrument? Are you a great friend? A funny person? What types of activities do you like to take part in after school or in the summer?
- If you’re returning for another year, what made you apply to come back this year?
- Our numbers for Youth Forum and Intermediates at Conference are limited this year due to available space at the University, if selected to attend, will you be available to attend the entire conference from Thursday afternoon at registration until Sunday noon after worship?
Maritime Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates collect the information contained in this application solely for registration purposes and respects the privacy of families. We do not provide this information to any other organizations or individuals. Maritime Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates follows guidelines pertaining to applications set out by the United Church of Canada. Therefore, all documentation, whether the applicant has been accepted to Youth Forum or not, will be securely kept until the time at which it can be destroyed.
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