2018 International Competitions and Assessmentsfor Schools (ICAS)
Dear Parent
Your child has an opportunity to participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS).
- is an annual skills development assessment program in key areas of learning for students in Years 3-13; assessments are available inDigital Technologies, English, Mathematics and Science
- uses other participating students’ results as a reference point for comparing your child’s performance
- enables students at all levels of ability to participate; ICAS contains questions designed to specifically explore the abilities of students of all standards – this includes those of both lower and higher levels of achievement
- achievement certificates are awarded to all students at a range of levels:
- High Distinction to the top 1% of students
- Distinction to the next 10% of students
- Credit to the next 25% of students
- Merit to the next 10% of students
- Participation to all other students
- results are available to parents and students online; these online reports and analyses remain available indefinitely. ICAS reports indicate which questions were answered correctly, compares student performance to that of the other students tested and are highly suitable for inclusion in a student’s portfolio for future opportunities
- entries are administered through the school, so teachers can also access the information.
Participation stripes will be given to students who sit 2 or more assessments. Students who gain a High Distinction, Distinction or Credit, will receive an additional stripe e.g. ICAS Science.
To enrol your child in ICAS, please complete the registration form and return itto school by 19 March for Digital Technology andScience, 9 June for English and Mathematics.
For more information about ICAS go to or contact Customer Service on 0800 778 010
Your child can prepare for ICAS using Practice Online. Practice Online tests are available for English, Mathematics and Science. Find out more about Practice Online at
Yours sincerely
Dr Sofia KesidouSue Holmes
Group ExecutiveDeputy Principal
Educational Assessment AustraliaKamo Intermediate
Kamo Intermediate School
2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS)
Registration Form
Please return this form to the school office
I give permission for my childof
Child’s name Room
to participate in the following 2018 International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS).
The cost for EACH subject is $9.50
Please select the subjects you would like your child to enter:
Subject/Paper / Official Sitting Date / Entry fee due / Entry fee / Fee enclosedDigital Technologies / 8 May 2018 / 19 March / $9.50
Science / 29May 2018 / 19 March / $9.50
English / 31 July 2018 / 9June / $9.50
Mathematics / 14 August 2018 / 9 June / $9.50
Please find enclosed ______total entry fee or
indicate how payment may be made (internet banking, automatic / part payments):
Name of Parent/GuardianDate
Signature of Parent/Guardian