Call for Nominations:

“Innovative Practices in Early Childhood Intervention”

Deadline to submit nominations: January 24th 2016

Submit to: Ms Sabrina Ferraina,

Please make sure you have read the instructions.


Please fill in here
Your organisation /
Your first name /
Your last name /
Website /
Country /
Your email /
Your phone number


Please fill in all fields in Section 1.

Please fill in here
Name of contact person / Person thatcan be contacted on behalf of the organization that is nominated.
Organization /
Country / Country, where the organization is based.
Website /
Phone number of contact person / Please include the international telephone code.
Email of contact person /


In Section 2 all informationis required. In some fields themaximum amount of words/charactersis specified in the instructions.

Please fill in here
Title/Name / Please use a brief title or name, NOT the full legal title, and NOT just an abbreviation or an acronym.
What kind of children are your target group? /
Max 100 words (1000 characters)
Country in which it was developed /
Country/countries in which it is operating / If the project or policy operates only in a city or province, name also this city/region. If a project operates in more than one country, please name all of them.
Overall goal/mission / Please be as precise as possible to help experts to understand the nature of the nominated project or policy. Avoid general descriptions (Max. 500 words)
E.g. The mission of project XY is to teach children with hearing impairments from 3 to 6 years, via audio books


In Section 3 all informationis required.

Please fill in here
Problems that areaddressedby the nominated project / Please describeas precisely as possible. (Max. 200 words/1000 characters)
E.g. Early childhood intervention is not available in certain areas; risk of drop out of the education system.
The solution that has been developed / Please be as precise as possible to help experts to understand the nature of the nomination.E.g. The project reaches out to parents with children under the age of four who have hearing difficulties and trains them in language skills using technology as well as child psychology.
Why this solutionis better than other existing solutions / Please be as precise as possible. (Max. 300 words/1500 characters)E.g.This method is freely available for download in five different languages.
How persons with disabilities have been included in the different stages of developing the nominated project, organization or law/policy / You may refer to stakeholder dialogues, the inclusion of disabled persons organizations in the process, the evaluation of how the practice has been received by persons with disabilities, etc. (Max. 300 words/1500 characters)
The most important barrier that was removed to make it work / Please be as precise as possible. (Max. 300 words/1500 characters)E.g. The training has to be done by highly professional specialists. A financial model had to be developed that is now based on subsidies from the government as well as contributions from the parents.
The most important barrier that still lies ahead / Please be as precise as possible (Max. 300 words/1500 characters)
E.g. A minimum amount of persons using the service has to be reached to create enough income to make the organization sustainable.


Facts about the nominated practiceshould be given here to helpexperts learn about the current scope and impact, the development in the past and the potential for the future.

Please fill in here
Facts about size and scope / 1.
3. / Please state here measurable outputs, facts and figures that directly derive from the project or policy, e.g. number of beneficiaries; number of schools or persons trained, turnover/revenue in millions of $ or €; number of users or jobs created.
You can also indicate growth figures in the last 1-3 years.
Organization founded in (year) /
Practice started in (year) /
Background of your organization /
/ Legal entity (NGO? School? Social Enterprise etc.) How big are your working groups? How many children does your whole organization provide services to?How many teaching staff do you have in your whole organization? What is their educational background (brief description)? How many support staff do you have at your organization (paid or unpaid)?
Background of the methodology used / Who has the developed it? Is it used or taught somewhere? Please describe with max. 200 words (max. 1000 characters)
Inclusion of parents and family in the practice / Please describe briefly the role of parents in your practice
How is the practice funded? / Basic facts about source of funds.
Please use max. 200 words.(1.000 characters)


Please fill in this section carefully describing the practice as precise as possible.

Please fill in here
Organizational setting / Do you work in a residential care? In a school?In a children´s home? Other? More than one?
Please describe with max. 200 words(max.500 characters)
Method, curriculum, approach / Please describe with max. 200 words(max.500 characters)
Teaching material used / Please describe in detail and give examples, if any (max. 500 characters)
Assessment of needs of the children / When? How? How often?
Please describe with max. 100 words(max. 500 characters)


Please fill in this section to describe the context of your practice. Only fill in those fields that are appropriate or applicable!

Please fill in here
Does the practice aim at/contribute to the implementation of the UNCRPD? / If yes, please explain which specific article. Max 300 words(1.500 characters)
Does the practice facilitate participation, inclusion and equal citizenship? / Please use max. 300 words.(1.500 characters)
Which actors are involved in the design, development, and delivery of the practice? / Please use max. 300 words.(1.500 characters)
Is the practice based on user-centeredness and/or co-production methodologies? / Please explain
Is the practice part of a range of community based services or does it exist as a stand-alone practice? / Please explain
Which other services are directly linked to the practice? / Please use max. 300 words.(1.500 characters)


These fields are optional.

Please fill in here
Outlook, perspective for growth and future development / Please refer to questions like: Can the practicey be easily adopted or adapted by other organizations or countries? What are the costs of implementation? Is it more cost effective than existing models?
Please submit documentation about your work / Please indicate web links, videos, pictures and publications in pdf format
What would you wish for the future? / You can also provide links to further information that might be useful for experts.

This publication has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020)

EASPD – European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities