Question Answer Relationships (Q.A.R.’s)
Literal QARs Inferential QARs
Level 1A (Facts/Evidence)These questions usually relate to specific details in the story. The words used to make up the question and the words used to answer the question are often right there together in the same sentence. These questions can be answered with a words, phrase, or detail from the text.
· Where did Lennie and George camp?
· What did Lennie keep in his pocket?
While these are usually basic recall questions, they should always emphasize important details of the story. / Level 2 (Interpretation)
These questions can only be answered by interpreting the facts given in or suggested by the text – the answer is not directly stated in the story. Consider what you already know, what the author tells you, and how all that fits together.
· What kind of a person was Curly?
· What motivated George to stay with Lennie despite all the trouble he caused?
Level 1B (Facts/Evidence)
These questions require you to pull together information from different places in the same text to come up with the answer. You must think and search to find the complete answer.
· Which characters were in George and Lennie’s plan by the end of the book?
· List all the characters who are deformed in this book and name their handicaps. / Level 3 (Comparisons/Contrasts)
These questions relate some aspect of the text to other texts, to life experiences, or to the world beyond the text. Answers to these questions are not found within a single text, but through a close examination of multiple texts, society, and the world at large. Some answers may not come from the text at all.
· Does the plight of the migrant workers in the 30’s parallel the experiences of others in another time?
· Why are women often portrayed as seductive temptresses?
· Is there such a thing as a happy ending?