Moor Hey School is an inclusive school where we work together to provide a caring and supportive environment to meet and celebrate the diverse abilities and needs of all our pupils, enabling them to fulfil their personal, social, moral and academic potential.

Class Three – Curriculum Map 2017

Class 3 / The Gunpowder plot
History – Who was King James 1?
The events
Who was Guy Fawkes?
The end of the plot
Remember, remember
Art – Fireworks
Fire colours
Literacy – Biographies/ Autobiographies
Numeracy - Number and Place value,
Addition and subtraction,
2D and 3D shape / Animals around the world
Geography –
Hot and cold climates
Literacy – playscripts – The way through the woods
Art – The African jungle
Numeracy –
and patterns, Time, Money / Ancient Egypt
History – Understand what was important to people during ancient Egyptian times.
Compare the powers of different Egyptian gods.
Find Egypt on a map.
Raise questions when confronted with an artefact to understand more about this ancient civilisation and select information that is useful in understanding the use of hieroglyphs as a form of communication and recording.
Lit - Narrative different genre (fairy tales)
DT – Egyptian crafts
Numeracy - Mass/ weight/ capacity and volume
Fractions, Multiplication and division. / Rivers and Coasts
Literacy –
Folktales and Superstitions
Art – Landmarks
Geography –
Dams, erosion, a rivers journey, arriving at the sea, waterfalls, coastal towns.
Numeracy - Addition and subtraction, Position and direction, Money / Seasonal Changes
Literacy – Narrative film
Short film
La Luna Disney
Clips from Happy Feet and Madagascar
Geography -
name the four seasons
Name different types of weather Make observations about the weather Describe the weather associated which each season Collect and record simple data
Make simple observations about changes across the seasons
Art – collage
Numeracy - Number and Place value and statistics, Fractions, 2D and 3D shapes. / Are you eco-friendly?
Literacy –Journalistic writing
Art – clay work
Geography – traffic, pollution, recycling
Numeracy – Time, Sorting and patterns,Capacity/volume and temperature.
RE / What happens in a church? / Hinduism festival of light / What the Bible tells us about Jesus the miracle worker/healer / Islam – festival of Eid / Eucharist Lives that have made a difference / Early church story tellers.
Music / Three Little Birds / HoHoHo / Glockenspiel 2 / Benjamin Britten
There was a Monkey / Let your Spirit Fly / Reflect, rewind, replay
P.E / Gymnastics and Invasion games / Gymnastics and Invasion games / Dance and Net/Wall Games / Dance and Net/Wall Games / Athletic Activities and Striking/Fielding Games / Athletic Activities and Striking/Fielding Games
Spanish / The home
Rooms, objects / Families
People, jobs, different types of families / Weather
Including numbers and revision of colours / Telling time / Transport / Classroom
PSHE/SEAL / New beginnings / Getting on and falling out / Democracy / Rights and responsibilities / Communities / Health
Computing / Programming & Algorithm
Designing and developing computer games
Searching, Sorting and Networks. Efficient
algorithms / Web
Remixing and creating web content using HTML / Programming 2
Remixing and creating web content using HTML
Designing and developing multi-level X:Box
games / Network
Networks, data and creating web content / App
Designing and developing mobile apps / Safe
Staying safe in a digital world