San Pedro High School
Class Expectations and Contract
English Learner PRP (Preparing to Reclassify) Intervention Class
Students who have been selected for this English Skills class are students who are in the English Learner Program and who have been in the Program for 9-11 years. They may a “D” or “F” in English, low CST scores and/or low CELDT . Attendance may also be a problem. Remember, in order to exit the English Learner Program, the student must maintain a “C” in their English class, obtain a “4” or “5” on the CELDT (California English Language Development Test) and score a “Basic” on the CST.
This is a one year intervention class which will enhance the study skills necessary for the student to succeed in the core classes at San Pedro High School in order to exit the English Learner Program and graduate high school. Students can exit the intervention class at the end of the year provided that they continue to pass their core classes and meet the qualifications to exit the program.
-spiral notebook for journals
-3 ringed binder
-5 dividers
-college ruled paper
-2 pens, blue or black ink only
-2 pencils
-paperback dictionary-American Heritage
Classwork Guidelines:
Grades are based on class work which will include the students bringing the following everyday:
-Agendas from every class
-Homework and necessary books from every class for that day
- 3-ring binder with 5 dividers for every class
-Questions for homework from other classes
-Daily attendance reports
-Weekly progress reports on Friday
-Attending all classes is mandatory, please schedule doctor appointments after 3:15.
-Missing any one class, will result in a phone call home for verification of absence.
-respect teacher and each other at all times
-no gum
-no make-up, lotion or hair brushing in class
-no food, water is okay
-no hall passes
Grading Policy
Attendance= 30% of final grade and Citizenship
Responsibility for all required materials=30% of final grade and Work Habits
Class Work, study habit/grade improvement and parent involvement= 40%
100-90% =A
79-70%=C –Pass class
69% and below=F –repeat class
********Note to Parents: Please feel free to contact me about your child’s progress in this class. Having an open communication between you and myself is an important key to your child’s success at San Pedro High School. I would like to meet with you to discuss how we, together, can meet your child’s goals for their education.
Please sign the contract below and put in a date and time you and your child could meet with me sometime within the next two weeks.
I am available M-F from 7:30-3:30, but I prefer to meet with you between 8am-12:30pm 3:15.
Mrs. Rodriguez
ELD Coordinator
Room 203
(310) 241-5867
I agree and will adhere with the contract and expectations of the Project Soar Intervention Class:
Parent Name Date Parent Signature Date
Student Name Date Student Signature Date
I am available to come to Room 203 and meet with Mrs. Rodriguez
on ______at ______.
date time