Class / : / All Secondary Two Classes /


/ : / Express
Date / : / Term 1 Week 5, 26th January 2012 / Time / : / 9.50am – 10.45am / 55 minutes
Subject / : / Pastoral Care / Topic / : / Loyalty
Lesson / : / PC Lesson 2 / Venue / : / Respective Classrooms
Lesson Objective: / Pupils will be able to:
-  Define what a friend is or does, and to consider the ways in which we do or do not fulfill that definition.
Duration /


/ Rationale / Materials
5 mins / Settle down / Students to get ready for lesson.
10 mins / Trigger Activity:
Teacher to show ‘Shrek’ Video Clip from Episode 3 / To introduce loyalty as a quality of a good friend. / VCD, Laptop, Whiteboard Markers,
A4 size paper for each student
25 mins / Main Activity:
§  Students to draw two vertical lines on a pc of blank paper from top to bottom, creating 3 separate and equal columns.
§  In column 1, students should write down as many words as they can think of, one below the other that complete this sentence, “A good friend is/does…”
§  Students look at each word listed in column 1 and answer the question, “Does this word describe me?” They should write either “Yes”, “No”, or “Sometimes” in column 2.
§  In column 3, students should look at each word in column 1 and think of one person they know who does display that characteristic of friendship.
§  Ask students to pair up with one another and share what they have written down. Are their answers similar or different? / To define what a good friend is or does, through brainstorming and sharing.
15 mins / Summary:
Teacher to ask students to read out their words in column 1, write them down on the board. See how many words are repeated many times. Ask them how hard or easy it is to be a friend.
Suggested activity: The characteristics of a good friend can be made into a class mural, with heading “A Good Friend is…”
Teacher to round up the definition of a good friend through the ‘YouTube’ video. / To reinforce lesson objective.

Lesson Plan for Secondary Two Pastoral Care Programme