Word Reference Notes Name: Answer Key
Reference / Definition / UsesDictionary / - A book containing words, definitions, parts of speech, pronunciations and etymology / - Figure out spelling
- How to say the word
- Definition of a word
Glossary / - A list of words with definitions found in the back of a textbook / - Definition of a word in a text book
- Word used in context
Thesaurus / - A book with words and their synonyms and antonyms / - To improve writing
Write a sentence for each that contrasts these word reference materials.
1. Thesaurus and dictionary: A thesaurus will show synonyms and antonyms, while a dictionary shows the definition, pronunciation and etymology of a word.
2. Thesaurus and glossary: A thesaurus will help you become a better writer by assisting you in finding synonyms and antonyms for common words while a glossary shows you the definition of a word in a text-book.
3. Dictionary and glossary: A dictionary will show you the definition of any word, while a glossary shows you the definitions for words in the specific book the glossary is included in.
1. What is the entry word? ______impede______
2. What part of speech is the definition? _____verb______
3. Write the noun form of the entry word with a suffix. ____impeder______
4. Underline the phonetic spelling.
5. Circle the information that gives the entry word’s etymology. latin
6. How many definitions does the entry word have? ______1______
7. According to the entry word’s definition, what is a synonym? _hinder/obstruct____
8. What is the purpose of the phonetic spelling? ______to determine the pronunciation of the word and what the stressed syllables are______
9. How many syllables does this word have? ______2______
10. Which syllable of this word is stressed? ______ped______