Job Description

Job Title / Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Post ref no.
Band / Band 8d
Service area / Commercial Directorate
Location/Base / Trust Headquarters, New Mill, Saltaire
Accountable to / Commercial Director

1.  Job Purpose:

·  Develop and deliver the Trust’s vision to be a truly digital healthcare organisation

·  Further develop the Trust’s IM&T strategy to underpin and support delivery of the Trust’s Integrated Business Plan (IBP)

·  Prioritise and plan the IM&T programme, projects and activities and ensure their successful delivery on time and to budget with focus on delivering quality and safety whilst reducing cost

·  Build a strong IM&T team

·  Lead the intelligent application of information technology and associated change programmes and the provision of robust intelligence to improve the management and delivery of the Trust’s clinical and corporate services

2.  Organisational Chart

3.  Main duties:


Strategic and strategic leadership

·  Lead the further development and implementation of the Trust's IM&T Strategy ensuring full alignment to and support for delivery of the Trust’s IBP (integrated business plan) and ensure compliance with Monitor’s requirements through the FT authorisation process

·  Ensure new and emerging technologies are evaluated and integrated into the IM&T strategy and programmes where appropriate

·  Proactively review opportunities for IM&T to support process change and improvement arising from changes in NHS policy, clinical practice and other significant business developments

·  Establish IM&T as a key enabler and an integral part of the Trust’s strategies and business plans

·  Work with national and local NHS and governmental bodies to secure the greatest possible benefits from IM&T investment

·  Ensure that the IM&T agenda makes a full contribution to the Trust’s overall strategy through the effective use of IM&T to:

- improve the patient experience

- improve quality and outcomes of care

- reduce clinical risk

- reduce cost

Operational and Project Management

·  Prepare rolling 5 year investment plans for IM&T activity and development including resource estimates

·  Prepare and present robust business cases that support proposals for IM&T investment

·  Ensure that all IM&T projects align with and support delivery of the Trust’s IBP and other business plans

·  Ensure that all IM&T developments and projects are planned and delivered to agreed specification, budget and timescale with appropriate management of capital resources

·  Ensure that all IM&T projects have measurable benefits clearly identified as part of project initiation processes including procurement, management support, and service delivery

·  Provide regular reports as required to the Trust Board, Finance Business and Investment Committee (FBI) and Executive Management (EMT), and any other committee as required

·  Lead on IM&T Project management and change management initiatives across the organisation

Information Governance

·  Ensure that there are in place fit for purpose information systems underpinned by effective information governance arrangements

·  Develop a proactive IG service for the organisation that supports clinical and corporate services in the management of information and the reduction of associated risk

·  Ensure the adoption of all mandated knowledge, information and data standards and any appropriate best practice and learning from health and any other industry

·  Oversee the completion and submission of the IG Toolkit (or any other requirement that may supersede the IG Toolkit)

·  Contribute IM&T evidence as required for national benchmarking initiatives

·  Develop and maintain an appropriate inventory of all IM&T systems and ensure appropriate security, disaster recovery and replacement plans are in place for each

Clinical Information Systems

·  Ensure that the Trust has in place robust clinical information systems with a technical infrastructure which complies with established best practice, including system security, confidentiality, data protection and disaster recovery

·  Develop close working relationships with clinicians and users of Trust systems to ensure engagement with the adoption of technologies and systems to make the delivery of patient care as effective as possible

·  Develop appropriate relationships with local health and social care providers to facilitate appropriate shared access arrangements as required

Leadership and management

·  Provide leadership and management to the IM&T and associate teams

·  Ensure that the Trust has the internal IM&T capacity and capability to meet business and operational needs

·  Develop a customer focussed approach across the IM&T function to ensure that IM&T customers receive pro-active responsive service

·  Ensure that any third party and other support contracts are effectively managed and deliver value for money

·  Develop constructive relationships with other NHS organisations and establish appropriate networks to promote the interests of the Trust in the local health and social care economy and beyond

Supplier Management

·  Maintain productive relationships with suppliers of IM&T systems

·  Negotiate and maintain contracts and ensure suppliers provide value for money and deliver against their contractual commitments

·  Work with suppliers to manage any contractual conflicts to ensure that the trust’s interests are fully protected

Business Information and Intelligence

·  Develop an effective and pro-active business intelligence service that can provide timely meaningful quality assured and appropriate information and reports to aid decision making and support performance management across the Trust

·  Ensure all nationally and locally agreed and required data returns are made to deadline and quality standards required


The CIO for the Trust will be expected to develop and maintain a wide range of internal and external productive relationships. The list below is set as a guide only.

Executive and Non-Executive Directors / NHS Commissioners
IMT Programme Board / CSU
Deputy Directors / Suppliers
Heads of Service / NHS England / DH colleagues
Information Asset Owners / External Audit
Transforming Care Programme (PMO) / Local NHS providers
Caldicot Guardian / Local Authority
SIRO / Other stakeholders
Internal Audit

4.  Working as part of a Team

·  The post holder will work as part of the Commercial Directorate working closely with the Commercial Director and other Deputy Directors

5.  Managing Self

·  Participate in regular supervision

·  Attend all mandatory training

·  Participate annually identifying, developing and agreeing your own development plan with your line manager using the Trust Appraisal and KSF process

·  Comply with all Trust policies, procedures and protocols

·  Pay regard to materials and equipment

·  Carry out duties with due regard to the Trust’s Equal Opportunity Policy

·  Seek advice and support from your line manager whenever necessary

6.  Staff Supervision and Support

·  Provide management and supervision to direct reports

·  Ensure appraisals and mandatory training targets are met within the locality

·  Ensure Human Resources Policies and Procedures are complied with for the staff in the IM&T department

  1. Financial Responsibility

·  Be accountable for IM&T budgets, capital and revenue (approx. £3m capital)

·  Lead budget setting process for IM&T in line with Trust business planning processes

·  Prepare financial forecasts and returns monthly

·  Actively monitor service financial performance to ensure effective and efficient use of the financial resource.

·  Contribute to the development of effective financial recovery plans where appropriate.

8.  Core Values:

Below is the Trust’s Vision, Aims and Corporate Priorities. The Corporate Priorities are what the Board has identified as specific priorities for focus for 2014/15.

The Trust’s vision statement is:

To provide the best possible care for the people of Bradford, Airedale and Craven and to be recognised as one of the country’s leading providers of integrated community health care services.

Aim 1: To provide a top quality service

Aim 2: To achieve excellence in patient experience

Aim 3: To ensure great relationships between the Trust, its staff and stakeholders

Aim 4: To deliver excellent value for money







9.  Core Statements:

Infection Control - All clinical and non-clinical staff groups

Responsible for, in respect to your area of work, for ensuring so far as is reasonably practicable and in accordance with Trust policies that you are aware of your individual responsibilities in regard to infection prevention and control this requires you to:

·  Maintain safe infection prevention and control environment for yourself and others.

·  Be familiar with and comply with current infection prevention and control, guidelines, policies and procedures.

·  Raise matters of non-compliance with your manager.

·  Attend infection prevention and control mandatory training as dictated by your manager.

·  Be appraised in relation to infection prevention and control.

Risk Management

All staff need a basic working knowledge of risk management. They all have a responsibility to identify and report risks, hazards, incidents, accidents and near misses promptly, in accordance with Trust Policy. All staff must be familiar with emergency procedures, risk management systems and incident management in their workplace.

Health and Safety

All employees have a responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Etc. Act 1974 for their own health, safety and welfare and to ensure that the agreed safety procedures are carried out to provide a safe environment for other employees and anyone else that may be affected by the carrying out of their duties.

Employees must co-operate with the Trust in meeting its statutory obligations with regard to health and safety legislation and must report any accidents, incidents and problems as soon as practicable to their immediate supervisor.

The Trust has a written health and safety policy which employees have a general duty to read in order that they are fully conversant with its requirements.

Patient care

Bradford District Care Trust is committed to ensuring the highest standards of care and treatment and expects that all staff employed within the organisation will treat service users, their carers, relatives and friends with dignity and respectat all times duringtheir contact with services we provide.

Information Management

All members of staff are bound by the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and any breaches of the Act or of the confidential nature of the work of this post could lead to dismissal.

The post holder is responsible to learn about information governance, to help ensure that best practice guidelines are followed and personal information is managed to benefit patients, clients and members of staff.

The post holder is required to sign the declaration form to confirm they have read and understood the booklet and leaflet regarding information governance, which will be kept by the HR team in the post holder’s personnel file.

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Job title: Chief Information Officer
Post ref:
Band: Band 8d
Service area: Commercial Directorate
Location/base: New Mill
Job purpose:
·  Develop and deliver the Trust’s vision to be a truly digital healthcare organisation
·  Further develop the Trust’s IM&T strategy to underpin and support delivery of the Trust’s Integrated Business Plan (IBP)
·  Prioritise and plan the IM&T programme, projects and activities and ensure their successful delivery on time and to budget with focus on delivering quality and safety whilst reducing cost
·  Build a strong IM&T team
·  Lead the intelligent application of information technology and associated change programmes and the provision of robust intelligence to improve the management and delivery of the Trust’s clinical and corporate services
Criteria / Essential / Desirable / Evidence
Qualifications & Education / §  Masters level and specialist experience in this field or equivalent qualification in numerate subject
§  Proven track record of delivering high level projects across a service area
§  Evidence of continuing professional development / §  Prince 2 Foundation Certificate
§  ITILv3 Foundation Certificate / Application / CV
Knowledge / §  Advanced knowledge of NHS reporting, structures, content and data standards
§  In depth knowledge of healthcare information systems
§  In depth knowledge of Electronic Patient Records
§  Thorough working knowledge of relevant legislation/guidelines e.g. Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act 2000, information confidentiality security and guidance, Information Governance Toolkit v9 or v10 / §  Experience of statistical methods and tools / Application / Interview
Experience / It is vital that the post holder can demonstrate tangible success in the following areas:
§  Developing and articulating a clear strategy for IMT that supports delivery of the Trust’s vision and IBP and has the necessary systems to support delivery of effective patient care
§  Working at a senior management level for at least 5 years in a complex environment bringing about significant change in line with agreed strategic and operational objectives
§  Working with disparate clinical and operational stakeholders and a track record of their successful engagement in projects and programmes of work
§  Ensuring that the Trust develops IT systems with a technical infrastructure which complies with established best practice, including system security, confidentiality, data protection and disaster recovery
§  Evidence of commitment to delivering high quality service to customers
§  Deploying appropriate technology to achieve agreed quality and safety metrics with efficiency and productivity savings
§  Ensuring that the clinical and information systems are aligned to generate robust data that makes a full contribution to the Trust’s business, i.e.:
-  improve the patient experience
-  report activity against contract
-  improve quality and outcomes of care
-  reduce clinical risk
-  supporting service improvement
§  Resolving complex information issues and communicating these to staff at all levels
§  Implementation of best practice in IT service management and project management.
§  Budgetary management to include management of capital and revenue expenditure in line with Trust requirements
§  Leading and developing a strong IM&T team that is flexible delivery and customer focused / §  Experience of working in Mental Health and Community services / Application / Interview
Skills & Abilities / §  Good analytical skills; the ability to learn quickly, to synthesise diverse information, and to make decisions from a range of options.
§  Strong communication skills; orally and in writing; credibility at Board level and with all staff the ability to communicate complex ideas and information to audiences with differing levels of understanding.
§  Effective leadership: the ability to manage teams effectively
§  Ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines and prioritise workloads.
§  Ability to forecast the long-term health informatics needs of the organisation and design and implement effective medium and long-term strategies and feasible plans / §  Statistical skills
§  Advanced modelling skills / Interview / Presentation
Attitude / §  ‘Can Do’, thinks outside the box, solution focused
§  Strategic thinking, a ‘whole system’ perspective and ability to help make productive connections between separate activities or process
§  Keen interest in health care and enthusiasm to find innovative solutions which will improve patient safety/patient experience / Interview / Presentation

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