
As you already know, the first page of this “Notice of Completion and Recap” will require your signature at the bottom. Please sign the bottom of this page and fax back to (714) 707-4313 or (206) 203-4181. Your signature is only required on the cover page (Page 1) only.

Page 2 (if attached) might include any websites discussed during your phone coaching session or e-learn lesson along with a detailed homework assignment. Such homework assignments are provided to ensure you have a clear understanding of necessary vocabulary words, forms, and concepts. You will be able to review the quiz answers within the next module.

Any other additional pages might include samples or further instructions. If possible, please incorporate these pages in your own Judgment Recovery training notebook. Any other written material is an added benefit to you in hopes of assisting you in the development and success of your new Judgment Recovery Business.

If you are on calendar with a coach, please be sure to mark your calendar with your next scheduled coaching session.

I have received and completed MODULE 7.





Below is a list of websites that were discussed during our phone coaching session. Please be sure to add these to your index system.

Skip-Tracing Links:

Other sites:



Assigned Homework:Review and work on any outstanding homework from prior sessions.

Review the attached handouts. If possible, attempt to find someone by using your skip-tracing skills that you have to date. If you have an assigned judgment, have you located your judgment debtor? If you do not have an assigned judgment yet, pick a long lost friend or relative, attempt to find them.

Practice googling. “Google” is a very good search engine. It is important that you can find things. This will make you a better Investigator. “Google” your own name, address, cell phone number and any other phone numbers you might have to understand how this concept can help in locating possible POE and additional information on a JD.

Using “Google”, type in your state name (i.e. California Courts). You should find a wealth of information directly from your state specific court website. This may include state specific forms, rules, procedures, etc. Take time to review these sites. Be sure to save any information that you might need to use in the future (such as any forms). Remember to view any information on conducting a debtor examination or interrogatories.

If you have not located information about the use a subpoena from your state’s court website. Try “Google”, type in your state name (i.e. California Information Subpoena) and locate your state specific information regarding the use of the subpoena to obtain information from a third party. Be sure to create a folder on your computer to save any state specific forms , rules and additional information that you may want to research again in the future.

If you have not located information about recording a judgment thereby placing a lien on real estate from your state’s court website. Again using “Google”, type in your state name (i.e. California judgment lien on real estate) and locate your state specific information regarding the procedure, forms and fees relating to placing a lien on real estate.

Most liens on business property are recorded thru the Secretary of State. If you were unable to find information relating to this from your state’s court websites. You can either visit your state’s Secretary of State website or again use “Google” to search.

Be sure to review the State Specific Information inside the virtual campus in the Madison Hall area for additional information and forms relating to filing liens and conducting debtor examinations in your state.

You will also want to visit the Student Library in the Adams Hall. There is a wealth of information here. Be sure to visit the Reference area and review all documents relating to the Miranda and FDCPA.

Finally, if you have not done so, contact your levying officer in your county and confirm that they serve bank levies and/or wage garnishments. How many copies of each required document do they require and what is the fee needed? If they do not serve civil process, then find a process server that does and gather the information now as to how many copies are needed and the necessary fees involved with the service.

Other Attachments:Week 7 – Overview & Short Quiz (we will go over the answers during the first part of your next scheduled coaching session).

Handouts – “10 Ways to Locate your JD’s Bank Account”, “10 Ways to Locate your JD’s POE”, “Finding your Judgment Debtor ….”, “Tips to Remember when locating your JD’s Bank Account” , “Questions for Debtor Examination” and “Order for Delivery of Property After Examination”.

Upcoming Module:Module VIII (Asset Investigation Techniques - Basic):

  • The “Writ” – Whati it is and what does it mean
  • Garnishments & Third Party Garnishments
  • Bank Account Levies
  • The Do’s & Don’ts
  • Q & A