Bargaining Game - Guide C
(guide E has the united decision happening first, guide D has the endowment to the grandmother & united second;
guide F has grandmother endowment and united first)
- The third activity is completely different. It has to do with the possibility of purchasing this book for the baby. This book was made especially for this study, so you will not be able to find it in any store. It is made especially for babies, so that begin to develop culture in the house, beginning to appreciate books even when small. Also it is a teaching book, and with this the baby can count numbers. It is made of a strong material which can be washed. Please observe the product and then we will explain the activity.
- In this activity, the teenage mother receives R$ 9,00 and the grandmother R$ 3,00. The grandmother receives her money no matter the outcome of the activity, but with the teenage mother’s money we have the opportunity to buy the book. The problem is that we don’t know what the price of the book is. We only know that it is between R$ 0,00 e R$ 9,00 and that the value will be whole numbers, no cents.
- The teenage mother is going to send a messenger to the store with R$ 9,00 for the store with a named value and these instructions: if the price of the book is above the value that she chose, the messenger should not buy the book and bring all the money back. When the messenger arrives at the store, the price is randomly chosen. If the price is the same or equal to the value that he remembers, the messenger buys the book and brings it and the change back to the teenage mother.
4. Understanding Questions
(confirm grandmother is also understanding and answering)
If you choose a value of 5 and the price of the store is 7, does the messenger buy the book? How much money do you get?
If you choose a value of 2 and the price of the store is 2, does the messenger buy the book? How much do you get in change?
If you choose a value of 6 and the price of the store is 4, does the messenger buy the book? How much do you get in change?
If you choose a value of nine, for which price does the messenger not purchase the book? (none)
If you choose a price of 0, can you receive the book?
(Only if the drawn price is 0 will you receive it for free.)
Let each one hold & look at the book.
Show the envelope of the store with the prices. Show the zero, nine, and others.
Place the tickets with the price of the store in the store envelope and demonstrate the drawing of the store price.
- The problem is that the messenger is forgetful. He does not only ask the value of the teenage mother, but also asks for a value from the grandmother, and both of you together. The grandmother has an opportunity to say up to how much the daughter should pay for the book. When the messenger arrives at the store, he draws from these three values to see which of these he remembers.
Doubts? Questions? I can summarize if you would like.
You can jump if they indicate they understood.
6. Remember the entire activity. The grandmother receives $R3 no matter what. The teenage mother receives $R9,00. She sends this with the messenger to the bookstore. She tells the messenger a value saying if the price of the book is above the value, he should not buy the book and bring all the money back. If the price is the same or less than the value, he can buy the book and brings the change back. Except the messenger is forgetful and asks a value from the grandmother and both together. In the store he remembers only one value (randomly). The store draws a price randomly. The messenger compares the value he remembers to the price and in accordance with this, the messenger purchases or does not purchase the book.
(Doubts? Questions?)
- Third activity: Please do not speak with the other participant. Remember that this activity can be the one that occurs at the end and we should do it seriously. First write on this ticket your individual value, between 0 and 9.
- Now we will do them united. You can write your values united here, on this ticket. We will leave so that you can discuss without our influence. Let us know when you finish.
- Here we finish with the activities. Thank you so much for your participation. We will now begin the questionnaire and at the end we will draw to see which of the activities we will use for awarding your compensation.
Show the tickets of the three values: teenage mother, grandmother and united. These are on the activity sheet in the questionnaire. Place these in the messenger’s envelope.
Indicate all these actions with the tickets and envelopes.
Give them pens and let them write their values and then write this on the questionnaire.
Leave them alone, leaving the house to wait.
Experiment Script & Protocol for
Teenage Mothers and Their Mothers: Intergenerational Intrahousehold Allocation in Salvador, Brazil